Re:Hook's Weekly Update 0.2B

Subject: Re:Hook's Weekly Update 0.2B
From: Mikkonen Jani (
Date: Wed Nov 24 1999 - 09:30:00 EET

joshua 'hook' corning:
>Hook's Majik3d Weekly Update Nov. 17 - Nov. 23
>10. Starting location proposals
>Two starting locations have been decided upon. It is recommended that we
>focus our attentions upon designing complete descs of these areas so
>that we have a good idea of what the world will look like at the start
>of the game. there is also a third region as of this update has not been
>decided upon. The e-mails declaring these areas as the starts can bee
>found here:
>Lamarhen - neutral
>Voran (Nalor Thaan) - evil

Well, I actually proposed one place earlier: Silvercreek, Thalamon.
Maybe it would be that third starting place (good). I still wonder, should
there be
one location more....

- Brethel -

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