Stat system for designers

Subject: Stat system for designers
From: Atte Koivula (
Date: Thu Nov 18 1999 - 19:40:54 EET

This document describes the Majik stat system.
=== Overview ===

The stat system of Majik is 2-dimensional; all living beings, including
animals, monsters and humanoid races, share a common race value for
each individual stat which ranges from 1 (field mouse) to 200 (celestial 
dragon) and individual race members have a comparison value which ranges from 
-50 to 50 (thus 0 being the racial average) which describes the quality of the
stat compared with other representatives of the race.

=== Race Value ===

The scale of the race value is logarithmic instead of linear, so it 
should NOT be interpreted like: "Dragons are 200 times stronger than mice". 
Medium-sized humanoid races are vaguely around 10-20 on this scale. This 
scale is very easily tuned by looking at the individual stats of creatures
in some Chaosium RPG manual.

=== Comparison Value ===

The nature of the comparison value scale is undetermined in the sense that it
is neither logarithmic nor linear. A value of -50 of an individual stat means
that the stat is at the absolute poorest end of the individual stats of the 
race and a value of 50 means that the stat is the best possible reachable
value of the race. 

=== Relationship between Race Value and Comparison Value ===

Final Comparison Value = Race Value + (Comparison Value / 10)

- Yorkaturr -

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