Re: radical departure

Subject: Re: radical departure
From: Atte Koivula (
Date: Thu Nov 18 1999 - 09:43:45 EET

> > The goal of making a world where players make history is perfectly
> > executed in a world that begins on a dynamic setting, then evolves to
> > where ever it may drift, but with reason. If you dont understand what i
> > mean with reason in this subject, ask  - and eat a shitload of > > smartdrugs.
> Implying that I am dumb and incapable of understanding the concepts you
> are defending is juvenile and counter productive. Stick to the
> discussion please instead of taking jabs at my intelligence and
> character.

I agree with Hook on the basic concept, however there's a little
misjudgement here. Mandor probably implied that maybe he's beyond human
understanding because he himself is a consumer of smartdrugs and is
unable to see it himself. It was a joke probably, but smartdrugs can't
hurt anyone :P

/Atte "Yorkaturr" Koivula <>

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