Subject: Re: radical departure
From: Pekka Toppi (
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 12:58:30 EET
I dont understand one thing: why are you so afraid that players will destroy everything? Cities have guards and newbie players won't stand a chance in fair combat. The only way for the players to change anything right in the beginning is by teaming up to great numbers and that is the same thing Hook tried to say. Then they would vote for the changes by grouping together. I agree about the world being too large to built completely. Does anybody have any ideas about how we could change this? Or make the problem disappear. One solution is to built it as we go, from the borders. ************************** Pekka = ************************** Ei, en ole ottanut laakkeitani Ei, en halua niita Kylla, olen terve Kylla, olen ehja
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