Fw: MUR!

Subject: Fw: MUR!
From: Jonathan Koehn (Eleril) (dgkoehn@gbasin.net)
Date: Tue Nov 09 1999 - 17:20:13 EET

yes random monsters arent that great. but some areas lack life besides
 animal life.
Which is ok i guess if we dont want to many monsters. The Vorack , Goblins,
Nine horse men, Undead minions, Greater demons, Brates, Dryads, Necrolytes,
Shadows are the best known monsters so far and we need more monsters.
ps i wasnt using combination of american and latin words. I was just trying
to come up with names. also i was doing this to pas the time since i didnt
have much else to do in design
(Eleril) eleril@majik3d.org
 Check out https://majik3d-legacy.org/
 Majik 3D project
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Atte Koivula <yorkaturr@majik3d.org>
> To: <majik-design@majik3d.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 3:03 AM
> Subject: MUR!
> > I would like to point out that things such as Eleril's random monsters
> > are not really useful at the moment, especially considering there's
> > nothing really exceptional about them, they are just absurd
> > reconstructive combinations of existing animals with names that are a
> > bad combination of latin and mundane english (Amphifur???, Canid refers
> > to canines in latin), and we have agreed NOT to use latin officially
> > since Glabrezu posted his ideas about Majik's star system last year.
> >
> > Please concentrate your efforts on larger scope things such as areas for
> > now and bear in mind that it is not required to come up with something
> > new, personal, innovative and imaginatory in everything you do before
> > someone comes up with a green poisonous giraffe with red fangs and
> > bat-like wings and calls it "Gurglehyena". Coherence is more important.
> >
> > _/_
> > /Atte "Yorkaturr" Koivula <yorkaturr@majik3d.org>
> >
> > True darkness is not the absence of light.
> >
> >

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