Re: Maps

Subject: Re: Maps
From: joshua 'hook' corning (
Date: Tue Nov 09 1999 - 13:20:10 EET

Mikkonen Jani wrote:
> Please send me all existing maps (maybe some other format than .pmg) because
> i'm going to change that damn font and replace some names and add places which
> are not mentioned there.
> - Brethel -

I put up all the maps I have munipulated as well as the original world
map without the names on it at

There are now .tiff and .gif versions of them found there. Do not use
the .jpg versions becouse they are FUBAR. The world map without the
names is under kartta.gif.

all the crop maps that i munipulated use this map as the original and
are blown up by a factor of 10

If you have problems down loading from the ftp e-mail me and ill send
them via e-mail to you

PS. you need to turn something off on your e-mail client or isp your
e-mails keeps asking for a reply.

Joshua 'hook' Corning

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