Subject: Re: new monster
From: Atte Koivula (
Date: Mon Nov 08 1999 - 16:04:52 EET
> I ment real as in not in a VIDEO GAME as in real people go to real > churchs and worship what they belive in the real world. The tora and > king james bible and the koran exist in the real world. But presumably > do not exist in the fake virtual world of majik. Text in majik's > libraries about religion should be about the fake religions of our fake > majik world. > > I am not trying to conintate that fake is a negative term i am just > being percise in my gramatical syntax. Well of course Majik's libraries shouldn't contain RL-religious texts, I am quite confused why you felt it necessary to mention that, as no-one has, in my knowledge, portrayed any interest to add anything like that to Majik. Oh well, it's good to have it written down as a design rule anyway, just in case :P
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