Re: Flashback

Subject: Re: Flashback
From: Jonathan Koehn (Eleril) (
Date: Thu Nov 04 1999 - 20:18:06 EET

I forgot I was doing some work on covewood region. you can use some of it if
you like.
this is the address of the page
i started rearranging thalamon if you like you can look at how i arranged it i added a little to it you can
use if you like.

welcome back ! :)

----- Original Message -----
From: Mikkonen Jani <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 6:16 AM
Subject: Flashback


I'm Brethel, formerly known as Belemar. I've been 4 months away from here
this very refreshing period I decided to change my name and working methods.
Here on,
I'll mainly concentrate on doing drawings/paintings/computerpics of various
things, you may give me some ideas, but I'd also like to continue my work
kingdom of Thalamon, if you don't mind.

And with the following pic I began the second epoch of the Adepts

- Brethel -

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