Subject: Re: Flashback
From: Jonathan Koehn (Eleril) (
Date: Thu Nov 04 1999 - 20:18:06 EET
I forgot I was doing some work on covewood region. you can use some of it if you like. this is the address of the page i started rearranging thalamon if you like you can look at how i arranged it i added a little to it you can use if you like. welcome back ! :) (Eleril) ----- Original Message ----- From: Mikkonen Jani <> To: <> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 6:16 AM Subject: Flashback Greetings! I'm Brethel, formerly known as Belemar. I've been 4 months away from here and during this very refreshing period I decided to change my name and working methods. Here on, I'll mainly concentrate on doing drawings/paintings/computerpics of various things, you may give me some ideas, but I'd also like to continue my work with kingdom of Thalamon, if you don't mind. And with the following pic I began the second epoch of the Adepts - Brethel -
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