Covewood Moutains Region

Subject: Covewood Moutains Region
From: Jonathan Koehn (Eleril) (
Date: Tue Oct 19 1999 - 18:45:52 EEST

Heres what ive got on this region so far

1. Description
2. Climate
3. Flora
-3.1 Trees
-3.2 Bushes
-3.3 Plants
-3.4 Cave Flora
4. Fauna
-4.1 Flying
-4.2 Ground
-4.3 Water
5. History
6. Geography
7. Cities/Landmarks
-7.1 Cove Castle
-7.2 Cove Peak
-7.3 Red Peak
-7.4 Batling Mount
-7.5 Cove Cliffs

1. Description
These moutains have a variety of wildlife and a few mysterious creatures. As
well it said that some of the moutains have caves. There is also rumored to
be a ancient castle here. There is a range of flora here.

2. Climate
It has a 4 year season, winter being the longest and getting quite cold in
the high peaks. It has a coolish summer, and a short spring and fall. Fall
often has snow. And spring usually has a few freezes. Fall brings a nice hue
to the maple trees.

3. Flora
3.1 Trees
Giant sequioyas, redwood, Maples, Giant sequioyas are a tree that is
extremely large some are big enough to say ride 3 horses side by side
through also so may be bigger. Redwood it gets its name from its dark redish
scale like bark. Maples a tree with fairly large leaves which turn from gold
to red in the fall. Also some contain a sweet surupe.

3.2 Bushes
Brambles, raspberry bushes, Brambles a thorny like climing plant which can
grow in to almost impenitrable walls. Raspberry bush a bush with thorns but
is known for its delectiable fruit the raspberry.

3.3 Plants
Poppies, wildflowers, and the cove flower, Squirrel Fern, Glacial Fern,
Squirrel Fern is called this because of its branch leaves, that are shaped
like sqirrel tailes. Glacial Fern is a beautiful fern having frosty white
leaves all year around. Poppies a beautiful flower with bright orange
blossoms. Wildflowers ranging from blue to pink blossoms.

3.4 Cave Flora
Hydro fungus, liches, mushrooms, Hydro fungus is a carnivorus fungus. It
shoots a stinging stream of bacteria water at its prey. Then when it feels
it is able to it covers it prey with a slime like stomach also which it
sprays on the prey. Liches a whitish glow moss that is on the floor and
walls of the cave. It is a very slippery surface one can slip on. Their is a
variety of mushrooms here some used in medicines and some to eat and some
that are poisonous.

4. Fauna
4.1 Flying
bats, bluejays, Bats are from fox bats to blood thirsty bats. Of which
different varieties live in these caves. The bluejays are found spread
through out the forest. They have a tendency to have a annoying voice.

4.2 Ground
bears,Dez deer, cougars, racoons, chipmunk,batlings, Cave Crawler, The bears
here are brownish black unable to clim trees but are swift and big thus a
formitable foe. Dez deer chech out Skyghaim for more info on them. Cougars a
big cat that is swift and cunning with great strength its claw being able to
break a arm. Racoons a curious creature that is usually nocturnal it can be
trapped with a shinny piece of metal in a cage. Chipmunk a small squirrel
like rodent with black and white stripe down its back but with brown fur.
Batlings (not described yet i think)

4.3 Water
Cichtrout, crawdads, clams, moon glow fish, Cichtrout check out the Skyghaim
region for info on this. A few coldwater crawdads live here some try to snip
adventures that may enter their waters almost as if to eat them. The clams
are a delicous food for adventures that find them. But be careful with them
for they may try latch on to your finger as if it where their own. Moon glow
fish are located in the many cave pools of this region. They glow like the
full moon at night.

5. History
This region was once home to ancients. What is left of their settelment is
the Castle called Cove Castle. It is a ancient castle that still maybe has
sages, and/or ancients living there still. But this castle is well protect
by artifacts and a bramble patch. That at present time only the sages,
ancients and gods know how to enter safely.

6. Geography
This region is mostly moutains with some of the moutains brushed up against
a swamp. Also some of the moutains extend into the ocean. Their is as well
caves in these moutains.

7. Cities/Landmarks
Cove Castle is hidden in Cove peak somewhere.

7.1 Cove Castle
There is rumor of a castle hidden up in the moutains. It is as well rumored
to have been built by the ancients. It is a structure of maginificent size.
But what is amazing is how it is so well hidden. It is surrounded by a wall
of brambles and thistles. Inside the wall there is a beautiful garden which
is full of raspberry bushes. The garden and castle almost seem taken care of
but you dont notice anything that looks like anyone has been here.

7.2 Cove Peak
Cove peak the center most moutain also the tallest in this region. Cove
Falls a rather large fall which trickles in late fall but gushes water in
late spring its located on the east side of Cove peaks. Sequoia Forest near
the base of Cove peak on the east side.

7.3 Red Peak
Twin falls these falls are located north east of Cove peak in the moutain
called Red Peak. The Redwood forest is located around Red Peak.

7.4 Batling Mount
Batling Mount is the moutain south east of Cove Peak by few adventures
coming through have said of a bat like creature walking upon its hind legs.
This moutain is full of cave like catacombs which house numerous bats and
different creatures and a variety of fungus and a few cave pools which house
a few fish.

7.5 Cove Cliffs
Cove Cliffs go out into the ocean one must be careful not to get boats to
close to these cliffs or else ye surely be dashed upon the rocks their
located south east of Cove peak.
Where they reach out into the water they have sharp rocks and breakers these
to combined are dangerous to any boat that gets to close.


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