Re: magic and magical arts

Subject: Re: magic and magical arts
From: Taneli Tikka (
Date: Wed Oct 13 1999 - 16:20:31 EEST

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, Ari Miettinen wrote:

> >space-wide gate that re-routes sunlight elsewhere. Or he could even wrap
> >the planet of majik inside a space-bubble and cause all light to go around
> >it.
> I stand corrected: Eternal night could work like that too. There are
> many ways to create similar effects. Some of those many ways could even
> avoid nasty repercussions like eternal winter as a side effect of eternal night.
> This can be generalized to all magic.

Yep.. we need some _serious_ algorithms to create that flexible
magicsystem :) .. well no biggie.. :)


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