Re: Old gods, new gods, ancients, structure of reality.

Subject: Re: Old gods, new gods, ancients, structure of reality.
From: Taneli Tikka (
Date: Tue Oct 12 1999 - 22:39:10 EEST

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, joshua 'hook' corning wrote:

> Taneli Tikka wrote:
> been written yet. But in majik the gods are the ones who wrote it in the
> language of magic. I don't know if this just clarifying mandors
> description of magic or completely changing it. His magic system seems
> to bounce back and forth on the nature of magic. i.e. is magic matter
> and energy or is it a system or is it both? Anyway I just had to put
> that out there. Unless everyone suddenly sees this as the better system
> which probably won't happen and I have lost any intrest on the subject
> we will probably stick with mandors prime partical thing.

humm.. maybe me using magical-essence there was misleading.. and i did
write that mail in a hurry.

Magic it self ISNT really anything, it isnt energy, matter, mind or
anything. there is no such thing as "magic" or "magic is something" forget
the whole idea :)

instead try this : the gods made the universe in such way that everything
consists from primal particles. these particles from patterns, and these
patterns create and shape things like life, time, space, matter, energy,
spirit, mind, etc.. but that particle or these things are not magic - this
is just the answer to 'what the universe is made of'

Then magic is = magic is the event when you manipulate these patterns.
When you change the patterns energy and create a fireball you manipulate
the reality around you - shape the various patterns to suit your purpose. 
magic is that EVENT.. it isnt any one abstract thing. Manipulating reality
is called magic. But it really is the very event where you shape the form
of the universe.

This the wireframe model to explain it all :

we have one primal praticle:  


then many particles create a pattern


then many patterns create the whole pattern of life (forexample)

 ........ .  . . .......... . . .
. ............ . . . ............ .
........... . . ......... .. ..
....... . . .. ........ . .......... .
........ .. .......... . .. .
........... . . .  ............ . .
... . . .. .. . ..... . . .. ..

Okay then the art of magic is the event where you do this :

  ...                ....
  ...                ...
 .....            ......
 .....       ->     .....   
  ...                ...
  ...                  ....

You change the pattern, or a part of a pattern to something else.
For example : a mage casts a spell that is "slaying spell of elves"
what this spell does is that it attacks the pattern of life on elves, and
possibly dissolves it = result being death.

okay need i explain more? :) i will if i need to.. i try to make
this as clear as possible.

- mandor

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