Re: The God Mandor

Subject: Re: The God Mandor
From: Taneli Tikka (
Date: Sun Oct 10 1999 - 01:33:56 EEST

On Sat, 9 Oct 1999, Tommi Leino wrote:

> On Sat, 9 Oct 1999, Taneli Tikka wrote:
> > humm.. creation myth was designed this way back in 1997 or 98 =) i had no
> > idea it had been changed. humm.. Can if find the storyform-myth of
> > creation on the ftp site? 
> The story form myth has been there since `98 and it was approved.
> . Remember that it is _story_ form meant
> for the mortals, but as a precise description how it really happened. That
> hasn't been never fully decided. It should be.

we had a talk with yorkaturr, sinister about the real events. and they
agree with me. how it went and how it was agreed on around 1997 or so..


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