Re: status of coders, designers etc

Subject: Re: status of coders, designers etc
From: Beregar (
Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 20:05:50 EEST

joshua 'hook' corning wrote:

> Beregar wrote:
> >
> > 2.3     Weapons & Armors
> >
> >         Vorack don't use weapons or armors. They have excellent natural weapons so why would they
> >         make artificial? They have also thick skin, especially older members of race, which can ea
> >         sily withstand blows from blunt weapons though it is a weaker against heavier slashing wea
> >         pons. Arrows and sling bullets make them only angry but crossbow bolt is fast and strong
> >         enough to penetrate their skin.

This is easy to change

- Beregar (

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