Subject: Re: I was wondering what things where left in design that i could choose to do. Thanks
From: joshua (
Date: Mon Sep 20 1999 - 22:14:08 EEST
> Jonathan Koehn wrote: > > Eleril at Ypu could help design one of the unclaimed region desc. and design a race. I think there is a hold on all non-human races at the moment. but there is plenty of human lands to describe. be sure to tell us what land and race you choose though so i can update this list. r = reserved - Arctic r Western Mals (Ice Elves - Mandor) - Zimr - Mal Tikh - Barren Isles and Northern Minartan r Mal Yirith (Necrolytes - Malekith) - Myrrgor, Skalvind & Erythia r Mountains of the Malediction (trolls - Jormap) - Minartan - Sol'daran r Western isles (*hidden* - Beregar) - Terrenir - Meral & Gwaelmar (Dwarves) - Chain of the Sledgehammer - Puce Mountains - Chain of Eldhelomin - Thalamon - Tacit Forest - Prairie of Dhyrin - Lake Lokhmar - Groaning Forest - Dethzael - Skyghaim - Mountains of Eclipse - Swamp of Enmity - Dardalon - Swamp of Pelnor - Covewood Mountains - Eastern Minartan Isles r Lanuin (Dark Elves - Mandor) r Torell - (human tribe Tore'e 0.6 - Joshua_hook) - The Reef Isles r Beheran, Filas and Hamil (High Elves - Mandor) - Central Waters - Sea of Tears - Quiet Sea (Sea Elves - Mandor) - Isles of Vram - Nemen - Sea of Niral - Vestian - Voran - Black Waste - Tulmarun - Ur Alif (Djasim) - Estrean - Mantle Mountains r Nalor Thaan (human region 0.0 - Joshua_hook) r Thjarr - Marmundi - Ominous Ocean and Sea of Tailwind - Gean - Eldiron r Ghalimcar r Desert of Brahjian (Brahjian - Beregar) r Chain of Bared r Chain of Harand r Zamurdi - Thasia & Lamarhen - Pristine Forest - Mountains of Umalin - Lamarhen Lakes - Azure Lakes - Lake of Memories - Gwelthor (Catfolk - ?) - Valiar - Areon r Nin'calaris & Danheir (human tribe - Darshan) - Tragothar (Orcs - ?) - Waste of Burning Ash - Gorr - Cawing Mountains - Pumice Mountains r Althainon ( human tribe Althainions 0.9 - Joshua_hook) - Forest of Abborrence - Sea of Flames - Sea of Tranis - Crescent Isles r Osthel (Osthelian Pixies - Beregar) - Grey Ocean - Outer Sea - Borak
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