Re: Spell symbols

Subject: Re: Spell symbols
From: Taneli Tikka (
Date: Wed Sep 08 1999 - 19:14:48 EEST

On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Atte Koivula wrote:

> This is our current symbol list. Balance them or whatever.

Humm okay lets see.
> Alteration    \\
> Control        \\
> Creation        - Technique
> Destruction    /
> Detection     /

Hum.. why do we need techniques or forms at all.. why not just create
different spheres - symbols that automatically include all techniques -
everything involved with that symbol... humm.. maybe its wise to keep
techniques but power/form isnt that vital, could be only one of
them/neither of them. and it would work better.

those are 100% rip from arms magica - but its a damn good system :) made
so simple and logical it is a good rip. Creo, Intellego, Muto, Rego, Perdo
- as techniques suit just fine, they cover just about everything.

> Fire        \\     
> Air          \\
> Earth         \\
> Water          \\
> Flesh           - Power
> Nature         /
> Plantkind     /
> Magic        /
> Mind        /
> Spirit     \\
> Image       \\
> Arrow        \\
> Being         \\
> Essence       / Form
> Key          /
> Sphere      /
> Weapon     /

Now these do need to be put in tune.. we dont need powers and forms. Only
spheres. I see no point in separating the elements - not in symbols but
maybe in actual spell as an argument, otherwise its going to bee too hard
to code a system that allows fireballs or waterbolts - if there would not
even be an argument for it. 

and whats with that arrow-form? or key?.. or weapon? huoh.. 

earth, water can be combined to "matter" symbol
flesh, nature, spirit, being, essence,  plantkind to "life" or "spirit" symbol
fire and air (as in electricity) can be put into "force"
magic need its own symbol, as does mind.
image isnt a symbol at all since all illusions exist either A) inside some
persons mind (which puts in to mind symbo) or B) as optical/holographic
illusions which puts image symbol to "force"..
essence, being etc symbols can be put to life, spirit or soul - which ever
you want to call it. 


one very good option would be make an ars magica rip for techniques and
mage the ascension rip for symbols. that would create :

Creo, (i create) - creation
Rego, (i control) - control
Intellego, (i perceive) - detection
Muto, (i transform) - changing
Perdo, (i destroy) - destruction

Vim, (prime/vis) - the force of magic - building parts of magical force.
Correspondence, (space/dimensions) - the consept of abstract space.
Entropy, (chaos/order - decay) - progressive disorder
Forces, (fire,lightning,etc,etc) - all forces
Life, (animal,human,body,etc) - life force
Matter, (earth,water,plants,etc) - all matter
Mind, (human and animal mind alike) - study of sentience
Spirit, (soul/essence/etc) - study of the ethereal
Time, (time :)) - just that - time.

with those 5 tehcniques and 9 symbols it is possible to cast any possible
spell. we dont need more symbosl than that - instead of symbols we need
arguments that can be given.. like targets or form.. THEN we might need
those arrows and weapons etc.. but not as actual symbols.

Like 'create-life' would be a heal spell, or a ressurect spell, or a spell
that creates life to a golem.. we dont know if we dont create arguments
(NOT symbols - arguments) then it could be cast like : 'create-life-golem'
etc.. and even without arguments those techniques and symbols can be
combined any-way-around-and-across.. like :

create destruction (abstract magic)
control creation
destroy time spirit
create life matter


anything is possible.


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