Re: Spell list

Subject: Re: Spell list
From: Taneli Tikka (
Date: Wed Sep 08 1999 - 00:16:57 EEST

On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, Tommi Leino wrote:

> On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, Taneli Tikka wrote:
> > at least im not done with those symbols.. i think they need optimizing..
> > we should have FEW symbol instead of MANY.. it is fairly easy to invent
> > near-infenite number of symbols.. an example :
> That has been so since the introduction of Aluna's truename spellsystem.

i disagree, we have way too many unbalanced symbols right now. They need
clearing up. The idea might have been there - but we have lost it :) lets
do it now then for good.

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