Re: Spell list

Subject: Re: Spell list
From: Taneli Tikka (
Date: Tue Sep 07 1999 - 18:58:51 EEST

On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, Juha Jantunen wrote:

> > I asked about this once and I was mailed a list of symbols by someone
> (Namhas or Beregar I think), so there are already quite a number of the
> symbols... And I think the same person said to me that they'd fit the
> spells to the symbols later, after the spells have been done (at least
> some)...

at least im not done with those symbols.. i think they need optimizing..
we should have FEW symbol instead of MANY.. it is fairly easy to invent
near-infenite number of symbols.. an example :

symbol of energy

.. now that symbol covers ALOT of thing, but can be divined into nearly
aything you can come up with.. like :

potential_energy, kinetic_energy, electromagnetic_energy, heat_energy,

etc.. etc..

I see no reason to try invent some stupid and no-good symbols like "the
symbol of stroking a cat" :).. instead the symbols should be few and in
balance.. that means that each symbol must have equal sphere of
influence.. now is "energy" and "stroke a cat" symbols in balance? surely
not.. but "energy" and "matter" could be much more.

spells are the easy part imho.. symbols build up everything.


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