Re: Althainon 0.9 & Torell 0.6

Subject: Re: Althainon 0.9 & Torell 0.6
From: hook (
Date: Tue Sep 07 1999 - 05:21:25 EEST

	opps. Looks like I didn't word wrap correctly or something. Any way
here is the same thing but readable.



	1. Desription
	2. Climate
	3. Flora
	4  Fauna
	5. History
	6. Geography
	   6.1 River of black Tears (Harem's Tears)
	   6.2 Forest of Abhorrence
	   6.3 Floating Islands
	7. Cities/Landmarks
	   7.1 Adremas
	   7.2 Brearon
	   7.3 Baor
	   7.4 Jarpin
	   7.5 Sadok
	   7.6 Castle Theamar


	Althainon is a region located on the southern portion of Majik's second
largest continent Eldiron. Life in Althainon is dictated by the extreme
seasonal changes brought on by its vicinity to the volcanos of
Tragothar. In the summer and spring months (The Sedise season) it is a
lush green paradise with grassy plains flower covered hills and lush
forests.  In the winter and fall (the Antrok season.) all vegetation
dies, or becomes dormant and the land turns into a desolate waste of ash
ruled by marauding orcs. Western Althainon borders the smoldering wastes
of Tragothar. To the north it borders Areon and the Lamarhen lakes.
Several islands in the lakes are considered part of Althainon. To the
west is the region of Nin'calaris.  The south is bordered by the Sea of
flames. In the south of Althainon is forest land with a small group of
short mountains, the east is mostly ash year around. The central area
are plains rolling hills and a nicely sized river that dumps into the
azure lakes. Also in the central plain are the Floating Islands, 30 or
so large gravity defying land masses that levitate 200 meters from the
ground, circling the central plains region of Althainon in a clock like
yearly migration. In the north near the coast are forests and marsh
lowlands. The primary inhabitance of Althainon are the Althainion people
who toil in the plains during the pleasant Sedise season (spring and
summer) then flee east during the ash driven storms of Antrok (winter
and fall).

	Althainon's climate is controlled by the volcanic activity of
Tragothar. Luckily for the inhabitants it is somewhat predictable (This
can be be done in two ways. Either the winds blow west taking the ash
away during the summer and spring or the eruptions of the volcanoes only
occur during certain months.). The cycle is as follows during Antrok
(Winter and Fall) the land is dead and the sky dark with ash from
Tragothar with rare cloud breaks. Surprisingly the temperature is
actually hotter during these months by about 5 degrees caused by the
hot, ash heavy, air coming from Tragothar. Drastic differences in
temperature between Tragothar and the Lamarhen lakes create massive
storms during these months. Tornados, torrential black rain and
hurricane strength winds are common.
	Becouse of a shift in the winds that blow away the ash storms the
summer and spring months are mild and sunny. During these months the
average temperature stays at a pleasant 72 degrees Fahrenheit (yeah, i
know this needs to be converted to Celsius) and a cool sweet smelling
breeze comes from The Lamarhen lakes and blows west towards the
hellscape of Tragothar. These conditions are by no means completely
constant the lengths of the two seasons are variable some years the
black clouds come late or not at all and in still others the westerly
winds do not blow and take the black storms away keeping Althainon black
all year long. in approximately One in 6 seasons the climate seems to do
one of the above.


	Athainon's plant life is constricted by a six month growth period. What
it lacks in time it makes up for in quantity. The soil of Athainon is
rich with volcanic ash and a high water table. Whole fruit barring
Pipple trees grow 4 meters tall in these short months. In fact the local
inhabitance have forged a agricultural wonder out of this abundance. It
is said that enough food is grown in Athainon to feed all of Eldiron.
Every year hundreds of ships sail down the Black Tear River laden with
pipple fruit vegetables and grain sailing to all the ports connected to
the Lamarhen lakes some even sail as far as the southern shores of the
continent Minartan. Caravans bring the sweet Pipple fruit to the winter
trade center at the western edge of the Desert of Ghalimcar to trade
with the Brahjians.
	Generally during the Antrok (winter and fall) months almost all plant
life decays and dies. Trees making up the Forest of Abhorrence shed
there leaves and become dormant.
	Pipples are a fruit similar to oranges and other citrus fruit except
they are red and oblong. Their peel is a little tougher as well. The
plant itself is a fast growing tree that gets about 4 meters tall bears
fruit then dies but its roots do survive and will grow again the
following year. The Althainion people have domesticated this plant and
cultivate orchards that grow and disappear each year.


	Generally speaking large animal life in Althainon is rare. There is of
course the normal array of bugs, snakes, small rodents, lizards and
birds, none being supernatural or exceptionally poisonous. Although
mosquitos and gnats can be annoying along the River of Black Tears and
in the northern lowlands by Adremas. In the Forest of Abhorrence Larger
animals do exist such as monkeys larger weasels and predatory birds like
owls and eagles, but during the ashen black season all these creatures
either hibernate or migrate (birds). The only creatures that wander the
wastes at this time are rats, lizards, cockroaches and orcs.


	Althainon first became inhabited by humans some four hundred years ago
as groups of Areons slowly began to adaopt to its lands. Befor that it
was completely wild with no permanant settlement where only orcs
traveled through in their raids to Nin'calaris and Areon. It is unknown
as to who or what created the Floating Islands or Castle Theamar or even
if it was the same entity. Their origins lost in the sands of time.



	Also called Harums' Tears. Local folklore has it that when the god
Harum first saw Tragothar he stood on the plains of Althainon and wept
black tears of joy at the sight of it. Those tears became the waters of
the River of Black Tears. Whether this is true or not is unknown. The
river does run black however stained by the black ashen soil that is
deposited in huge amount from the volcanos of Tragothar.  The head
waters actually begin at the small mountain range in the south of
Althainon and travel through the Forest of Abhorrence but mostly in
small streams or under ground. It does not become a full navigable river
until about the center of the Althainon plain. It moves in a generally
northern direction to the Lamarhen Lakes passing by the city of Sadok.
Fish and freshwater crustaceans do live in river dissipate the heavy
black ash sediment. Aquatic life is not abundant though and little
fishing is done along its banks. The Althainions leave that to fisherman
along the coast and concentrate on farming.

	So named because of a great battle that waged here over a century ago.
It was a year in which the black ash storms did not break and the
westerly winds did not blow. Orc attacks were heavy and the city of
Sadok had fallen. An army of Althainions and Nin'calaris converged here
and met the Orc hoards. The battle lasted for six full months and
casualties where very high on boths sides but the Althainions gained
victory. After the orcs had been pushed back to Tragothar and the black
storms had recided The forest was renamed The Forest of Abhorrence to
signify the Althainions hatred of Orcs. The Forest itself is quite thick
and only penetrable within four kilometer of its edge. During the Antrok
season most of its plant life become dorment and loose their leaves. 
Those that do not live along the coast of the Sea of Flames and are
sheltered by the mountains their from the black storms of Antrok. A few
Althainions live in the Forest mostly on the outer edges. They are
Woodsmen who prefere to live in isolation and genneraly shun
civilization. They do consider themselves Althainions though and share
their characturistics. A group of druids also live the forests they too
are Athainion and are very genorus with their healing magics which the
Althainions take full advantage of often travilling here to mend broken
bones cure illnesses and heal battle wounds inflicted by orc raids. The
druids live deeper into the forest then the woodsmen and are belived to
be based near the mountains. Their exact location is unknown but
individual druids or small travaling groups are easily found with the
help of a local woodsmen.


	If there is a set of world wonders on Eldiron these are high on the
list. Floating above the plains of Althainon are exactly 31 chunks of
rock that migrate along a precise counterclockwise elliptical path. In
early spring they reach castle Theamar and in early fall fly over the
city of Sadok. Most of the islands are small only a dozen meters across,
but four of them are exeptionaly large being between a hundred to five
hundred meters in diameter. They all float roughly 200 meters in the air
in a random formation covering roughly 10 square kilometers of air
space. They are solely possessed and inhabited by the Althainions who
use them for food storage to weather in during Antrok, to escape orc
raids and to retake Castle Theamar in the early spring when needed. The
four larger ones have citadels built atop of them giving protection for
archers, the smaller ones used as scouting positions to spot orc bands
off on the horizon. It is common knowledge among the Althainions to know
where each of 31 islands are at all times all being taught as children
with mathematical presition. Large stone slabs set by the Althainions
pock the plains marking the Islands path. Their migration used by the
people to set crop calendar. The origin of the islands is unknown.
Attempts have been made to change their path but all have failed often
in the destruction of the mucked island. Animal life in the forest is
abundent but consiting mostly of smaller animals. There are several
types of monkies a mutitude of birds and rodents, bugs, snakes and
lizards. Along the coast of the Sea of Flames sheltered by the mountains
there are some larger mamals. A few troops of apes, some forest deer and
large cats live here.



	Adremas is on the northern most border of Althainon. It is located in
the center of a marsh and most of the buildings are constructed upon
stilts. Because it is in a marsh many iron smiths reside here collecting
the ore deposits that accumulate in the lowlands. They make weapons
plows nails horse shoes axes etc. Many build up large supplies of iron
work during the winter to sell in Baor during Sedise (Spring and
Summer). The city also supports a small fishing community and merchants
come to buy agricultural goods produced in Althainon. Most of the
residance do not consider themselves Althainion though but are Areons.
It is mentioned here because about five hundred Althainions spend Antrok
(fall and Winter) here. The population is rughly two thousand not
including the seasonal Althainions.


	Brearon is also not an Althainion town but is property of Nin'calaris.
About three hundred Althainions winter here mostly in tent towns across
the river from Brearon. Also nearby a hundred Althainion Woodsman hold
permanent residence in the Abhorrence Forest and often come here to
trade goods. About seven hundred people live in Brearon not including
the Althainions

7.3	BAOR

	Boar is not a permanent city it is a seasonal one. During the Antrok
season (winter and fall) it is completely abandoned. The inhabitants
either migrate north up the River of Black Tears to Sadok and other
small villages along the coasts of the Lamarhen lakes or seek refuge, in
The Floating Islands. During the Sedise season Baor becomes a bustling
trade center. Farmers from all around the Althainon plains region come
to sell their produce. Traders from Nin'calaris come to sell farming
goods and weapons. Smiths who weather in Adremas set up shop here
bringing iron goods and repair horse shoes, swords, and plows. Woodsmen
from the Forest of Abhorrence sell bows, fire wood, and other crafts.
Some even try their hand at farming. The city is in essence a seasonal
tent market. When the last leaves have begun to fall it is empty of all
human life. During the fall and winter months it is picked through by
Orcs who camp there and destroy any human remnants. The peak population
of Baor reaches about 10,000 humans during mid summer although well over
a third of which are not native Althainions, and consist of traders
merchants and suicidal adventurers traveling to their graves in


	The city of Jarpin is wedged between the Lamarhen Lakes coast and just
on the Althainion side of the Nin'calaris border. It sits upon a high
cliff that overlooks the lakes with the only small path for a half a
mile in each direction that leads down to the water. At the waters level
the city has built several docks for merchant and fishing ships as well
as a few tunnels into the cliff walls in which some people live and do
business. Although most residents here do not share the Althainion
migrant farmer, bow slinging, life style of their plains brethren they
consider themselves to be Althainions. This arises partly because of the
some two hundred farmers who spend Antrok here but mostly from their
shared hatred of orcs who have been know to siege Jarpin on their winter
raids. There live approximately 6000 humans here including the 200 who
spend Antrok here.

	Sadok is located at a bend along the River of Black Tears roughly
midway between Baor, where the river begins, and the Lamarhen lakes
where it ends.  It is a well fortified city having two thick ten meter
tall walls encircling it and strong concrete towers that ring the city
about a kilometer out from it . The towers  are used as outposts to spot
orc bands. If orcs are spoted large bondfires are lit atop the towers to
alarm the city.  The area of the city is small for its population.
Private estates are none existant, housing consitiong of multilevel
apartments with shops at street level. Building materials for the
dwellings consists of stone, concrete bricks and some wood but the later
is rarly used to protect against orc fire storm attacks. Everyyear just
before the begining of Sedise a huge fetival is held within the city
called Enantrokfest. The fetival lasts for two days durring which all
nonAlthainions are closed from the city and a new mayor is elected. All
able bodied residebts participate in the election by gathering in the
center of the city and stand next to the the candidate they choose, a
simple head count is conducted and whom ever has the most supporters
wins the mayorship for a year.  The population of Sadok fluctuates
through the year. During Antrok mostly only Anthainons reside here
keeping the population at roughly 7500. Durring Sedise it vurtualy
emties of Althainions dropiong the population of Althainons to 2000 but
a large influx of traders murchents, and ship crews raises the
populatuion to 5000.  Althainion property is often rented out to the
visitors at this time. Outside the city about 3 kilometers to the west
Althainions have placed dozens of severed orc heads impailed open 4
meter tall poles as a warning to any orc bands who travel nearby.


	 "Abandon all hope ye who pass this point." Castle Theamar is the last
human settlement before entering Tragothar. When adventures go to meet
their doom in the western lands of Eldiron they will stop here for
provisions and information. It's construction is ancient and has existed
before any elf or dragon alive can remember. It is also indestructible.
It is said that the Gods themselves could not tear down it's black
smooth walls. This is however probably not true. They either don't care
or its existence purely amuses them. Though the gods have never tried to
harm the castle mortals have and none have ever left a scratch. The
structure itself is 100 meters tall and 18 meters wide at its base. It
is divided into eight 10 meter high tiers each one becomes smaller as it
gets higher. Each tier is self contained and defensible.
	 During the Antrok season (winter and fall) between 100 to 200 brave
warriors (i.e. lunatics) stay in the castle and defend it against orcs.
Most years they survive the onslaught giving up maybe half of the tiers
and a quarter of the men before Sedise (spring and summer) and the
return of the Floating Islands at which point the orcs retreat from the
arrows that fall on them from above. This is not always the case though,
every ten years or so the orcs do take the castle but usually give it up
in the Sadise season.



	1. Introduction
        2. Appearance
        3. History
        4. Culture
           4.1 Food & Trade
           4.2 Phylosophy and Temperment
           4.3 Military
           4.4 Law and Order
           4.5 Woodsmen and Druids
        5. Religion
        6. Language
        7. Althainon
        8. Role-playing

1.	Introduction

	Althainions are foolhardy, reckless, talented and hardworking. They are
constantly on the move either running to plant crops on the fertile
plains of central Althainon in the Sedise (spring and summer) or running
from the harsh weather and onslaught of orc hoards that comes in Antrok
(fall and winter). They are similar in ancestry to the Areons of the
north. They have dark straight hair, although red hair does show up
especially among those living in the Forest of Abhorrence and across the
river from Brearon, and black, brown or hazel eyes. Their skin is very
dark, almost black in color and their features sharp with high cheeks,
sharp noses, and defined jaw and chin.

	Althainions are ruled by the changing seasons of Althainon. During the
Sedise (Summer and Spring) they grow enormous quantities of crops on the
rich soil of the plains from the banks of the Black Tear River to Castle
Theamar. Then when the wind changes and black ash clouds set in they
pack up and flee to winter on the shores of the Lamarhen lakes and
within the well fortified city of Sadok. At which time they hold
extravagant feasts and engage in a mortal game of cat and mouse with the
invading orcs that pour into Althainon with the Black storms of Antrok. 

2.	Appearance

	Althainions generally appear unkempt with grubby faces, tangled hair
and dusty wreaked cloths. In the Antrok season (winter and fall) they do
clean them selves up a bit, bathing mostly and lame attempts at keeping
there cloths and hair tidy. Their tastes in clothing are utilitarian in
look and fashion. Both men and women wear thick pants heavy shoes and
plain long sleeve shirts or ponchos<--(there has to be a better name for
this). At festivals, though, women have been known to wear dresses but
these are usually reserved for the young and unwed. Their physique is
gangly and awkward having lean well muscled arms and large strong
calloused hands from plowing and harvesting.  They are also always with
bow and arrows. Items that never leave their sight.

3.	History
	The Althainon people arrived to there now home land some 400 years ago.
They are closely related to the people of Areon and in fact slowly
migrated from that land as they addapted to Althainon's harsh
conditions.  Most of how they live has remained unchanged since they
migrated here exept for some refinements to the harsh enviornment they
call home. 
	War have played an important part in shaping Althainion history. They
have been at constant war with the orcs of Tragothar; the most recent
large scale war occured about 100 years ago when a great leader unified
the Orc tribes and set off to conqure all of western Eldiron. Through an
ueasy aliance with Nin'calaris, Thasia and the peoples of Areon they
where able to push back the Orcs. Many cultural prescidents where set
from this war. The most striking were the incorperation of women apon
the battle feild, the habitation of the Abhorance Forest by Althainions,
heavier fortification of Sadok and the Floating Islands, and continued
year long occupation of Castle Theamar along with a more binding
political military agreements with the Areon people. In the past there
has also been conflicts with the people of Nin'calaris. Mostly border
disputes and scremishes with Nin'calaris malitia who travel into
Althainon in pusute of Orc who yearly raid portions of Nin'calaris.

4.	Culture

	Althainion culture is shaped by the land they live upon. They are wild
like the seasons that wreck the land and rebirth it again each year.
They live to the fullest be it in work or play and have a tentative
respect for nature and weather that is similar to how a seaman views the
	Common life of Althainions is a wild binge and purge of activities
between hard work and leisure.  In the Sedise season (spring and summer)
they rush madly to the Althainon central plains to sow their crops. At
this time they work hard often 18 to 20 hours a day. Then in late Sadise
they harvest what is left pack up and leave often with enough food to
last three years. They haul it on rafts, put it on mules and stack full
the graneries atop the Floating Islands. Most spend the Antrok months in
the walled city of Sadok but others winter on the coast, in the Lamarhen
islands, in the Forest of Abhorrence and atop the Floating Islands. Then
the feasts and festivals begin. Althainions are renouned for finding
reasons to celebrate. They have parties, post-harvest fests,
pre-planting fests, weddings, Orc raiding calebrations both befor and
after, coming of age parties for young men and women even for funnerals.
They drink eat and spend the large sums of wealth which they accumulate
from trading their crops.
	Althainions are plaged by war brought by the orc who invade Althainon
year round. Though this is more prominent during the Antrok season,
which the Althainions avoid by migrating, it remains a constant threat.
A threat that has forged the Althainons into some of the best archers in
all of Majik.  It is said that any Althainion child of twelve can shoot
the wings off a butterfly 300 meters away. They teach the leasons of war
to their children at a young age and regard it as an unpleasent necesity
for survival. These wars have faustered a deep hatred of orcs and few
things please an Althainion more then to watch the death throes of an
arrow filled orc. 
4.1	Food and Trade
	The abundance of food produced during the Sedise (spring and summer)
season make Althainions some of the most well fed humans in all of
Majik. Huge stores of grain and fruit preserves are kept by them for the
Antrok season. Enough to feed them even in years when Antrok season does
not end. With the great aboundace of food they make a good sums of money
through trade. Most trading in Althainon accures at Baor durring the
Sedise season.  Hundreds of ships, caravans, craftsmen and merchents
converge there to buy Althainion grown crops and to sell goods to
Athainions. The crops are usually sold for cheap because of the sheer
quantity produced but goods sales are fair the Nin'calaris usually kept
honest by the competition of tradesmen and craftsmen from Adremas and
the Lamarhen lake Islands.  Little trade accures in the city of Sadok.
There is some exchange of luxuary good for festivals and the purchase of
fish livestock and woolen goods but generaly not as as much for another
city of its size. The city of Jaspin has fishing and trade to support
itself. The Althainion Woodsmen from the Forest of Abhorrence produce
bows and arrows, the bow strings made from the guts of orcs, plow and ax
handles and other crafts which they sell at Baor along with fire wood.

4.2	Philosophy and Temperment

	Althainions are simple, strait froward, loyal and honest. They act how
they feel and think. If they are angry they show it, if happy they
dance. Deceit is none existant among them. A common saying among them is
"No lying thief has ever lead a richer or happier life then any honest
man I ever heard of." They have a deep respect for the land they toil
upon and share that respect among thier brethren.  Community among the
Althainions is a neccesity to servival. They are genouruse to one
another almost to a fault; riches and possessesions are seen as next to
nothing when compared to the freindship and loyalty they bestow upon
each other. It is not uncommon for a family to give up half their crop
earning to neibors who fall apon hard times.  As stated above
Althainions show their emotions. This leads to the view that they are
very hot tempered.  It is not uncommon to see Althainions screeming at
the top of their lungs at one another. Although disagreements are common
they never end in blood shed only in red faces and some shoveing and are
resolved with an even hand and quikly forgotten. Althainions are feircly
loyal. An indescretion against one Althainion is against all
Althainions. Sword play in a tavern against an Althainion often leads to
a quick death to any outsider.

4.3	Military

	Formal Oginization of arms does not exist among the Althainions.
Instead more of an organic cordination accures when the time is needed. 
Every Althainion knows basic statagy and war tactics along with
exeptional archery skills all which is taught at an early age. It is
said that a bow is placed in an Althainion childs' hands, both boys and
girls, before they can walk. Althainions are the best human achers in
all of Majik if not the best period.  They are accurate at a full run
while fireing at targets behind them.  In Sedrok archers apon the city
ramparts and along the outer towers have range targeted, with leg fired
bows, as far as a kilometer out and kill orcs by the dozens each year
before the orcs even see who is fireing apon them.
	After four hundred years of waring with the orcs the Althainions have
adapted a simlpe yet effecteive stratagy.  They unload as much arrows
apon an attacking group of orcs as they can then run. Althainion war
tactics are based apon defence and soft retreating archers. Orcs have
been known to attack Althainions a hundred stong bering down apon a
group a fifth their size chasing the Althionions over kilometers of
plain to only be picked off one by one before they even get within sword
striking distace. The keystone to Althainion defence and survival are
the Floating Islands. The inacesibility of the Islands Combined with
althainions exeptional archery skills make them  verual inpenitrble to
the orcs. They are used as a safe base apon which the althainions
waether the most feirce orc attacks. In fact most agricultuarl work is
done in cync with the moving Islands so that working Althainions on the
plains can flee to them at a moments notice never more then a few
kilometers away. Althainions are rarely offencive in battle prefuring to
flee only holding ground at Sadok, Theamar castle, and within the
Floating Islands. They have never attacked into Tragothar land but do
encurage adventures to do so in the hopes that some orcs will be killed
before the adevturers inevitable demise.

4.4	Law and Order

	Althainions lack any written set of laws and regulations. Instead they
rely upon "common sense and the law of the land" as they like to call
it. Luckly little enforcement and litigation is needed. Althainions are
to honest to be thives or huslters and most arguements over land ond
property are settled between themselves.  If an arguement is
unsettleable a mutual freind will act as arbitrator who's desision is
almost always adhered to. Capital offences such as murder and rape are
treated quickly and brutily, death being the only sentace for such
crimes.  Exucution of such punishments are done by mob, archer firing
squade as the preforable method.
	Decisions and government are finalized by consencus or elected
official. Leadership positions are filled when the time is needed
scouting party and war band leaders are choosen on the spot with an
inpromptue election and unquestioned. Government in the city of sadok is
decided once a year by a general election but no decition is made by any
single man or women without some input by fellow citezens. Althainions
see themselves as freemen, and free women, and as such view servitude,
usuary and slavery as abominations and are simply not allowed. 

4.5	Woodsmen and Druids (im not sure i should use the term druid should
i come up with something orinal in name)
	A small population of people live in the forest of Abhorrance and are
refered to as Woodsmen. They are of Althainion blood and character. The
Woodsmen are the extreem of Althainion belief and temperment being
highly individualistic and shun civilization. They prefer the isolation
of nature and the forests.  Woodsmen live off of what the forest
provides. They produce wood crafts and exeptional bows and arrows which
they often sell at Baor during Sedise. Some even try their hand at
farming on and off through the years. Family groups of 3 to 7 idividuals
live in wood treehouse like structures that are nearly imposible to see
being well camoflaged from orc maraders. Lone woodsmen living deeper in
the forest are not uncommen. 
	Druids live deep in the forest and number from seventy five to a
hundred they worship Grebifor the god/goddess of nature and practice the
art of healing upon the population of Althainon. Their main residence
within the forest is not known even among the woodsmen. Each year a
group of five or ten travel to Baor where prospective children are
asesed and worthy one are allowed to join the Druids. The ages of those
chossen are between 10 and 12 and only 2 to three aare taken each year.
Druids can be found fairly easily within the forests for they often
travel among the trees and make their presence known to the woodsmen by
frequently stopping at their homes and staying for small times at commen
gathering places.

5.	Religion

	Althainions are generaly privite among strangers in their worship and
do not hold grand cerimonies or have temples dedicated to their god
Grebifor. Their belifes and spiritual feels do run deep but they view
religion as a personal affair and are humble in their worship. Prayers
are usualy done silently but can be spoken aloud at meal times, with
children at their bed time or befor the celebrations that acure at
Antrok. Althainions also sing spirituals about and to their god while
working in their feilds. They worship almost exclusivly Grebifor god or
goddess of nature. Grebifor lacks any gender because to the Althainions
nature has no gender.  The druids of the Forest of Abhorrence are
holders of religios knowladge for the Althainions and those seeking
spiritual and religious guidence will travel to the forest for such
knowledeg often spending up to a year there learning the ways of
Grebifor. Althainions also pay homedge to Aerfik god of archery and
defencive war though to a much lesser degree. Befor a battle or while
making a bow they will sometimes say a silent prayer asking for his
6.	Language
	Antrok means black and Sedise means green in Althainion. The Althainion
language is nearly identical to the lanuage spoken in Areon exept for a
few more dirogitory terms used by them to describe orcs.

7.	Althainon

	Althainon is a region located on the southern portion of Majik's second
largest continent Eldiron. Life in Althainon is dictated by the extreme
seasonal changes brought on by its vicinity to the volcanos of
Tragothar. In the summer and spring months (The Sedise season) it is a
lush green paradise with grassy plains flower covered hills and lush
forests.  In the winter and fall (the Antrok season.) all vegetation
dies, or becomes dormant and the land turns into a desolate waste of ash
ruled by marauding orcs. Western Althainon borders the smoldering wastes
of Tragothar. To the north it borders Areon and the Lamarhen lakes.
Several islands in the lakes are considered part of Althainon. To the
west is the region of Nin'calaris.  The south is bordered by the Sea of
flames. In the south of Althainon is forest land with a small group of
short mountains, the east is mostly ash year around. The central area
are plains rolling hills and a nicely sized river that dumps into the
azure lakes. Also in the central plain are the Floating Islands, 30 or
so large gravity defying land masses that levitate 200 meters from the
ground, circling the central plains region of Althainon in a clock like
yearly migration. In the north near the coast are forests and marsh
lowlands. The primary inhabitance of Althainon are the Althainion people
who toil in the plains during the pleasant Sedise season (spring and
summer) then flee east during the ash driven storms of Antrok (winter
and fall).

8.	Role-playing

	NAMES: In the words of Beregar "I demand names that has preferably have
nothing to do with any real life languages. Structure of name must be
suitable for their language (check words). If I, or preferably players
of this race find some person using unsuitable names there will be
punishment of some sort, like creation of new character. Should same
person continue violating these rules and I'll see personally that he or
she won't play Majik anymore."(Although I probably don't have that kind
of power:) )
	BATTLE: In hand to hand Althainions use most types of arms; swords,
axes, pikes, spears, etc. All Althainions use bows and train to be the
highest proficancy in its implementaion as possible. On the whole they
are defencive warrriors and are exelent in the art of statigic
withdrawl. Often firing their bows then retrieting back past another
battery of archers and setting up to fire again.
	RELIGION: They are deeply religious and are unbending in faith to
Grebifor, but are private in their worship. They are often seen praying
but such prayers are silent. They do not not like to speak of worship
and religion with strangers.
	MAGIC: Magic at this point holds no peice of althainion life. Though
they have no aversion to it. It is not inconcivable for an althainion to
leave Althainon in search of magic. The Druids in the Forest of
Abhorrence do practice magic but it is of a religious nature and
primarily used for healing and defence.
	PHILOSOPHY: Althainions have little trouble saying what they think.
They should be played brash if not a bit rude. They are quick to anger
but not quick to start a fight. They are exeptionaly loyal and will
fight with their lives to defend a friend. They are not eisilly allied
with but when they do make freinds it is with the deepest love and
loyalty. They also hate orcs and will have nothing to do with them. They
usualy kill them on sight if it is within their power.

	1. Description
	2. Climate
	3. Flora
	4  Fauna
	5. History
	6. Geography
	   6.1 Kras Mountains
	   6.2 Nepland Island
	   6.3 Gryweer Island
	7. Cities/Landmarks
	   7.1 Hascron
	   7.2 Irix
	   7.3 Griklen Temple


	Torell is an island off the the eastern coast of the continent of
Minartan. It is just south of the elven island of Lanuin and north of
the Islands of Filas and Beheran.  To the east of it spans the endless
waters of the Gray Ocean. The closest Land of Minartan to the west are
the wilds of Dethzael. Most of the Island is forested with deciduous
trees and a small amount of conifers. Covering about a sixth of the
island in its north northwestern portion are plains that had been forest
but were cleared away over the years by the native inhabitance. The
Trees being used for construction of boats and housing and for firewood.
The Isle is surrounded with shallow rocky shores, as Lanuin is, making
it very difficult to approach Torell from any direction. Only the
Tore'e, who inhabit the isle, know how to tack the shallow waters
surrounding the isle.
	The climate has four seasons but the extremes are mild due to the wet
warm air blowing from the south Gray Ocean. It is Inhabited by the
Tore'e people who are exceptional seafarers and traders. The small
forested islands of Nepland and Gryweer located just west of the main
Island are considered part of Torell by the inhabitance. 

	The weather of Torell is very damp and cool having only a hand full of
days in the summer of open sky sunshine. Harsh rain and thunderstorms
are uncommon with windy cold drizzle being the norm. Seasonal changes
are evident but mild, temperatures staying usually between 10 and 20
degrees celsius year round.  In the fall all the tree shed their leaves
and the forest explodes with color. Blues yellows reds oranges and
purples of every hue paint the tree limbs and floor of the forest.
During the winter it does snow but only two to three times and usually
doesn't last long because of the rain and dampness that melt it away.
Also during the winter the Islands of Torell receives most of its rain
fall. in most years between 1 to 2 meters in the three month period. In
the spring the temperatures rise a bit and the trees bud and grow leaves
that are a bright, almost fluorescent, green. The northern plain of the
main land becomes filled with bright flowers and green shoots of grass
and shrubs. In the summer the temperature raises some more and the
clouds clear for a few weeks. It often becomes muggy with damp warm air
that sits stale over the islands. Every  fifteen years or so the
southern gray ocean spits up a hurricane that strikes the islands and
unleashes deadly havoc. Pounding rain and 150 kph winds beat down upon
the wildlife and people of Torell uprooting trees demolishing houses and
sinking ships. Along the eastern coast huge waves pushed by the wind
have been known to toss sea water nearly a kilometer inland in some
places killing untold numbers of trees and wildlife.

	The plants of Torell are well adapted to the seasonal changes that
occur there. The Islands' wet mild climate are well suited for plant
life and the smaller plants such as grasses and shrubs stay relatively
green and grow year round. Trees and larger shrubs in Torell are mostly
deciduous and during the fall they shed their leaves and stay dormant
during the winter months budding in the early spring. There are some
conifers that grow on the eastern coast of Torell's main island which
are more adapted to the high salt content of the soil there that is due
to periodic hurricanes that awash the coast in ocean water. The origin
of these conifers is much debated among the Tore'e as they lack any
resemblance to other conifers found in all of the known lands of Majik.
This has led some to speculate that the trees originate from seeds that
have washed ashore from some distant land lying across the vast expanse
of the Gray Ocean. The trees are called Mouse trees because the unique
shape of the cone seeds that resemble the top tail end of a mouse.

	The animal life of Torell is quite unique being relatively isolated
from the main land.  Birds and lizards have taken up many of the niches
normally filled by mammals. A large four legged lizard prowls the coasts
and forests of the islands. The Tore'e call them Tewik Dragons, they
grow to be up to 7 feet long from head to tail, are very vicious and
have been known to kill lone travelers.  The Tore'e use the scaled skins
of these beasts for their soft boots they wear on ship deck. Wingless
bird are common some having grown claws at the tips of their wings using
them to clime trees and live as monkeys would. Others have grown in size
and walk on strong legs with long necks that reach up to 5 feet from
head to foot.
	The original inhabitance of Torell were the Akreb Goblins who were
mostly wiped out by the Tore'e when they first arrived. The Akreb now
only inhabit Gryweer and small parts of Torell's main island along the
western coast across from Gryweer. These creature are highly aggressive
and territorial. They attack humanoids in large swarming numbers with
sharpened sticks and stone tipped clubs. They show little intelligence
aside from simple tool making and fire use. In appearance they are a
meter to 125 cm tall, have thin wiry bodies, tar black hairless skin,
sharp teeth, and monstrous faces with large pointed ears. Males and
female show no difference in size but male grow yellow fur mains along
the spine of their back.  The Akreb are exceptional tree climbers and
can swoop down upon their pray with blinding speed. They are omnivores
and the meat they eat is primarily the young and eggs of the Tewik
dragons though on rare occasions they have been known to kill a large
Tewik adult.


	Up until three hundred years ago, when the humans arrived, the Islands
of Torell remained uninhabited by sentient beings except for the Akreb
Goblins whos sentience can be questioned. The Islands were surveyed by
the Zrei'gu'aiuo elves when they first arrived at the eastern islands
anout 900 years ago but, preferring Lanuin, left the islands wild. When
the Tore'e took possession of the island they first settled at where
Hascron is now situated. They quickly set to work building their ships
and houses clearing forest land and killing off the Akreb goblins. Irix
was settled some hundred years later. The Torell have never engaged in
open warfare after the slave rebellion in Lanuin. They have had some sea
skirmishes with Zrei'gu'aiuo ships and fought off slavers who attempted
to enslave peoples along the northern Minartan coast but nothing as
drastic as full fledged warfare.



	The Kras mountains are located in the north western portion of the
Torell island just about a kilometer south east from the city of
Hascron. They are actually not mountains at all but rolling hills. Most
of the hills are cover with forest and they are the highest point on
Island. The grassy portions of the hills and the plains near them are
used primarily to farm sheep by the few Tore'e who live there.


	Nepland is the larger of two islands just west of the Torell main
island. It is Forested with deciduous trees and at its southern most
point sits the Tore'e city of Irix.  Aside from the city the island is
sparsely inhabited with but a few fishermen living along it shores. The
Island's coast is rocky and tretcherous. Sailing near it or landing at
its shores take expert knowledge that only the Tore'e possess

	Gryweer in the smaller of the two islands just west of the Torell main
island. It too is forested with deciduous trees. Although it lacks any
human inhabitance the tore'e consider it a Tore'e possession. Aside from
the regular animal and plant life found throughout the Torell islands
there live here Akreb goblins. These creatures once lived all over
Torell and its islands but were exterminated by the Tore'e. Some do
still live on the main Island of Torell near its western coast but are
believed to have migrated from Gryweer after the initial killings. They
are vicious animals who attack in large troops thus over powering any
humanoid with their sheer numbers.


	Hascron is located on the north west coast of the Torell main island.
Tore'e are its primary inhabitance and it is the largest of the two
Tore'e cities. It is here that the Tore'e build their ships in their
numerous ship yards. It also holds most of Torell's permanent residence,
unlike Irix which is more of a trading port. Fishermen, ship carpenters,
and retired sailors are its primary inhabitance.  Its population is
about 3000. Also within Hascron is the Great Tore'e navigation library
which holds tens of thousands of book describing the waters, trade
routes, stars, lands and peoples of Majik. Many rutters and old ship
logs can be found here. The library is not a lending library but allows
all Tore'e free access to most of it books. Its funding relies primarily
on donations of rich Tore'e traders and fees paid by foreign scholars
who study here. Patrons are allowed to scribe copies of the books and
the library rents out the services of scribes for such work. Some of the
more rare books such as "Tilmak's Journal of the Lands Beyond the Gray
Ocean" or "The Lands of the Necrolytes" can only be read for a fee.
Young Tore'e who dream of piloting, captaining or navigating ships are
often found here studying. The population of Hascron is 4112.

7.2	IRIX
	Irix is a Tore'e city located on the southern tip of Nepland Island. It
is the primary trading center for Torell and the Tore'e people. Ships
destined for lands all over the three continents of Majik moor here.
Exotic good are sold ijn the floating markets on small skiffs that wind
in-between ships loading and unloading food stuffs crafts and raw
materials. Part of the city in fact floats on the main harbor.
Structures made of wood bob up and down in the harbor serf. Others stand
on large pears that jut out 200 meters from shore. The population of
Irix is smaller then Hascron most of the occupants not being permanent
residence. Those that do live in the city support the economy as
merchants, shop keepers, Inn keepers, and tavern workers. There are some
fishermen but less then is found at Hascron and on the coasts of the
main Torell island. The premenent population of Irix is about 2000 but
as many as 5000 can be in the city at any given time.


	Griklen temple is one of the few stone structures on the islands of
Torell. It sits on the surf beaten rocky shore in the south eastern
corner of the main Torell Island. The structure stands 50 meters tall
and is a gray citadel lacking any windows.  It was built some 100 years
ago with huge sums of coin taxed from the Tore'e by the priest's
"donation" collectors and now serves as a temple and residence for the
clergy hierarchy. The large granite stones from which temple is built
are smooth and were quarried from the mainland then shipped at great
cost upon Tore'e ships.


The Tore'e

	1. Introduction
	2. Appearance
	   2.1 Clothing, Weapons & Armors
	3. History
	4. Culture
	   4.1 Cities
	   4.3 Law & Order
	   4.4 Sea life
	   4.5 Military
	   4.6 Food & Trade
	   4.7 The Zrei'gu'aiuo Elves
	   4.8 Philosophy & Temperament
	5. Religion
	6. Language
	7. <homeland>
	8. Role-playing

1.	Introduction

	Tore'e are exceptional seamen perhaps the best on Majik. Their ships
can be found moored at every port of the known world.  Many are born far
from their ancestral home often in the shadowy corners of ships or in
the up stairs rooms of a wharf tavern. However all Tore'e are proud of
their heritage and most return to their isle of Torell. Those who live
on the Isle of Torell are commonly called Fisher people because fishing
is a common occupation. Most Tore'e however prefer to transport cargo
and passengers, mostly between Eastern Isles and Minartan. Their ships
are small, durable, quick, can sail both in deep sea and up larger
inland rivers and have, with the sure hands of a Tore'e crew, the almost
magical ability to weather the harshest of storms.
	Their ancestral lineage originates with the peoples of Thalamon. They
came to the eastern Islands with the Zrei'gu'aiuo elves. The small tribe
of the then Thalamon people started out as laborers and servants helping
the elves cross the wilds of Minartan but through constant swindling by
the dark elves they slowly became slaves to them. They reached Lanuin
and stayed there for about 600 years as slaves to the elves at which
time they rebelled and left Lanuin to settle on Torell. Since that time
no Tore'e has set foot on Lanuin.
	Sea life has made Tore'e strong and sturdy. They have weather beaten
tanned skin usually blond, white or gray hair, bright green, blue or
gray eyes and average a height of 176 cm for males and 165 cm for
females. Tore'e don't need large cities because they spend most of their
time at sea. They live in small wooden cities and villages on the coast
of the Torell islands. They are peaceful people who see war either as a
threat to business or an excellent opportunity for it. Though should the
need arise their small fast ships are easily rigged for war. Tore'e
aren't interested in magic but they are fanatic worshippers of sea gods
and are shadowed in their favor. 

2.	Appearance

	Tore'e have strong, fit, muscular builds due to the hard work required
of all mariners. Their weather beaten, dark tanned skin and blond, white
or gray hair often makes them look older than they actually are. This is
betrayed though by the Tore'e deep set bright blue, gray or green eyes
which appear ever young and hold an adolescent arrogance. On land the
sea faring people of Torell move clumsily and appear out of place, but
on the open sea, standing on the prows of their ships, they are as
sturdy as rocks and move about deck with a sure foot during even the
most turbulent of weather. Tore'e are seldom fat, which is mostly due to
the hard labor required for sailing ships but also due to scurvy,
dysentery foreign strains of influenza and cholera that often run
rampant aboard ships and leaves sailors bodies toothless bald and
wreaked. Men often wear beards but keep their hair short and often
shaved. Women also keep their hair short. Average height of Tore'e males
is 176 cm and weight 80 kg. Average height of Tore'e females is 165 cm
and weight 60 kg. 

2.1	Clothing, Weapons & Armors

	On land and sailing in the waters near Torell the Tore'e wear drab
brown spotty rain gear consisting of wide hooded long coats, boot covers
and legging that is water sealed with rubber grown in the jungles of
Zamurdi and human urine. Indoors and under the rain gear they wear wool
sweaters and pants which are dyed with bright colors. Most common
clothes are trousers, soft boots, sweater and cap which protects them
from the sun. In warmer climate clothing is usually made of cotton and
is warn loose. Also boots are not necessary in warmer climate and most
prefer to go barefoot. Tore'e enjoy wearing gold and silver and both
male and female adorn themselves with armbands, necklaces,  bangles,
rings and earrings made of these precious metals. 

	Tore'e prefer trade over war and do not support a permanent navy.
However, their ships are often filled with weapons & armor. For hand to
hand combat they prefer small short bladed weapons such as cutlasses,
scimitars or daggers which are light weight, easy to carry and quick to
unsheathe. They rarely wear armors but some who offer mercenary services
as cargo guards do wear leather armor, and arm themselves with bows,
pikes and heavier bladed weapons. All of the arms employed by the Tore'e
is of foreign craftsmanship being that the lands of Torell lack any
skilled weapons smiths.

3.	History

	Tore'e ancestral lineage originates with the peoples of Thalamon. There
they resided in the western Delgrain forests near the Chain of
Eldhelomin mountains as a small tribe of hunter gatherers. They came to
the eastern islands with the Zrei'gu'aiuo elves, over a thousand years
ago, during the Zrei'gu'aiuo's great hundred year migration to Lanuin.
The small tribe of the then Delgrain forest people started out as
laborers and servants helping the elves cross the wilds of Minartan but
as generations of the human tribe came and went and through constant
swindling by the Zrei'gu'aiuo they slowly became slaves to the elves.
When they reached Lanuin the human tribe had grown in size but had lost
all of their freedom.
	Six centuries passed on Lanuin as the Zrei'gu'aiuo's aversion to human
contact slowly led them to become absent masters. The humans were given
more quarter in their daily lives and allowed to worship their own gods,
slave master their own people, everything so long as the dark elves did
not have to look at the human scum. It was at this time that the Tore'e
began to master their seamanship skills being given the responsibility
of sailing trade ships to the main land and the elven kingdoms to the
south. Slowly discontent festered in the ranks of the humans and when
the elves, whos' perception of time is slightly askew, finally began to
tighten their grip it was to late.
	The humans rose up and a bloody slave rebellion soaked the soil of
Lanuin red. The war lasted for ten years and casualties where high,
nearly half of the elf and human populations being killed. A peace was
found about three hundred years ago when the humans sacked the
Zrei'gu'aiuo's precious capital city of (NAME NOT DETERMINED YET).  The
humans were given the wild lands of Torell and three magical sea clocks
that keep perfect time. Since the rebellion no Tore'e has set foot on
Lanuin and no elf, Zrei'gu'aiuo or otherwise, has been allowed upon
Torell soil. The location and possession of the seaclocks is unknown but
believed to be still among the Tore'e people. The value of the clocks is
immeasurable for with perfect time latitude can be fixed and the
crossing of the Gray Ocean becomes possible.

4.	Culture

	 Almost all Tore'e are either sailors and traders or fishermen and most
travel to far off seas for years at a time. Some Tore'e have never even
seen the isle from which they originate. Those Tore'e who hold permanent
residence on Torell spend most of their time at sea fishing or handling
local trade with the continent and the eastern isles. It is common for
the skilled Tore'e to higher out their services to other foreign ships
and lands as captains, pilots, navigators and common crew
	Because of sea life Tore'e do not need large fortified cities and
prefer to live in small open settlements of wooden construction. The
homes in their towns of Hascron and Irix are simple and well built.
Simple, because of the little time they actually spend in their homes
and well built because of the many skilled carpenters who also work in
the shipyard. Sea farers don't have many laws or taxes, they follow
common trade laws. 
	As a people Tore'e are not hostel but are seen by those who trade with
them as usurers and greedy because they extract high prices for their
exotic goods and impeccable services. They are also viewed as highly
honorable; it has been said at nearly every port in Majik that "Any man
who claims he's been cheated by a Tore'e is a liar". Tore'e are both
proud and sensitive about their reputation and take great offense to any
slander to their name as well as any pirating and theft of transported
cargo by fellow Tore'e. They have been known to go to extreme lengths to
hunt down any rouge Tore'e ships and sink them giving no quarter to
their drowning crews.
	Tore'e show little interested in magic, scholarship or literature but
most of them can read and write. They are fanatic worshippers of sea
gods making large and valuable sacrifices in their temples which is
believed to be the main reason why the sea gods tend to favor them.

4.1	City Life

	Tore'e have only two permanent cities on the islands of Torell for most
of them prefer life as traders and sailors. Nearly all Tore'e who decide
to live more stable lives as fishermen, tavern keepers and ship
carpenters reside on the Torell Islands. All Tore'e, including those
born far from the isle who have never seen Torell eventually return to
Torell following a deep rooted mystical pull. Some say say it is a
magical curse cast upon the Tore'e when they were enslaved by the
Zrei'gu'aiuo as a means of preventing escape.
	Most Tore'e who hold permanent residence on the islands live within its
two cities. Cities are mostly built from wood because there is very
little stone on the islands or any skilled masons. People who live in
the cities spend most of their time at the sea fishing and trading on
the continent or south with the elves and generally only reside on land
for winter when the heavy winter storms make sailing difficult and
	Most skills such as trade, ship handling and fishing are learned at sea
but there are also some craftsmen within the cities who often take
apprentices. Both cities have large shipyards which built excellent
ships that are sold to both Tore'e and Foreigners. Mercenary services
can also be purchased in Irix which offers cargo guards. There are
numerous taverns filled with guides, navigators and other seamen. Cities
have also many shops and markets which offer a wide range of goods and
exotic foods.
	Temples, mostly through rich people, run the cities, they are
responsible for maintenance, public sanitation and order. Tore'e cities
do not have schools.  temples are responsible for basic teachings such
as writing and reading as well as convert pupils to worshippers of sea

4.2 Law And Order

	Tore'e do not have much in the terms of written laws, instead they rely
more upon their deep sense of honor and tradition. This honor extends to
every part of Tore'e life, a person is nothing if not his word. If a
Tore'e brakes a deal, steals, or lies he will be shunned by all of
Tore'e society and cast out never allowed to return to the Islands of
Torell or to deal with fellow Tore'e. This facet of Tore'e society is in
direct opposition to the structure of the Zrei'gu'aiuo elves' society to
the north on Lanuin and is considered by Tore'e as the last rebellion
against their former masters.
	Each city is lead by a city council which consists of all it's
inhabitants. The council decides punishments and votes upon legislation.
The City councils sit once a month, however to have legal power council
meeting must have at least 30% of all citizens present. If legislation
gets majority votes behind it, it's accepted and even those who are not
present must obey the decisions made there. Legislature at council
rarely deals with taxes.
4.3	Sea life

	Though all Tore'e originate from the Isle of Torell, many of them are
born at sea or in the upstairs of a marine tavern far away from their
homeland. Cities are resting spots for most Tore'e, safe havens from
winter storms or were they can empty bulges, reseal hulls, buy supplies
and hire new crews for their ships. Many Tore'e are born at sea, live at
sea and die at sea. Children learn the art of trade and sailing as well
as reading and writing from parents, seamen and passengers. 
	Tore'e sea farers are honorable people who respect trade pacts and
common sea law. Of all Seafarers Tore'e are the least likely to practice
piretism and view such behavior as abominable. This does not mean that
they don't, from time to time, smuggle contraband. Tore'e abhor slavery
and will not engage in their transport. Tore'e will attempt to liberate
any slave ships they come in contact with if they have adequate forces.
Tore'e sailors tend to be more fanatical in their worship of the sea
gods than those who hold permanent settlements in the isles. 

4.4	Food & Trade

	Tore'e are excellent sea traders and perhaps the best in the world.
They travel to nearly all ports of the known lands of Majik. They
produce little on their home land that is exported but instead by cheap
from foreign lands and sell it where it is in demand. The Grain fruit
and spices produced in Althianon is sold throughout the world as well
rubber grown in Zamurdi are but two examples.  On the Islands fish is a
common staple produced there some wool and lamb is made as well. Most
house hold do grow gardens of vegetables but all other foods are
imported and usually sold at above average prices found elsewere in
Majik.  Few smiths live on the islands and the vast majority of the
metal items owned by the Tore'e is produced elsewhere. Most trade in the
Torell islands passes through Irix where the main port of Torell is
located. The city of Hascron is a larger city though and most fishermen
reside here. Most ships are built here as well which are one of the
Tore'e main exports. They their fine and expensive ships all through the
the three known continents of Majik.

4.5	Military

	Tore'e are not warriors but this doesn't mean that they are incapable
with weapons. Even if they don't have military training they use their
weapons quite well and what they lack in melee combat, they win in ship
battle. Their small ships are very fast, surprisingly durable and easy
to arm with small catapults or ballista. In sea battle they often easily
evade both shots from larger ships and the ships itself and at closer
range fill those ships with burning quarrels from their ballista.

4.6	The Zrei'gu'aiuo Elves

	The Tore'e were once swindled into slavery by the Zrei'gu'aiuo but
through a bloody rebellion regained their freedom some three hundred
years ago. Tore'e have a vivid written and oral memory of this
experience. Because of this the Tore'e are very protective of their
lands and people. They act aloof to strangers and even more so to non
Zrei'gu'aiuo elves. They have no contact with the Zrei'gu'aiuo despite
their close proximity to the island Lanuin. They stay well away from
their ships but do spy on them from time to time. Information of ship
movements of the Zrei'gu'aiuo is spread quickly among the Tore'e. Each
of their ships names is known as well as common shipping lanes they
take. Small sea battles have occurred in the past but usually are just
some fired arrows and few ships have sunk on either side because of it.
No elves are allowed on Tore'e and the sea god priests use magic to test
suspicious foreigners for any illusions or disguises.

4.7	Philosophy & Temperament

	To other races, both human and otherwise, the Tore'e are viewed as
distant and sullen. They do not speak of their personal lives to
strangers and generally only talk of trade. The reseane for this is that
Tore'e distrust outsiders and view them as lacking honor. Their society
as a whole is still deeply scared from their ancestral experiences as
slaves of the Zrei'gu'aiuo elves. They were tricked by the elves into
slavery and see getting to entrenched with foreigners as a risk to their
freedom. They do view the Zrei'gu'aiuo with much disdain and greatly
distrust all elves. They do trade with the elves in the south but keep
such transactions strictly business level and rarely spend more then a
night at elven ports. They do not have any dealing with the Zrei'gu'aiuo
and will refuse to transport anyone, regardless of the price, to the
island of Lanuin.
	Among fellow brethren Tore'e are more relaxed. They drink, boast of
their travels and engage in merriment. In general when in the company of
their fellow Tore'e are like any human and engage in normal social
relations. Although Tore'e are mistrusting of strangers they will give
out information obtained from their travels freely but in such a way
that it will not elude to their personal experiences. Instead they will
give descriptions of lands and peoples as if reading from a text book.

5.	Religion


6.	Language

	The language of the Tore'e is a guttural form of Tiala which is the
common tongue spoken by elves. They speak this language because of the
heavy influence the Zrei'gu'aiuo had upon them during their enslavement.
The Zrei'gu'aiuo, at the time of the Tore'e's slavery, would not let
them speak in the Zrei'gu'aiuo's own language Zadicc viewing it as a
desecration to their fine language. Instead forced their slaves to learn
Tiala preferring it over the Tore'e's long forgotten ancestral human
language. The only Zadicc word in the Tore'e's vocabulary is the word
"Tore'e" which is what the Zrei'gu'aiuo called the humans, after the
slave rebellion, as they left Lanuin for Torell as freemen. It
translates roughly as "Shit of Torell"
"Tore" being the Zadicc word for Torell and "'e" being a common
euphemism spoken by the elves to describe humans meaning in literal
terms, "shit". The Tore'e know full well what the meaning of their name
is but keep it as a badge of honor to remind them of the price of
	Tore'e hold vast influence over the sea trade of Majik and because of
that the Tore'e guttural form of Tiala is commonly spoken at all trading
ports, human or otherwise.
7.	Torell
	Torell is small forest island located south-east from Lanuin. Unlike
Lanuin, Torell is mostly covered with deciduous forest with some grassy
plains in the north. Weather in Torell is mild for its northern location
and wet all around the year. the Isle is surrounded with shallow rocky
shores, as Lanuin is, making it very difficult to approach Torell from
any direction. Only the Tore'e, who inhabit the isle, know how to tack
the shallow waters surrounding the isle. 

8.	Role-playing

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