Some questions

Subject: Some questions
From: hook (
Date: Tue Aug 31 1999 - 09:19:25 EEST

I am currently designing the region/race desc for Torell and need some
info on the Dark-Elves that live just north of Torell on the island of
Lanuin. I understand the elves are the responsibility of Mandor. So
Mandor could you please post what you have on them and the region of

Specifically i need:

Dark-elves real name
History as in how did they get to Lanuin- I want the Torelluneuse
migration to torell to correspond with the elven migration and need
dates and specifics
Relationship to humans and specifically Torell. I want to work with you
on this one in fact i have taken the liberty of saying that the
Torelluneuse people are the only humans allowed to port their ships at
Lanuin. Humans can go there but they either have to get there by elven
ship or by Torellunuese ship. That is if its ok with you.

Lastly i need some info on the nature of Majik. I at the moment assuming
that Majik is a globe. I read some of the design threads and see no
definite dissection on this. Also are there other lands beyond the three
continents. I am assuming there are as i described below and am
wondering if this is OK.  The race i am working on is in the position
both location wise and skill wise to be the ones to discover any new
lands. Also if other lands do exist i am assuming that no humans elves
dwarves live there and only creatures not in the two colliding rooms
exist there. Any way in my flora desc for Torell i have given evidence
of other lands please read it and let me no if its ok.

""3.	FLORA
	The plants of Torell are well adapted to the seasonal changes that
occur here. The Islands' wet mild climate is well suited for plant life
and the smaller plant life such as grasses and shrubs stay relatively
green and grows year round. Trees and larger shrubs in Torell are mostly
deciduous and during the fall shed their leaves and stay dormant during
the winter months budding in the early spring. There are some conifers
that grow on the eastern coast of Torell's main island which are more
adapted to the high salt content of the soil there that is due to
periodic hurricanes that awash the coast in ocean water. The origin of
these conifers is much debated among the Torellunuese as they lack any
resemblance to other conifers found in all of the known lands of Majik.
It has led some to speculate that the trees originate from seeds that
have washed ashore from some distant land lying across the vast Gray
Ocean. The trees are called Mouse trees because the unique shape of the
cone seeds that resemble the top tail end of a mouse."""

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