[Fwd: to much magic in Majik]

Subject: [Fwd: to much magic in Majik]
From: Beregar (beregar@majik.netti.fi)
Date: Sat Aug 21 1999 - 22:38:47 EEST

attached mail follows:

Wow you sure blew the wind out of my sails :) Anyway i think i need to discuse some of my more fantasic ideas for Athainon I want you to say yes or no to these things First i got flyng islands of land. """""FLOATING ISLANDS If there is a set of world worders on Eldiron these are high on the list. Floating above the plains of Althainon are exatly 31 chunks of rock that migrate in an oblong counterclockwise circle. In early spring they reach castle Theamar and in early fall fly over the city of Sadok. Most of the islands are small only a dozen meters across, but 4 of them are large being between a hundred to four hundred meters in diameter. They float roughly 200 meters in the air. The 4 larger ones have citadels built atop of them. They are soly posessed and inhabited by the Athainions, who use them, if they are near, to escape orc raids and to retake Castle Theamar in the early spring if needed. The origan of the islands is unknown. Attepts have been made to change thier path but all have failed often in the destruction of the island"""""" I created these Islands to give the humans (Althainions) a way to protect themselves from the orcs otherwise why would humans ever even come here. They would be picked off by the orc hordes of Tragothar. Also the magic of these Islands is very limited. They cannot be controlled and CAN be destroyed. Esentaily it only gives enough strategic advantage for the Althainions to hold a stalemate long enough to sow their seeds. And last in defence of the islands they are controlled by the Althainions. A PC would litterally have to take these things by force. Second I got an indistructable Castle Theamar """""CASTLE THEAMAR > "Abondon all hope all ye who pass this point." Castle Theamar is the last, generally, >human settlement before entering Tragothar. When adventures go to meet thier doom in the western >lands of Eldiron they will stop here for provisions and information. Its construction is anciant >and has existed before any elf or dragon alive can remember. It is also indistructable. It is >said that gods have tried to tear down its walls and have always failed. This is however probably >not true. They either don't care or its existance purely amuses them. Thou the gods have never >tried to harm its walls mortals have and not one has ever left a scratch. The structure itself is >300 ft tall(about a 100 meters yes i know ill make this meters) and 50 feet wide at its base. It >is devided into ten 30 foot high teirs each one smaller as it gets higher. Each teir is self >contained and defensible. > Durring the winter and fall between 100 and 200 brave warriors (i.e. lunatics) stay in >the castle and defend it against orcs. Most years they survive the onslaught giving up maybe half >of the tiers and a quarter of the men before the spring and the return of the Floating Islands at >which point the orcs retreat from the arrows that fall on them from above. This is not always the >case every 10 years or so the orcs do take the castle but usualy give it up in the spring""""" I made it indistructable becouse there is no way it could still be standing so close to the orcs.they would seige the thing till it was rubble It was on the map so I had to make something of it. I mean i guess you could remove it but it seemed that whoever made the map put it there to protect the humans from the orcs if you notice there is another such castle north of Tragothar in Areon called Castle Doannar. I just assumed this was some sort of NATO type thing to defend humans against orcs Third I got walking trees """"Generaly durring the winter and fall months almost all plant life decays and dies. One exeption are the Eldik Oaks that actually migrate eastward to the western boarder of Nin'calaris. They are still brainless plants but from the huge energy stores they generate each year are able to uproot themselves and "walk" westward in the fall and eastward in the sping. They loose much of thier mass durring this migration upwards of fifty percent from leaf shedding, broken limbs, sugar matabolism and water loss."""" These are not magical at all but i thought i would mention them becouse they are kind of magic like. I actualy got it from reading the Design-email threads that are posted on the MajiK web site and i had this two season thing going on in Althainon so they fit well. Which brings me to the last idea I changed the wheather desc of Althianon """CLIMATE Athainon's climate is dictated by the volcanic activity of Tragothar. Luckily for the inhabitants it is somewhat predictable (This can be be done in two ways. Either the winds blow west taking the ash away during the summer and spring or the eruptions of the volcanoes only occur during certain months.). The cycle is as follows during winter and fall the land is dead and the sky dark with rare cloud breaks. Surprisingly the temperature is actualy hotter during these months by about 5 degrees caused by the hot, ash heavy, air coming from Tragothar. Drastic differences in tempreature between Tragothar and the Azure lakes create massive storms during these months. Tornados, torrential black rain and hurricane strength winds are common. The summer and spring months are mild and sunny. Durring these months the average tempurature stays at a pleasant 72 degrees Fahrenheit (yeah, i know this needs to be converted to Celsius) and a cool sweet smelling breeze comes from The Azure lakes and blows west towards the hellscape of Tragothar""""" the only thing i changed though was the fact that it is seasonal the whole idea and thus all the above stems from what i read about in the design-e-mail thread. here it is Althainon suffers often from ash clouds and thunderstorms. Closenes of southern Lamarhen la kes and sea together with hot air coming from Tragothar makes Althainon one of the most stormy places in Majik. Black rain storms travel over its flat terrain and whole area is often covered from sun by thick layer of ash. However, volcanic land in the area is very fertile and flourishes with quickly growing plants, quickly growing because thick clouds tend to kill all plants that re quire sun light and frequent black ash tornados tear vegetation from the ground. Weather near La marhen lakes and Nin'Calaris calms quickly and storms became rare. Average temperature in the west remains above 30 degrees but near lakes it remains close to 20 degrees. So you can see i had a pretty messed up place to put a human tribe in. I had to make it inhabitable some how. Anyway please send me an e-mail giving the affermative or nagative for each of them just put something like this. walking trees yes/no floating islands yes/no byseasonal climate yes/no indestructable castle yes/no and ill write around it. I just need to know what i can and cant do with this. O yeah sorry for this whole mess i wrote it all before you e-mailed me. Joshua hook@u.washington.edu

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