Re: race/region design

Subject: Re: race/region design
From: Beregar (
Date: Sat Aug 21 1999 - 16:19:37 EEST

hook wrote:

> I am interested in designing races and regions for Majik. At the moment
> i have done some preliminary work on the Althainon region located on the
> continent of Eldiron. I can create the region and people of this area
> and more as well if needed. here is what i have written in the last few
> hours.

Good, I separated Althainon from Tragothar since Tragothar is quite
much reserved for it is home of orc tribes (though we don't yet know
who makes them:). I send you more information about race/region
design and you really shouldn't take areas before you know if they
are already reserved (luckily this wasn't).

When you design player races you should use same title structure
as I did (read race designing.txt) and when you design regions it
should have those things mentioned in (regiond.txt). I send also
updated list of reserved areas, those without r are still question
marks. althainon.txt has describtion for Althainon and few com
ments of mine.

When you design regions try to avoid too many magical oddities
since magic should be quite rare in Majik. There should be some
reasons for these oddities (like closeness of nodes, curse of some
god(dess), ancient artifacts or a race which has innate abilities (so
no humans here)).

Remember, currently Sol'Daran has weather control because of
woodelven druids (innate ability to control weather I suppose).
Black waste has field because of Harum got a little angry there.
These are largest MAGICAL oddities around Majik and we
should not make more of them. Otherwise areas are quite small
and isolated, for example Osthel and western isles and they
both have pretty good reasons. Most other areas which seem
odd have usually some natural basis for them, like travelling
oasises in ghalimcar (they don't actually travel, they dissappear
and then reappear in some other place). I repeat, we should
avoid magical oddities if we can't give good reasons for them.

Currently I'd like to see some human tribe in Thalamon, but
human tribe in some other area is sufficient enough. You should
not design anything else yet. btw to Yorkaturr, Jormap and all
you who have made race designing already, I'd like see you
using same tittle structure as I did since if we are going to place
them to worldbook I'd like to see coherent race descriptions.
When you give magic to humans remember that it should be 99%
religious magic and when you design other races which have
magical abilities even they shouldn't know much symbolic
magic if they meet easily other races (to avoid abundance of

- Beregar (

I have a suggestion. All those who are making a race should also make
their homelands, this might seem obvious, but we (me and McDuff) already
started to make "Regions in Short" file which was quite stupid. So for
example when i make Brahjians and they live in Ghalimcar desert, I have
to also make that Ghalimcar desert and when Mandor is making elves who
live in both Sol'Daran and Beheran, he must make those areas (or get so
meone else to make them). When we have everything ready we will gather
everything to larger files. 

Regions should include at least following things:

Short Description

	As Namhas wrote short desc should give overall description of 
	the area. Please be true to map terrain when descriping nature.
	(though i suppose map can be changed too)


	Climate in the area, you can use either the one in my climate 
	desc (i don't recommend) or make own. We should make climates
	quite similar in close areas.	

Other Descriptions

	Other desc are for example following things:

	- extended area/climate desc
	- history of the area 
	- sentinent races
	- resources
	- flora
	- fauna
	- landmarks, monuments, cities etc

	I think these are quite self explanotary. Landmarks will ease
	players to recognize areas, monuments might be some ruins of an
	cient city etc. Cities should contain list of villages, cities
	town..everything which is build by somebody. I (or somebody el
	se) will later later gather all flora, fauna and resources to 
	larger lists so they are required. History of area is quite im
	portant too, has anything significant happened in area? like ar
	rival/birth of race, cataclysm, magical event. 

	Use imagination when you make titles but remember that everyone
	should have same titles then. I'll require at least resource,
	flora, fauna lists (probably history too).

Area map 

	This would be nice to have. It doesn't have to be very detailed
	or it could be a capture from our larger map.

	If you make some magical enchantments in the area you really
	should give reasons for them. We don't want to see too much of
	these since magic in Majik should be quite rare and they should
	not be near common areas, only in places which are difficult to
	reach (those magical "fields" in elven lands and black waste 
	are exceptions). This doesn't mean that area can't have any mys
	terious old temples or ruins of some ancient cities (which were
	built by ancestors of curren races) because they make areas more
	interesting, but avoid exaggeration in this case too. 

I recommend that when you design races and monsters you use same structu
re as I did if that race is somehow special or unique. I feel that struc
ture which namas gave to us lacks something though this is basically sa

1. Introduction
2. Appearance
3. History
4. Culture
5. Religion
6. Language
7. <homeland>
8. Roleplaying

Religion and language both should have their own titles instead of pla
cing them as subtitles under culture - Religion is more important in Ma
jik than in most other games and it would be easier for those pepole who
make descs for gods and need more detailed religious information to find 
it from here. Sub-titles are anyway optional and one could choose not to 
descripe religious habits of race under culture title which is bad becau
se there must be always some explanation about how race feels toward re
ligion and gods, even if it doesn't have own religion. 

Every intelligent race should have language which it uses in communication
between members of own race or other races. They don't need own language
but they should use at least some language. Also telepathy is considered
as language and should be mentioned here.

Under <homeland> title should be short description about region where ra
ce lives, for example I took same description for Ghalimcar deser as in
"regions in short". From here should be link to detailed file which ex
plains whatkind of plants, animals and resources area has, how many peop
le there live, where and descs for their cities etc. Also area map would
be nice.  

You may have noticed that all my files lack history part currently but
there is simple reason for this. We only have decided that current races
are decendants of "first races" which arrived to this world when two "
flying rooms" crashed in Majik (probably gods had something to do with
this). We don't yet have descs for how our current races developed from
these races and how long did it take. Though I have placed few referen
ces to historical happenings when I have made these files (for example
reason for existance of Vorack race and creation of Ghalimcar desert).

When you descripe less detailed common monster races (player races must 
be always as detailed as they can). I suggest that you use title structu
re which namhas suggested:





*Quick role-playing tips*

*Game statistics*

We probably still have to add that *game statistics* section in my title
suggestions and maybe that philosophies thinggie too (though I feel it
could be in same place as roleplaying. I use also often many subtitles
especially under culture title. I think with few changes it is suitable
for gods too. 

- Beregar (
Regions to Desc

r = reserved

- Arctic 
  - Western Mals (Ice Elves - Mandor)
  - Zimr  
  - Mal Tikh 
  - Barren Isles and Northern Minartan 
  - Mal Yirith (Necrolytes - Malekith)
  - Myrrgor, Skalvind & Erythia
  - Mountains of the Malediction (trolls - Jormap)
- Minartan
  - Sol'daran 
  r Western isles (*hidden* - Beregar)
  - Terrenir 
  - Meral & Gwaelmar (Dwarves)
    - Chain of the Sledgehammer
    - Puce Mountains
  - Chain of Eldhelomin 
  - Thalamon 
    - Tacit Forest 
    - Prairie of Dhyrin  
    - Lake Lokhmar 
    - Groaning Forest 
  - Dethzael 
    - Skyghaim
    - Mountains of Eclipse
    - Swamp of Enmity
  - Dardalon
    - Swamp of Pelnor
    - Covewood Mountains 
  - Eastern Minartan Isles
    - Lanuin (Dark Elves - Mandor)
    r Torell - (Fisher People - Beregar)
    - The Reef Isles
    - Beheran, Filas and Hamil (High Elves - Mandor)

- Central Waters 
  - Sea of Tears
  - Quiet Sea (Sea Elves - Mandor)
    - Isles of Vram
    - Nemen
  - Sea of Niral
  - Vestian

- Voran
  - Black Waste
    - Tulmarun
    - Ur Alif (Djasim)
    - Estrean
  - Mantle Mountains
  - Nalor Thaan
  - Marmundi
  - Ominous Ocean and Sea of Tailwind
    - Gean

- Eldiron
  r Ghalimcar 
    r Desert of Brahjian (Brahjian - Beregar)
    r Chain of Bared
    r Chain of Harand
    r Zamurdi
  - Thasia & Lamarhen
    - Pristine Forest
    - Mountains of Umalin
    - Lamarhen Lakes
      - Azure Lakes
      - Lake of Memories
  - Gwelthor (Catfolk - ?)
  - Valiar & Areon
  r Nin'calaris & Danheir (human tribe - Darshan)
  - Tragothar (Orcs - ?)
    - Waste of Burning Ash
    - Gorr
    - Cawing Mountains
    - Pumice Mountains
  r Althainon ( region desc - Hook)
    - Forest of Abborrence
  - Sea of Flames
  - Sea of Tranis
    - Crescent Isles
    r Osthel (Osthelian Pixies - Beregar)
  - Grey Ocean
  - Outer Sea
    - Borak

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