Re: UI

Subject: Re: UI
From: Beregar (
Date: Thu Jul 29 1999 - 23:07:39 EEST

> I think this is a good idea, as you don't need to see the target to see
> what it might be saying. In the first system it would be impossible to
> scare other players by sneaking behind them and shouting 'BOO' :).

Agreed allows better thievery and such, but I think it should show race or somet
hing similar instead of name if player doesn't know name of another player and if
there is more players in the hearing area they could be highlighter with different co
lors or something like that.

-- getting to bypaths --

However because in battle situation it would be unfair if there is many people and
you couldn't identify who attacked (not knowing the name) you should have option
to name that person or at least see somekind of pointer over his/her head for a
short time (agro system in bg is good example).

-- found the right path again --

If I was player I still would want to hide and make mischief to other players without them knowing my name, I wouldn't want dozens of angry player after me because someone says that this guy is a thief, but it would be unfair if they wouldn't get any hint about person who for example shoot them.

- Beregar (

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