Re: Elves

Subject: Re: Elves
From: Kim Kunnas (
Date: Thu Jun 03 1999 - 09:54:20 EEST

Taneli Niko Tikka wrote:

> I took the elves race under design.
> .. going to create some mixture of tolkien, amthor and possibly ad&d and
> other gamewolrd elves.. You can't really change the elves alot, make them
> totally weird or alien.. or they stop being elves =). So some degree of
> 'ripoff' or similarities are expected, thou i try to avoid them as much as
> possible.

Belemar used to design the elves and elven kingdom (I'm not saying he's
doing it now and you can't) so if you want know some of his thoughts ask
from him..

- Beregar (

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