Subject: Re: status reports
From: Beregar (
Date: Mon Jul 19 1999 - 14:24:08 EEST
Tommi Leino wrote: > Development has done 125%, Design 10%. I'm thinking about removing Design > completely from this milestone system because I'm just too tired spanking > your butts. I'll do a TODO list for Worldbook (once again!) and you shall > do it before Development have their client and server ready for pre beta. > > Thank you. It's partially because design milestones suck and partially because no-one is interrested to send status reports besides I think people simply don't want to send unfinished jobs in design. I prefer to send files which are almost done but which still have opportunities for possible changes. (I won't change them later unless I for some reason or another feel that they need some changes). btw I'd appreaciate if you all would follow weather descs and stay true to terrain types in map when you make description for your areas. As I mentio ned weather descs will be (hopefully) out soon and there will be always room for changes and additions in them, as well as in short descs of areas. If you are designing some area/race currently I can send that unchecked version of weather descs to you, but I'd prefer not to send it here before it is typochec ked. - Beregar (
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