Weather & Some questions (actually whine:)

Subject: Weather & Some questions (actually whine:)
From: Beregar (
Date: Thu Jul 15 1999 - 22:30:39 EEST

My weather descs are otherwise (finally) ready but they still need typofix which McDuff will (hopefully;) make. I asked him to send descs to this list after typofix.
If you find something which you would like to change or notice some huge mistake which I have made, mail to me or this list. Those descs are not a "word of God"
and we can even make weatherly unsuitable changes because we can always place some magical field in the area :P.

I have also plea for Namhas. You could make a new mailing list for those designer/ar tist wannabes so WE too can see them. Besides we need 3 to 5 new enthusiastic de signers who will actually do something, I'm not whining about current activity of our designers...or am I :P but we really need some other people to do things. I can al ways make them familiar with Majik designing and comfort them
when their ideas are flamed by "older" designers :>. Also, I'd like to have those older Majik4-design archi ves somewhere, or at least most important mails.

Besides having new designer, I'm asking that designer/artist list because I want nor mal 2d images for at least those races designed by me, so those people who make 3d models will know what to make. Making of those images probably takes quite long (or maybe not)  for I want to oversee their making until I have found them
good enough.

I'll probably help McDuff making those region descs but I can also make some other designing too, preferably more interesting than those weather descs. I  will NOT ma ke zmap/hmap/whatever, you have plenty of new designer/artist request so pick one of them to do it.

It seems as most races are now located in northern continent (check regions.txt attac hment) and while we have this nice 3d world with height dif ferences, I figured we could have also some race which could fly (actually I have al ready small file descri bing human type race with wings (I gave name Tilan to them, if you happen to remem ber it was name of the half-elf race in Majik3). There are
also other two undesigned races which are mentioned in Belemars Kingdom of Thalamon file- Catfolk and Beherans fisher people. I'm not much interested about that fisher people but I very much would like to design that Catfolk race. As you all have probaly noticed, I pre fer designing races.

Et silleen...

- Beregar (

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