Re: a MUST read...

Subject: Re: a MUST read...
From: Isaiah Kraus (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 04:10:43 EET

Dmitri Medvedev wrote:

> Hello,
> I found this article that is a MUST read!
> It is an article that has very good points about Online RPGs.
> I have not seen a massive RPG not fall victim to this terrible fate.
> A recent victim: EVERQUEST

This Article Rocks! 'Nuf said.

> Kaput

So do these pics! I can't wait to build some models based on them. . .
Also in regards to my last letter, I cant stress enough the following,
in order of importance, list of things IMO we graphic people need as
soon as humanly possible:
1-Some sort of preview program for model viewing, and perhaps setting
texture information
2-Information about the said texture information (map projection type,
map use, map location,etc?) that majik3d handles, and in what format it
needs to be supplied (in the object file? objects' texture
designation capabilities are insufficient in many ways-so somewhere else
or new format or what?)
-An animation system. My 2 cents is that you "reverse engineer" (aka
steal) it from quake, quake2, or something similar.  IK is nice, and
should be used to generate the animation sequences by us animators in
our respective proggies, but to have an IK system running in the game
itself would be too CPU-intensive and kill the frame-rate. At least,
I've never seen an IK system that could run a decent number of polys in
anything close to realtime.  That, and IK is notoriously buggy when it
comes to assigning vertices, and if each model isnt constantly tweaked
(for each individual action), vertices have a tendency to fly all over
the place.  This is something we can easily handle in 3DSMax or LW, but
not so easily in the game itself.  This is all based on my experience,
but I may just suck, so by all means show me some counter examples if ya
got 'em. . .
In a side note, does anyone have a registered version of ac3d they can
email me?
I can't convert my meshes into .ac format without it (the shareware
version is crippled). . . Luxem (

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