Subject: Litle troll text
From: Janne Tarvainen (
Date: Tue Sep 09 1997 - 18:10:50 EEST
Ok this is little text it's not grammar checked and it's not the final version, but you wanted to see something so here it is. Btw. troll gods maybe don't even exist but trolls don't know it :P gimme opinions and ideas. Trolls. Appereance: Trolls are large hairy humanoid type beasts. They have very long arms which they can use as forelegs when need to run fast. Trolls are usually very big and muscular. Trolls are very hairy but the hair is not very long. Females hair is lightbrown and males litle more darker brown. Trolls face is much like human except it is much more brutal, sharp teeth, big flat nose and small eyes. There is two differences between male and female trolls, first males got much less hair on their body and secondly females have much more muscular body. Trolls usually live very long time, atleast females. it is not unheard of to troll live as 300 years old. Of course usually troll is slayed violently before this. History: Very litle is know about trolls history. Mainly because they don't know the art of writing. So all that is known about trolls history is heard from mouth of clan shamans. It is rumored that when the flying room crashed somewhere in north there was some trolls aboard. But these trolls had thick white hair and most of them stayed in north vast snowfields. Some of these early trolls started to move south to more warmer atmosphere, nobody knows why. Main population of trolls settled down all over mountains in northern part of world, but trolls have been seen even as south as meral. Trolls history is filled with bloody clan wars. Biggest war which have been sayed to kill over 5000 trolls happened 400 years ago. This war was between the clan draktai and the clan verdiknah. It happened at the mountains of malediction and destroyed both clans completely. There always have been these clan wars and it seems there will be as long as trolls shall stay in this world. Philosophies: Troll gods are very brutal and most of them require blood to be satisfied, atleast troll shamans say so. There is always as many gods as clans, every clan have it own god. Nowadays there is Three bigger clan in world. The biggest bruknahk which has over 500 trolls and 7 tribe in it, worships Brah-taar trollish god of war. The second biggest clan is Rekdiktaah which has about 300 trolls and they worship Graah the god of death. Third clan is karaak and it got 200 trolls. They worship Barak the god of night. All trolls are very fanatic worshippers. They do whatever their god tells them to do. And because shaman is the "Voice of the god" he got very big power inside his clan. Shaman is only profession which males can try to apply. Evey 50 years old shaman chooces a apprentice and teach him ten full years. After that old shaman is sacrificed to his god. This ritual works so that the member of his own tribe eat the old shaman. Each god is very bloodthirsty and require lots of blood. So when shaman command the troll hunters go down from mountains and hunt for members of other races. Society: Trolls society is very female dominant, Because females are much more stonger than males. Only high position which males can have is shaman of his clan. Trolls live in tribes in big mountains. They sleep in caves but at nights troll females leave to get food for her children, males only get childrens leftovers. usually many tribes which worship the same god live near each other and form a clan. Clans have their leader which is selected in big bloodbath every tenth year. Three female troll from each tribe can participate in this bloodbath and the new leader is the troll which is alive after this terrible fight. Leader and shaman decide all clan related questions together. Leader commands armies of clan in war kind of situations. Quick role-playing tips: Trolls should be played as very aggressive and bloodthirsty race. They don't take much insults from anyone. If someone insults their god they attack immediately. Trolls don't have anykinda moralic inhibitions which some so called "good" races may have. So it's very hard to say beforehand what trolls do next. So in the bottom line you should play trolls like very brutal, powerfull and bad-tempered creature.
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