Re: where the kids have seen things that we ain't never seen

Subject: Re: where the kids have seen things that we ain't never seen
From: Atte Koivula (
Date: Tue Jul 06 1999 - 15:50:19 EEST

McDuff wrote:
> How about we stick them in the mountain range in Nalor Thaan?  The volcanic
> peak surrounded by the forests of Thjarr should be remote enough, shouldn't
> it?

You mean the burning ash wastes of Thjarr. Personally I would imagine
Necrolytes living in a more temperate climate... something like the
mountain range in the northern edge of the isle of Beheran (in the
far-eastern side of the map) or preferably the Mountains of Eclipse in
the Dethzael area. That would be ideal considering the Swamp of Enmity
(in which there's a temple where my physical avatar usually lives) is
located fairly close to the west... Even the name "Dethzael" conjures up
an atmosphere of vaguely malevolent mysticism which suits the Necrolytes
/Atte "Yorkaturr" Koivula <>

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