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Designing (read or don't complain later)

Message 739

From: beregar
Date: 2002-02-17 13:56:56

Firstly I would like to know current state of Majik's design. Who is designing, what and why? If I don't get replies to this thread from designers, I assume that no-one is working on any project and it is later quite useless to complain if something that I (or someone else) write overrides your design.

Secondly: We have a task management system, use it! Everything that is not mentioned in the task system, does not exist. It is not enough to mention it on the channels or forums because they are for discussion, task management system is for project management.

This applies as well to me as it applies to Darshan, Sweatshop and other designers. Also graphics designers (yes, graphics people are designers too!) should add their tasks into the task management system. Remember to keep things up to date!

These may sound pretty harsh rules but you must realize that not everyone can be aware of all that is discussed on the majik channel. Also, in the end this allows us to organize world design better.

Finally, if you have any comments, suggestions or constructive criticism regarding the subject, feel free to note it here. I will wait a week and if no-one has written comments or suggestions by then, I will declare all this decided.

- Beregar

Message 895

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-02-21 00:19:19
In-Reply-To: 739

I am designing:

-The Nemen predatory bird

I promise that next week I will be more active again. :)

Message 803

From: sirdar
Date: 2002-02-19 09:43:26
In-Reply-To: 739

I am

1. Designing the starmap for the Majik.
2. Creating a system for Alchemy.
3. In general, bringing my real-physics based solutions to anything that needs it.

Yup. Most of the time I frown upon poor 'original' solutions. I rather have an existing good one. Therefore I rely my stuff mostly based in the real world. And believably no one has copyrighted the laws of physics, yet.

Message 795

From: Nahl_Shadore
Date: 2002-02-19 03:42:07
In-Reply-To: 739

currently I am just designing my sage and worrying about university

I am thinking about rewriting/revising the gnomes race description (with Kaid's approval, of course)

Message 785

From: raeky
Date: 2002-02-18 22:21:56
In-Reply-To: 739

I'm currently working on minerals and variaous plant/animal descripts that pop in my head,mostly unattached to any region yet, so region designers can use them.

I'm also working on alchemy and the things with that, Prolly more discussion will need to be done on exactly what the guidelines will be for it

its currently the art of useing energy contained in the earth for whatever purposes one wants. There is a good history that written that will likely end up in some scroll/book somewhere in the world, prolly a pre-cataismic library or the castle of some precataclismic magician or something. Other storys prolly need writen, since this art developed differently in different races/regions mostly independent of the others.

I'll write and design basic equipment needed and give rough outlines of how the equipment should be designed, since each race/region that developed alchemy would likely have different looking equipment/designs.

The areas that developed this art would need discussed, like which races, and which are independent, shared knowledge. And then i'll write up historys or someone else can, for these races, then write up chemical lists for them and formulas that can be learned by people who want to practice this art.

My sage character will be have basicly all knoweldge of all forms of alchemy, and depense the aproperate stuff to the right regions/people. Like i'll teach an orc the stuff that was developed by his race first, and maye later if he masters all of that other races, or he could learn from other players who have also learned alchemy.

I haven't really worked on any race/region description, Donno what is out there to be worked on, maybe someone should make some tasks for these.

An idea or the tasks system, an admin can add a task but not become the supervisor for it, have a supervisor perms and a supervisor can take on and supervise a task that has no superviser yet, once a task has a superviser it will be visible to us normal designers to take and start working on.. this would allow an admin to think up a bunch of stuff that needs done, punch tasks in for them, and then they can be designed as supervisers/designers have time.

Message 773

From: Zaxim
Date: 2002-02-18 09:20:08
In-Reply-To: 739

I don't really understand about the task managment system? can you explain it a bit more? how do I access it?

Message 1727

From: ReSpawner
Date: 2002-07-23 15:32:10
In-Reply-To: 739

I am a pretty new designer so i am still kinda reading alot of posts and checking worldbook couse i want to learn how we are working here.

i will sometime rebuild my "Blood Herb" thingy.

cant we have a very big page filld with things that we need and restrict all the new stuff to the list, so we dont get stuff we dont need?

Message 766

From: beregar
Date: 2002-02-17 22:20:28
In-Reply-To: 739

Well, of course I have to write all my stuff here too since I was the one yelling people to do so:

1st. Loribak isle project (includes Felmur race, some ruins, a node and scrying pool). Does anyone want to oversee this?

2nd. Unicorn grove and snakemen (includes description for the unicorns and snakemen, description for the grove and description for the snakemen ruins). Does anyone want to oversee this?

3rd. Templates. I need someone to oversee this and make suggestions but I won't remove the task as I've placed quite many journal entries there already.

4th. Misc stuff. This includes rewriting my historical race descs for Gwelthorians and Brahjian and refining all stuff which I wrote when I was young and stupid (now I'm just stupid :).

- Beregar

Message 746

From: hook
Date: 2002-02-17 17:46:24
In-Reply-To: 739

I am

1.writting desc for messanger bird
2.manageing some tasks of other designers
3. coding a wildlife habitat and range calculator
4. and like drshn critisizing other ppls stuff

of course you can get this information from the task list. So why did you ask for this post agian?


Message 747

From: hook
Date: 2002-02-17 17:49:23
In-Reply-To: 739

Secondly: We have a task management system, use it! Everything that is not mentioned in the task system, does not exist. It is not enough to mention it on the channels or forums because they are for discussion, task management system is for project management.

This applies as well to me as it applies to Darshan, Sweatshop and other designers. Also graphics designers (yes, graphics people are designers too!) should add their tasks into the task management system. Remember to keep things up to date!

Its funny that you are applying these rules now becouse I have been using them before you obviously thought of them. Please practice what you preach.


Message 743

From: darshan
Date: 2002-02-17 14:45:25
In-Reply-To: 739

As far as world design goes, I am:
* Reiterating the chrein race
* Filling up the region formerly known as Thasia
* Criticizing other people's ideas

I haven't had any time to actually advance with the first two in a while.

Message 742

From: namhas
Date: 2002-02-17 14:20:38
In-Reply-To: 739

Only those with "manager" permissions can add tasks there. Usually it is a good idea to let someone else to manager your task, so you will get your work checked and comments for free, as task manager's has to approve the thing before it can deemed to be finished. So you need to send mail to your nearest manager and tell whatever kind of task you want and write a journal entry each time you've added something to your project. Later then, if you become bored and don't have time to continue with the task, you can simply "resign" it so someone else could come and take it just from where you left it.

Message 749

From: hook
Date: 2002-02-17 18:16:59
In-Reply-To: 742

Only those with "manager" permissions can add tasks there. Usually it is a good idea to let someone else to manager your task, so you will get your work checked and comments for free, as task manager's has to approve the thing before it can deemed to be finished. So you need to send mail to your nearest manager and tell whatever kind of task you want and write a journal entry each time you've added something to your project. Later then, if you become bored and don't have time to continue with the task, you can simply "resign" it so someone else could come and take it just from where you left it.

Namhas is absolutely right on this this one....for world design descriptions the manager and designer should be a differnent person. Namhas maybe you could code the task management system so that ppl cannot manage themselves at least for Non-development tasks. Also a designer should not take more then 3 tasks to work on and not more then 5 tasks to manage. And if a manger sees at least two weeks go by with no progress they should kick the designer so others can pick it up. So Beregar, drshn, yorka, could you please delete those tasks that you are manageing and designing then ask your fellow designers to post and manage the tasks that you are taking up?


Message 751

From: beregar
Date: 2002-02-17 18:52:49
In-Reply-To: 746

Because a) not everyone is using it, b) it allows me to easily see who are designers and who are not and c) because not all designs are listed in the task management system (see part part a).

About tasks with people doing them themselves. Yes, your suggestion is good but what if some people are not ready to follow other people's tasks. Though I'm ready to oversee your tasks if you are to oversee mine.

- Beregar

Message 759

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-02-17 20:01:15
In-Reply-To: 746

1. I am now writing the moon elves and elven history. (Dot)
2. I am posting to forum. (Dot)

That's all. Then, when I've finished it, I'll sneak and see if there is something to do. I suggest most of you to take one task at the time. That's my opinion

Message 750

From: beregar
Date: 2002-02-17 18:48:04
In-Reply-To: 747

Yes, yes, this place is not for this conversation. We can argue about such things in the majik channel. This is for constructive criticism. Personal feuds can be fought in channels.

Besides, you are NOT everyone. Not every (supposed) designer uses task management system, I didn't even mention you at all. If it bugs your ego, not my problem, really. :)

- Beregar

Message 775

From: origon
Date: 2002-02-18 11:47:33
In-Reply-To: 749

How about a 'suggest task' - function in the manager, and a manager can decide if it should be added or not?

Message 758

From: hook
Date: 2002-02-17 19:57:46
In-Reply-To: 751

beregar wrote:
Though I'm ready to oversee your tasks if you are to oversee mine.

I already have a manager for the one design description I am working on. Namhas is the manager. I asked him to be. If you want someone to take over as manager for a task you want to do I can probably take one of the three you have up there. I already am manageing at least 2 tasks and I want to keep it below 4. But I'm sure if you asked around you could find someone else to manage the other 2 tasks.

If you or anyone else has an idea for a task that you want to do then post the idea here on the forums with a request for a manager. example:

"I want to design a bla bla man. Here are the requirments for it:

1 bla
2 bla bla
3 bla

When these are met it will be complete.

Could someone take up the management of this and post the task up on the task managment page?"

Anyway you get the idea.


Message 763

From: beregar
Date: 2002-02-17 20:56:05
In-Reply-To: 759

Well, it is not always so simple. I find it hard to make things just from one point of view. For example my unicorn desc is part of a larger wholeness and I find it hard to focus on one subject at time. Sometimes you really need to do something else before writer's block (or design block) is over.

Let me explain a bit about my plans for the future unicorn. As anyone who has read the desc can clearly see, unicorns are former priestesses of the goddess of beauty. This goddess is one of the "sleeping beauties" meaning that she doesn't have anyone to play her yet and she is not active in the world.

Unicorns are her servants and their task is to find mortals and re-establish worship of the goddess. Obviously this is a quest and I'm sure I can find some designers to play role of a unicorn in Nemen. This is all part of my plans for "sagely tasks". If you remember, task of sages it to bring knowledge to mortals: knowledge of skills and knowledge of magic, but no-one has mentioned we should do this directly, actually the opposite. Sages also emphasis certain types of magic and I happen to like primal magic most. This knowledge thingie brings also the Felmur to this project.

Now the unicorn grove/glade/whatever in Nemen is probably located on the mountains. When first players begin exploring the world I (or some other designer) will play the role of unicorn. This unicorn tests players to find if they are suitable to awaken her goddess. Obviously such player has to be female since goddess accepts only female priests. If the subject is male, the unicorn may still help him if he helps the unicorn find a suitable female for her. Now, the unicorn "sage" will teach the player. If the player is a woman, she will teach her clerical skills and primal magic and urge her to spread word of her goddess. If this person is a man, she will still teach him some useful knowledge, perhaps even primal magic. In either case, the unicorn will mention Nemen's ne isle, the loribak isle.

In the Loribak isle the Felmur live. These small winged creatures know a lot about primal magic as they even build their houses through its use. If they player does not perish in the swamps, he or she may reach the Felmur. Felmur currently control the Loribak isle and its node (and scrying pool). If the player is female, she should try to convert all female Felmur to faith of the goddess and establish a woodland temple to her. If Felmur's accept her, they will allow her to use the scrying pool for benefit of the goddess (and sisterhood).

In case of a male, the Loribak isle Felmur quest is one obvious choise. This quest eventually leads to point where the Felmur race will open to players as a PC race. There are other options too and most of them revolve around the scrying pool.

The scrying pool is a magical artifact which allows you to view things far and allows the player to explore world from bird eye view. As Felmur's are opportunist and bussiness men, it looks logical that when information about this pool spreads, they will start selling information to outsiders (players) and obviously if some player manages to control the pool, he or she will gain a great source for both information and business.

There may even be small player run wars if the pool proves important enough to be desirable by other players. Though if the pool has master or mistress, it is sure he or she posesses primal magic, is lord or lady of the node and quite damn difficult to topple.

This all is called plot weaving, it is major purpose in majik: to create a roleplaying enviroment and quests for players. After all, we can't expect players to do all the work without pushing and guiding and this, my fellow designers, is task of the game designers and sages.

So, this is only a small sneak peek to my plans regarding players, unicorns, the felmur and Nemen and Loribak regions as things constantly develop and evolve. This is also one reason why I wanted to start this thread, to allow designers to explain their ideas and discuss about them. I also want purpose for design. Generic animals, plants and such are completelly ok to design, but I find it more interesting to weave a story from all aspects of design.

One task at time doesn't work exactly with this concept, does it? :)

- Beregar

Message 768

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-02-17 22:35:10
In-Reply-To: 763

I have to admit that.. :) But you Beregar are not one of us ordinary.. I said most of us. And an exception makes the rule. :) And I was only thinking, as you said, the plants, animals and ordinary game mechanics things..

Btw the we make quests to bring life and adventures to world thing - I like that! This disciple relation - I have thought same. I, Archantes as sage, will need someone to take care of my works and other when I'm traveling to opposite corner of world for example. And we need folk to gather things - plants, herbs, gems - so that we can make potions, magical items... And therefore we pay players to bring them to us. Adventures, adventures...

And eg. the role of Patron of all written word allows me to write books where I gather tales, legends, stories.. some of them to be true and some not.. Then someone finds a tip from some book and.. rest is andventure and will be written to history - to another book!

And I know all sages will do something like this.. some day there will be mortals doing these things, some day even more and more.. And then..You know. :)

We will have a world here.

Message 776

From: beregar
Date: 2002-02-18 11:49:18
In-Reply-To: 773

Well, you obviously have designer access to this place so just connect to designer's lounge and choose task management. It should be pretty self explanary if you observe it a bit.

- Beregar

Message 780

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-02-18 19:51:44
In-Reply-To: 775

Sounds good and practical to me.

And what if there appears some kind of notification in designer's lounge when a new task is added? This way there is no problem to follow what new things there is currently under construction.

The lounge could be a place for notes and automatic reports for updates - for new tasks, existing tasks, wb changes.. It is after all quite empty at the moment. :)

Message 796

From: hook
Date: 2002-02-19 04:06:10
In-Reply-To: 795

kaid has been in active for awhile. If he dosn't respond to your post then I would assume it would alright for you to redo it. I will put up a task for the rewritting of the gnomes in the task manager for you.


Message 797

From: Nahl_Shadore
Date: 2002-02-19 06:06:48
In-Reply-To: 796

yeah, I know I hadn't seen him, I thought someone might have on the chat. I was looking over it and I'm not sure whether to just expand or go for a total rewrite....we'll see