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Message 721

From: beregar
Date: 2002-02-15 16:04:46

Okay, since there seems to be information bottlenecks now and then, I hope every one will agree a practice where new design plans will be written under this thread. I don't want to notice again that something where I have planned something is already designed by someone else without any information regarding it reaching me (or some other designer). I realize there is task system already but it would be easier if everyone would write here too since people tend to check forums more often than tasks list. Channel is obviously a poor place for such planning since people either forget what you have said or never actually see your design plans.

- Beregar

Message 722

From: namhas
Date: 2002-02-15 16:52:11
In-Reply-To: 721

IRC channel is for getting in to discussion. Forums are for discussion. Task system is for actually doing the thing (that no longer need discussing). Things that can be made during the discussion do not need to be added to tasks system, such as deciding a race for certain region. Raeky, btw, you could go to approve/remove the task. :)

Message 730

From: beregar
Date: 2002-02-16 18:33:39
In-Reply-To: 721

So, since Loribak isle is going to have both woodland marsh and grassy marsh (if no-one objects too much), I don't need to abandon my plans for the isle.

I'm planning following things for the isle:

- A Felmur tribe
- A Felmur village
- Node with a scrying pool (under control of the Felmur)
- A few ruins (location not yet decided)

I would also like to add a hostile snakeman outpost in form of ruins in the Nemen jungle and a unicorn grove somewhere in the isle, probably either lowlands or mountains.

- Beregar

Message 731

From: hook
Date: 2002-02-16 18:45:43
In-Reply-To: 730

I assume that the Felmur are NPC's becouse there are supposed to be only one PC race on in the Nemen islands. Also are the snakemen NPC's?

Message 732

From: beregar
Date: 2002-02-16 21:05:38
In-Reply-To: 731

Both are NPC's for now and I'm not sure if I ever open snakemen to general public, they are completelly insane race anyway. :)

Felmur are a quest race which will open to player's if they ever solve the Felmur quest. Felmur's don't specifically live in certain places, they travel a lot but some have permanent settlements all around the world. Now, after the cataclysm it doesn't matter anyway that much since cities are mostly in ruins.

- Beregar