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Message 7

From: hook
Date: 2001-11-27 21:50:01

Why do we need a world map and why we don't need a new world map

Message 8

From: namhas
Date: 2001-11-27 21:53:16
In-Reply-To: 7

World map is fun.

Message 9

From: falkoni
Date: 2001-11-27 21:59:45
In-Reply-To: 7

map the world

Message 27

From: beregar
Date: 2001-11-29 23:12:07
In-Reply-To: 7

Because I'm evil and sadistic dictator who forces his own will upon all others! You are all under my foot, hahahaha HAHAHAHA ... erhm, uh... right. Honestly, Belemar can draw a new map and we can decide then whichone to use. Yorka, Belemar, me and Origon(?) are still interested to have that new map. When creating maps and stuff, I think we should focus now on Nemen as it is starting location. As to your comments about it having beach and sand, I already thought there was going to be those. In case there's not, I'm sure you can fix it. :) - Beregar (

Message 39

From: hook
Date: 2001-11-30 00:05:41
In-Reply-To: 7

neat yet one more thing we can hurry up and wait for. Kind of like oh wait don't write anymore descs until i feel like releasing the templates. You seem to have this starnge ability to block any progress in design with changeing paridyms right when things start to get rolling. Anyway as to belemars map i won't hold my breath. If the sucker is not here in two weeks then trash the idea...waiting for a map just becouse it dosn't have enough burned forests is obsured. Also the design needs to begin to stabalize. Throwing everything out on whimes is counter productive and likely to put design on another 1.5 year freeze. If there is a map have belemar put some new islands in those south seas. they are starangly empty and while your at it try to get him to get rid of those spiting rivers all over the place...rivers merge not split. A delta or two is fine but the river situation of the current map is ridicules. oh yeah and don't touch nemen the current map is fine as well as already is fairly destroyed by the cataclysm...and im making a high res map of it at the moment

Message 43

From: beregar
Date: 2001-11-30 23:37:47
In-Reply-To: 7

Erhm, I thought I just said to continue designing, plus no-one has still not commented about those templates. I'm more concerned in creating something that actually doesn't need changing. Do you think it is very good idea to create multiple things without any coherence. That's why I created those templates, to make things look more coherent. In addition to that, you could have made them yourself but you did not, right? No-one actually cares to make anything which other people can use, everyone just thinks themselves and their own work, that's the whole problem in this. As far as I'm concerned, I try to pull things together and make some sense in them. Besides, no-one really said you will lose your work, the new map is based on old map after all so affect to its creation, damn it, don't just hide in your own little closet without informing anyone else.

Message 46

From: hook
Date: 2001-12-01 01:20:04
In-Reply-To: 7

beregar, everyone is well informed but you...they look at the world book. Check out the recent additions page to see what has been going on. As to coherent we do communicate often on the irc channel and read each others work in the world may appear incoherent to you becouse you have not been keeping up with the progress. I do not make things randomly in a box. I discuse them and if i make some thing i put it in the world book. Then tell everyone or at least assume they look at the recent additions so it is read. In fact most of the reacent additions have been made bycouse of requests made by developers. I asked yorka namhas dazzt and harum what is needed. they told me and i made some descs....this is not making usless things that no one will use. They are made upon request of the developer! By the way there are three comments on the templates.

Message 63

From: phunky
Date: 2001-12-06 01:45:15
In-Reply-To: 7

in my opinion, at this stage, as well as in the near future, the majik world as a whole is irrelevant. esentially, nemen IS our worldmap and will be for months to come. after nemen is complete, we can branch its elements out (textures, creatures, etc) into the world in one fell swoop. this monumental event will, undoubtedly, occurr in two weeks. we promise :). that IS what were doing, isnt it? or am i as usual horribly ignorant as to directions for development... azlok- "phunky, havent you heard? majik is now a massively multiplayer isometric dating sim! start working on cute npcs immediately!" but anyways.. i think that we shouldnt really be worrying about the world at least until we have a decent build of nemen finished.

Message 98

From: beregar
Date: 2001-12-29 15:54:55
In-Reply-To: 7

Agreed Phunky. We should focus on Nemen.