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Message 604

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-02-06 22:53:43

Nice set of characters, eh?

I was just thinking.. What kind of system will there be when you chat with NPCs?

Greetings, welcome to my armory bibliotheca. How I can help you?

Can I see your books?

Certainly. Follow me. ... Here.

Have you seen a person called [Tarfahal](*1)?

No, but one who called himself Tarfagan(*2) was here a day ago. What is your name then?

I'm [Narga](*3)

Oh, well, nice to meet you Narga.

I go now.

So, were you thinking something like this or something much more simple? Or more complicated? :)

The options would obviously be there premade, like the 'can I see your books'

*1 A player would be able to write here any text he wants.
*2 The system would go through list of people to find out if there was a person calling himself like player just wrote. If there is match NPC would say that he has meet him, or if there is no match he would say something similar (just like in example) or "No, I don't remember."
*3 There would be a short list of names the player knows in this culture or in his own plus of cource the actual name of character, if he want's to reveal it.. The NPC would remember his visit for few days with that name and if someones comes and asks.. Well if you don't want you to be followed easily, just use different names in every city.. If you know the local language well enough.. otherwise you have to say some name in your own language or say that your name is not everyones business. This way they will remember you.. And if a player following you is smart enough he can ask if there has been suspicious people around.. :)

And this was just a top of an iceberg.. There can be much more options, different people, not just shopkeepers or librarians etc.

Message 612

From: raeky
Date: 2002-02-07 03:04:15
In-Reply-To: 604

There would have to be two aspects of AI one being speech, and other being actions (like animals being able to walk arround and hunt, and learn where food is usualy at, or areas where players are usualy at to avoid them, or if a player fights them and the player dosn't kill it, it should learn from its mistakes that got it hurt and be able to fight better next time, or remember the player that attacked him and be agressive to that player next time it sees him.)

For speech it would be nice if you could just type and ask questions to NPC's but i think it would be quite difficult to program something that would reconize questions in context and (even if everyone had perfect grammer and spelling) the same question could be worded differently many many ways, and the computer would have to be able to interpert all of that. But it would be nice if that could be done, maybe a special format could be developed for talking to NPCs so that ppl aways format there questions or querys correctly, it wouldn't be as realistic, but much easier to program.

Message 631

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-02-07 22:31:24
In-Reply-To: 612

For speech.. A system something like this?

[Greet] [ask]

[name] [noName] [askName] [WhereIs] [HaveSeen] [hasJob]

[Buy] [Sell]

[items] [information] [items] [information]


[Join] [Repair] [task]

etc. etc.

So then player would be able to choose the questions better and it would be easier to code that the Write text here system mentioned earlier.

Message 632

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-02-07 22:34:08
In-Reply-To: 631

I knew the layout is not going to work.. :) here it is as it should be:


[name] [noName] [askName]


[WhereIs] [HaveSeen] [hasJob]


[items] [information]


[items] [information]


[Join] [Repair] [task]

Message 918

From: raeky
Date: 2002-02-21 21:41:43
In-Reply-To: 632

alot of these things like buying and selling should be done graphically, like, a menu for sell. and you drag your sword to it the npc will make an offer on how much to pay, possibly (would be nice) if bardering and such is possibly to ask the npc to pay more, npcs try to rip players off, etc... (good/bad npc personallity) Like a not very knowledgeable player the npc will likely try to offer way less for the item and sell items way higher, but if a sage went to buy the npc will be like very honest or even give the items to the sage in fear of him.. heh

NPCs shouldn't be cookie cutter AI, they each should be different, and constent. (same npc always is rude or nice for example/but that can be dependent on player, if a player ripped of a npc or stole from him the npc will remember.)

Message 966

From: Zaxim
Date: 2002-02-25 08:06:49
In-Reply-To: 918

That would be difficult to code for the NPCs to remember if eh got ripped off(Also would make some very intresting bugs)

But for the people who have terrible spelling and grammar, why doesn't all NPC interactions be graphical? Like in Runescape(Crappy, PKs, "Role-Playing" Game)

For example when you click on an NPC, a list of questions opens up, For example

Click on NPC
NPC says something, this can be changed to make him say a random thing if this is the first time he meets the PC, also if he is busy we could have him say something rude to them.

Then a list of option apears,
That will open up the trading menu and you can buy things.
This will just be a talk button. The NPC will comment on the weather or about some other NPC's drinking problem. Anything can be said in the talk, we could also have him say something rude if he is very busy
Ask about quest
This will open a sub menu and you can ask about one of your quests
ask about person
After you click that, it will allow you to type in the name of the PC

On all those things we would have a conversation, it wont be just your char saying, Buy, he will say something like, let me see your fine wares, or something like that.

Just my ideas, but I don't know why we need to worry about them, we barely got the test landscape running.


Message 968

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-02-26 13:50:20
In-Reply-To: 966

These ideas work. The point however is that the NPC AI part is a important component of the game. It creates atmosphere and if it is well made it prevents some of the malpractice commonly seen in online RPGs.. think of a city guard system for example.

Just my ideas, but I don't know why we need to worry about them, we barely got the test landscape running.

That is because it have to be done some day. :)

If you start it tonight it will be more ready when we need it. Well ok, maybe it is too early to start doing it, but why not to start the conversation.

Message 969

From: Zaxim
Date: 2002-02-26 13:58:29
In-Reply-To: 968

Well before we start the conversations we still need to know about specific NPCs. For example a blacksmith will say something diffrent than a farmer

Message 971

From: raeky
Date: 2002-02-26 19:51:21
In-Reply-To: 969

And blacksmith in town whatever will say something different then the blacksmith in another town.

Also blacksmithing will be a player skill and player operated shops... They may have NPC shopkeepers to sell there wares while there offline, but the player manages what is up for sale and for how much.

Message 972

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-02-27 09:49:12
In-Reply-To: 971

My introduction is coming, I just can't make up my mind, what to tell...

"NPC shopkeepers to sell there wares while there offline, but the player manages what is up for sale and for how much"

This is good concept. Player could determine the price limit and also the amount limit. NPC should try to bargain, by just simply stating bigger start price (could be set by player) and lowering it according customers offers.

These NPCs should also require salary, so the shop owner, should really be making money and take care of basic accounting.

Earlier was mentioned the guard system of cities. Land of a city would be owned by the city and players could rent it. This income would then be used to cover guards salaries.

Renter of a land could build a house on this piece of land and maybe rent the house for a artisan. Artisans might also be taxed by the city. This would create a nice chain of dependencies.

Of course every city could have different practises.


Message 974

From: raeky
Date: 2002-02-27 22:31:58
In-Reply-To: 972

A city guard wouldn't have "pay" because no one really "hires" it. A city dosn't need $ in the game. Players can rent houses in a city, or buy them, or if there is land avaiable buy the land and build. But outside of a city any land is fair game, no property ownership outside of citys should be established, players can come up with property ownership rules/laws and if you want someones house just go fight him for it and take it. If you want to protect your house hire npc guards to protect it. Inside a city property ownership would be enforced by city guards, if your house was broken into and a guard sees it, he will try to stop the intruder.. Donno how that would work out, the player would have to specificly name to the guards who is allowed to enter there house when the player isnt present. And if a guard sees someone not on a "list" enter a house they presume its a burgler and try to kill them. :P

And yes npc shopkeepers, guards, mercs, anything you want a npc to do for you specificly, whill require pay.

Message 976

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-02-28 07:29:54
In-Reply-To: 974

I'm afraid that these "no upkeep needed" cities might turn out to be very flat. Isn't it so that running a city would be a challenge for all of us, instead of just creating a almost selfsufficient city.

Instead of actually building some big cities readily available, we could design a nice demographics, where it would make sense, for players to start building their small shops or "industries". This would create a need for law and order and therefore all cities would have slightly diffrent administration and functions.

This would fit into your vision - But outside of a city any land is fair game, no property ownership outside of citys should be established, players can come up with property ownership rules/laws and if you want someones house just go fight him for it and take it." - and would also enable same simple principle to be used with cities.

Message 977

From: raeky
Date: 2002-02-28 08:12:16
In-Reply-To: 976

yes but, how much management do we want to do, I don't see A LOT of players wanting to sit down and run a city, when they can be off doing things that are considderd more fun? Being a mayor or judge on a online rpg game isn't as fun as being a warrior off killing monsters and finding treasure?

From my understanding the cataclism didn't destroy many buildings and citys that where once occuppied can now sit empty devoid of people. But quite a few people surrivied it, and citys still exist. So it seems quite logical that players would start in an already existing city with npcs running arround doing things and selling/tradeing. Then as players start joining the game some of the npc shop keepers can be replaced with players, like a npc shop keeper might have his buisness/shop up for sale, and a player might buy it. Then that npc would go back to his home whereever it is and do whatever he wants to do.. or just dissapear.

I don't really invision the game starting with absolutely no buildings or citys, since it would be much better game play, and allow for storys and plots, if citys already exist. There needs to be alot of quests and such right off the bat for players to start doing.

Absoultely everything can't be done by players. And we need a good strong story line, plot and a solid game play that presents many many many hours of new adventures for the players. So if they start off in a city they can start talking to ncps and find out about ancient lore and old stories that might really be true, thus a quest. "I heard from my great grandfauther of a cave on the north side of nemen, that contains riches beyond belif, and monsters that can make your skin boil by just looking at them." And this cave can exist, maybe not such monsters, but treasure can be found there, if a player is brave and strong enough to find it and explore.

You gotta have interaction with npcs and players and players and sages, to give quests, and fullfill meaningless mindless jobs, like a janitor to keep the streets clean, or a carpenter to build the buildings. (unless you just want a command like "build building" and poof a new building appears before the player. I doubt a player would want to specalize in buidling buildings in a rpg games, some rolls players might not want to do.)

Message 978

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-02-28 08:49:59
In-Reply-To: 977

"How much management do we want to do, I don't see A LOT of players wanting to sit down and run a city, when they can be off doing things that are considderd more fun?"

True. I just do feel that running a city if far more interesting than running, for example a blacksmith shop.

I would like to have a shop by myself, I would also like to go to the mountains and figure out where to get metals, I would like to have some NPCs to run my shop, make my sales items, mine my metal and do the transportation. I would also need to have NPCs to guard my properties. If something extra ordinary should happen, I could hire some players to handle them for me, or do it by myself.

I see the fullfillment of playing coming from those things that my character can do, not from improving the character.

I could imagine an ambitious person to assign himself as a mayor and appointing some close allies as heads of "state, security, treasury". They could then hire NPCs to be guards or administrators for simple routines which would run the city and economy at large. It would be their problem to balance the income and cost so that people would feel worthwhile staying it that city.

Personal wealth or City's benefit? There would be probably lots of people ready to claim mayor's place, if he decided to give up or accidentally got assassinated. So mayor's real job would be to stay in power and handle diplomacy. Go to war to help allies etc.

Administration could have NPCs, as one has to pay monthly lease, taxes etc. Monthly reports would then show situation for every contracts, therefore making clear if there is need for further actions like debtcollecting or just banishing a merchant from marketplace. This kind of "more" interesting jobs could be handled by player, since there would not be actual/strict timelimit for such an action.

Taxes etc. don't have to be complicated, maybe just a fixed sum.

I agree that starting with no cities at all would be wrong choice. However, some of the quests should actually include assignments that need building, instead of slaying. Quest could be to found a medical shop in an perilous area or to assemble a guardforce for a small town. Now, there is no need to actually do the building or concrete action. Objectives could be met by gathering enough NPCs and pooling up enough money and resources.

We could guide the development of the gameworld by creating this kind of quests. As a reward he could have a honorable title or be granted yearly income from the village. If somebody would then destroy the village... no income, so players would consider their actions in a slightly different way.

But as you implied, no micromanagement should be programmed in to the, if players want to have even more complex relations, they are able to accomplish it by making agreements between themselves.

Message 983

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-03-01 03:24:56
In-Reply-To: 978

After the cataclysm, it seems to be the general agreement, there will be no cities; it allows for other role playing opportunities for the first players who set out to construct the first city, and I believe that is the intent of most of the majik team.

Taxes, government, everything, should be built or concieved (or whatever verb is necessary to bring them about), by the players, however, they might need 'encouragement' in certain directions at times, and that is precisely the job of the sages.

Message 985

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-03-01 08:19:08
In-Reply-To: 983

I got bit drifted away with this topic, sorry. So, NPCs interaction and intelligence.

If players build everything by themselves and NPCs do the actual and boring work. How do we teach NPCs to do their tasks?

There was nice imaginary conversations in the early part of this thread, but I don't think interaction (conversational way) with NPCs is too important as long as they can carry out some tasks.

Some sort of commanding system would be nice to have. I could hire NPC and put him in front of an owen. I would request he should use his cooking skill (Yes, I have read the debate if there should be cooking skill or not) He would then bake breads, until he would run out of raw material. Given more material, he would continue. His skill would improve slowly, just as characters skills and finally after training him for a year, his breads would be eatable :).

Outside the working hours, he would either sleep in the bakery or in a nearby rented place. Simple and rewarding NPC-life :)

Guiding of an NPC should have some sort of macro/teaching-mode, where we could assign NPC into a location and to use a selected skill to certain objects.

Transportation also plays crucial role in this. Don't have any suggestions for that.

As a conclusion I could say that it is the doing, not feeling of a NPC that makes me appreciate them. I hope, I can get my dose of good interaction from other players.

Message 987

From: Nahl_Shadore
Date: 2002-03-02 01:43:47
In-Reply-To: 983

okay, to respond to these messages, I'm going to have to refer to another game, which I was signed up to beta test for, called Dawn. The game release is still planned, but from what I've seen it's probably not coming out any time soon, but it had a lot of things in common with majik (classless, permadeath, etc.), and I'd like to take this from what I learned there.

The beta testers had message boards, including ones specific to each race (sub-boards for town/clan)
in the gnome clan I was in, we had our entire city structure planned out, with no NPC's involved. city guards (and ranger/lookouts), miners, smiths, diplomats (including magistrates, a council, and emissaries to other towns/races once we interacted), carpenters, architect masons (of which I was one, designing and building houses/castles/whatever). Of course we also had the regular warriors and mages and whatnot.

that's not to say that there wouldn't be NPCs, but they would at least not be a major part of life. the most I'd say NPCs should be for is store clerks. the smithing should be done by the players (employ other players, if you want). my point is, we had around 1000 players on that message board (between all the races) and all of them were able to fit into the community somehow and be there for the roleplaying and interaction, not just the hack'n'slash. Now a goblin city and a gnomish city would of course have different philosophies, governments, and societies. I say that none of this should be a problem if we get the players to meet in forums, get to know each other, and work out a roleplaying society a couple months before the release date. There will always be someone willing to fulfill a need in the community.

Message 988

From: Nahl_Shadore
Date: 2002-03-02 01:54:24
In-Reply-To: 987

oh, and I believe that cities should not exist, except for ruins, ancient landmarks, small villages (where players start perhaps?) that the summoned cataclysmic demons didn't deem worth the effort of demolishing completely, and of course cities special to (and under the protection of) a god, demigod, or powerful sage

Message 995

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-03-03 08:59:38
In-Reply-To: 988

Sounds like an interesting experiment with this Dawn-game. Dawn seems to have proven that it is possible to do without many NPCs. What if NPC characters would not be included at all, instead, player characters would have relative autonomy, while not in player control (I believe this is sort of a goal already).

This could result into:

1. Oldbies would start a bar (example).
2. Newbies being hired to do work in bar for 8 hours a day.
3. Finally getting financial

Player could leave his/her character to work and after work it should be his/her free time to really play the game and go experiencing. He/She could of course decide to play some of that "boring" interaction too. In this arrangement, newbie would gain salary to support his/her living, also some of his/her skills would increase. He/She would not be able to start mindless wondering around the world, since there is this responsibility... so instead he/she would learn about the world and get a role for himself/herself, there would be appreciation and most of all, well working economy that would have strong basis.

Message 996

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-03 17:51:42
In-Reply-To: 995

This is a nice thought, but I really doubt it. Of course it would be lot easier, no AI code at all etc.

But do the players have responsibility? And do they have patience to play in their role? I know, some do, but.. some don't And the question is, will this be a disadvantage or not.

Yes, on the other hand, it may still be an option. Think of a city guard system for example. A player who rules the city hires a skilled player to take care of the city safety. Then the other player would hire some not so skilled ones to be guard commanders. They hire newbies to be guards. And all the time the player ruling the city buys clothing for guards from city clothier, who buys his raw materials from there and there...
And bread for guards from bakery, who buys from mill etc. etc.

Settlers I II III IV anyone? :)

And if someone has no responsibility.. oh, well.. that happened a lot in medieaval times. The worst bandits were the city tax collectors and soldiers.. they robbed not only for the baron but for themselves.

Message 999

From: Nahl_Shadore
Date: 2002-03-03 21:25:57
In-Reply-To: 996

well, for Takomtor's method (offline PCs become (basically) NPCs at their jobs (if working when they log off) then there would still need to be AI code for them, although a minimal amount (buy/sell, if a bartender and a fight breaks out how to deal with it (aggressively stop it, let it go on, etc)
this kind of thing could even be somewhat player-programmable
what I mean is, a player could have a submenu with options for how to act when offline (stay still, wander within a certain distance, join a nearby battle if one starts, etc) and proprietors of a business could set their offline employees the same way (wander within building, ask customers if they want to order anything and display a menu, stay behind the counter and show what's for sale to whoever talks to them, not sell any weapons to elves, etc)
employees would know how their character must act while offline, so they know if they might get into a fight

I think it would be a good idea to try during the beta, and if it doesn't work then we could always implement NPCs later

Message 1000

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-03 23:24:28
In-Reply-To: 999

True. Then we do need AI code. And this script language for offline character thing.. well I have always thought that. The biggest problem might be that players just put their character to train and study(tm) line. And then, by doing nothing, the players get a skilled character for hack'n'slash for example. We may always include some kind of variable to determine how much a char is able to train per day while in NPC mode, some kind of stress value for example, so they could get better results when online.

And another thing. Since we allow players to play multi chars, it may end up like this: I have 8 characters running offline to work for money and then giving it to me. Am I smart or something? I get better equs!

Message 1002

From: raeky
Date: 2002-03-04 18:22:34
In-Reply-To: 1000

they shouldn't be able to train or learn while in NPC mode, they should effectively be sleeping, and if they decide to sleep in a area where a monster can come by and kill them, then to bad.

I don't really like the idea of benifiting from noting, i meen, if you can learn, even just a little bit, from being offline, then they will just start learning something that may take a week, and go off and play another game for a week, come back and there character has learned it without any effort. I don't like that idea.

Message 1003

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-05 00:09:00
In-Reply-To: 1002

Story so far: If we do not make any NPCs at all, and PCs just sleep while offline, we get a world like this: Strong and working economy system, roleplayers ruling the world, newbies trying to survive, player communities being born.

Another option: Give some of the work to NPCs so they do the most boring tasks. And still we have all mentioned above.

But is there such thing? What is boring? Hmm.. I think that there may be a player for every task in the world..

OTOH there might be a problem, when a player has a shop for example and he have to go offline for two days. So, the shopkeeper is sleeping for two real days making it.. um.. several majik days anyway. This happens if we do not allow PCs turn to NPCs. And if player is able to put his char to work while offline - he benefits from nothing.

So, what now? Keeping the NPCs?

Or, maybe hire a shop assistant?

they shouldn't be able to train or learn while in NPC mode, they should effectively be sleeping, and if they decide to sleep in a area where a monster can come by and kill them, then to bad.

The worst thing is when line crashes or computer jammes.. Damn, lost my char - he falled asleep during a battle.

There could be some kind of system that allows PNPC (player char offline;) to run and hide or find a suitable rest place, like inn, before getting sleep, (In area defined by a player for example) but that's it - no other things while offline.

Message 1005

From: Nahl_Shadore
Date: 2002-03-05 04:46:02
In-Reply-To: 1003

yeah, the only thing I was thinking that you'd be able to do that would actually be like "training" is act in a battle if necessary (thieves come up and try to mug you, so your character cuts their throats)
the thing with this is your character would not have the intelligence of a human, and the first instinct of the PNPC (I like that term :) would be to run and hide, so would not do nearly as good as if someone were at the controls. If you decide to leave your character offline to "train" like this, then you will have around a 99% chance of dying when attacked.
if we implemented the job system, you'd also earn money (no exp) while at a job

also, leaving your character for an extended period of time would not be extremely smart. you need to eat, and if you're away for a week and sleeping, no problem, but if you're away for a week and fighting or working, you'd starve

crashes/disconnects are a big thing when in a game like this
even if we don't implement all of this, we need some sort of "defence" code like above to protect against this

Message 1008

From: raeky
Date: 2002-03-05 19:14:58
In-Reply-To: 1003

I did not say not to have NPCs. I just dont like the idea of players learning without any effort. And a player while offline shouldn't do anything, like walk arround or something. A player MOB should be imobile or just be sleeping if there offline. I don't see a problem with that.

A player can hire npcs for various tasks, perhaps npcs to protect there sleeping body, or there house, or there shop. And hire npcs to make items in there blacksmith shop, (teaching them the same way one would teach a player) and the npc can then be given instuctions to make swords if there is the proper raw materials arround. Or to smelt iron ore, and when the player logs in again his iron ore has been already smelted. A npc also can be hired if he already knows how to do this, but would have to be taught by someone at some point.

Npcs can also be hired to run a business and buy and sell for a player, the player providing the items up for sale and specificying what types of items he is willing go buy and the most he is willing to pay for said items.

But i really am not found of a player learning while not logged in. He should be logged in to learn anything, and if he hires a new npc to help him create items, he has to teach this npc what to make.

If say the player is in the wilderness and gets disconnected from the internet or something, It might not be wise for there charater to just fall down asleep right on the spot. I'm not sure how its done in other MUDS since one has no ability to come back to life if they die, then this feature might not be good. And then again if they get disconnected and some AI takes there place, a problem with the AI can make players very upset if the stupid AI runs them into a big monster and they die.

Options could be if they get disconnected they automaticly spawn/teleport back to there "house" or if they don't own a house or if an inn is closer they get teleported to the nearest INN. This would be safty, but if they where a billion miles away from the nearest inn or there house, they can be very upset on haveing to travil back there. They could pitch a tent at a safe area deep in the wilderness, and if they get disconnected they teleport to there tent.

AI controlling players can be very bad if the AI starts going wacky.

Message 1009

From: raeky
Date: 2002-03-05 19:17:36
In-Reply-To: 1005

again, it just dosn't seem right to reward players for doing nothing. Things in majik shouldn't come easy.

Example. I create 25 accounts on majik. And 24 of them i get a job somewhere, and they work while offline and make money. Then I just login every so often, feed them rest them, and collect there money for the 1 account that i play.

Thats just dumb. :P

Message 1016

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-05 22:43:25
In-Reply-To: 1008

True. But I do not like the teleport -thing. That is just.. against everything. It should be that he runs there in PNPC or PC mode. That's risky, but what do you do? It is not so dangerous if you are near inn or house. And when you are not so near a safe place? When you travel. And it should be like that. Travelling is dangerous.

Message 1014

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-05 22:35:59
In-Reply-To: 1009

Exactly. (dot)

Message 1015

From: raeky
Date: 2002-03-05 22:39:38
In-Reply-To: 1014

as in you agree or disagree with my point?

You want to have people create 30 accounts for the sole purpose of getting money or something?

Message 1017

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-05 22:45:05
In-Reply-To: 1015

Thats just dumb. :P

That I agree :)

Message 1018

From: raeky
Date: 2002-03-05 22:45:15
In-Reply-To: 1016

Well if he does run there then a PNPC shouldn't be specificly targed by NPC AI. So that it most likely will arrive there safely unless another player attacked it, in which it would have to know how to fight fairly good.

Message 1019

From: raeky
Date: 2002-03-05 22:46:13
In-Reply-To: 1017

ok good :)

I won't have to beat you up. :P

Message 1029

From: Nahl_Shadore
Date: 2002-03-06 02:30:17
In-Reply-To: 1018

But i really am not found of a player learning while not logged in. He should be logged in to learn anything

I already agreed with this
no skill gain

if they get disconnected they automaticly spawn/teleport back to there "house" or if they don't own a house or if an inn is closer they get teleported to the nearest INN

this I am 100% against
this enables the method of:

"hey, I've been playing for almost 2 weeks, I'll go into the pit of despair and attack the giant ogre of doom!"
*fight ensues, character almost dead after one hit*
"whoah, didn't expect that! (idiot) oh well, I'll just respawn at my house (disconnect, character is now safe at home)"

the player was dumb, he should feel the consequesces!! That's the whole reason for perma-death!!


Well if he does run there then a PNPC shouldn't be specificly targed by NPC AI.

the PNPC should be treated like any other player by NPCs
if you're in the middle of a fight with a huge bear and disconnect, the bear won't stop attacking.
the PNPC should defend itself and run.

AI controlling players can be very bad if the AI starts going wacky

true enough. that's why we have such great coders :)
to prevent the wackyness

all in all, I don't really want the "run to the nearest inn" thing, since inns aren't part of the game itself
an inn would just be a house with extra beds and the owner charges to stay there. to the game engine, however, it's just a house.
besides that, I'd like to see vagrants sleeping in the park, or across someone's doorstep, blocking the entrance :)

the only thing I'm not sure about with NPC implementation is since a lot of the world will be just developing, how do we code the NPCs to help with that? there won't be many cities with shops at the beginning, and the world will expand a lot, so we'd constantly have to make new NPCs to fill it, and there'd have to be some sort of NPC-employment office, which just ruins the reality we're going for

anyways, that's just my 2 cents (3 1/2 canadian)

Message 2614

From: Tumababa
Date: 2002-12-24 07:44:09
In-Reply-To: 1019

I love the discussions in this forum. Sometimes I'll be reading something and then I'll look down at the clock and WHOA! It's 2am.

Anyway.... I have to put in my two cents... I'm to intrigued not to.

A thought: Raeky has expressed concerns over players building up uber characters while they're offline through training, working for $$$, etc....

Perhaps if you made the wage a PC earned while working barely enough to keep him/her fed and a roof over his/her head players would think twice about going offline for a week in the hope of coming back to a fat wad of cash for their new broadsword. Of course the player could decide that he wants his PC to live under a crate behind the brothel and eat nothing but rats. I don't need to go in to depth here to explain that players will want... no... NEED good accomadations for their PC. There are a plethora of things that could be coded to make players want a roof over their heads and good food.

As to training when you're offline. I don't think any players would raise a stink about not being able to do so since no other online rpgs allow you to(At least according to my limited knowledge).

Oh, and I was to be a beta tester for Dawn as well. What a shame it's on the backburner.

Message 1031

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-06 23:41:46
In-Reply-To: 1029

an inn would just be a house with extra beds and the owner charges to stay there. to the game engine, however, it's just a house.
besides that, I'd like to see vagrants sleeping in the park, or across someone's doorstep, blocking the entrance :)

That is true, but if an innkeeper is wise enough, he can hire some guards there, and besides, you sleep better on a bed than on someones doorstep. So why not to make game engine to detect the nearest house with isInn = true; and get the PNPC there. It just like an ordinary house? So what then? It's better than nothing.

Message 1032

From: Nahl_Shadore
Date: 2002-03-07 02:50:12
In-Reply-To: 1031

sorry, I didn't say finish just what I was saying
I don't like the idea of someone building a house and having to "register it" as an inn or something
I agree it would likely be safer
my main problem is the "isInn=true" thing
the variable would have to be marked by the players
someone could mark their house as an inn, lure a PNPC there with that, and as soon as they come in the door, they fall into a bottomless pit (which the house was built around)

Message 1034

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-07 23:42:10
In-Reply-To: 1032

Hmm. That is true. A admit that.

Well, then you have to find a safe place by yourself in PC mode and 'register' it to be your backup resting place, so your PNPC (if net crashes or something) can walk/run there safely and rest. That's one option.

Another is that you have to go to safe place always in PC mode and set your char rest, and then logoff. But this obviously has the problem of net crashing mentioned earlier.

Message 1035

From: raeky
Date: 2002-03-08 03:01:34
In-Reply-To: 1034

If you get disconnected your PNPC will travel too:

Whichever is closest:
"Safe Zone" (areas where people frequenetly visit that isn't in the realm of monsters.)
-Your house/hut/tent. (you can build more then one)

There should be alot of areas arround that we desginate to be "safe" for a PNPC to idle in. Or the player can by there choice, tell there PNPC to do some task if they disconnect, or travel to some specific point and do some task.

IF they decide to do something as in training as there task, then there speed of learning would be GREATLY decreesed or even not possible to learn, depending on task.

Message 1036

From: Nahl_Shadore
Date: 2002-03-08 06:22:23
In-Reply-To: 1035

heh, you're coming back to what I was suggesting before

greatly decreased or preferably non-existant skill gain, but still able to do something (sell stuff, etc.) while logged off

I like the above specifications of "safe" zones, but I also think we should add one:
the last place you safely rested/logged
it could just be in a clearing, but it would help you get your bearings, being in familliar territory

well, back to english least midterms are over....

Message 1037

From: Nahl_Shadore
Date: 2002-03-08 06:25:54
In-Reply-To: 1036

we just also have to remember that none of these places are completely safe, especially the campsites and such, so we still have to allow your PNPC to defend itself with basic skills, just in case

Message 1140

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-16 00:04:38
In-Reply-To: 1037

There is one option also: If a PC turns to PNPC while in a friendly party. If the player decides to choose the option 'Follow current party' the PNPC would follow them and fight beside them if neccesary. This is quite dangerous too if you do not know the people you are with. There can be also a system for situations where the frendly party suddenly attacks - the PNPC would simply leave the party and run to nearest 'safe zone'.

Hmm.. what then if the party hunts the PNPC? Call for guards?

Message 1167

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-03-16 17:23:04
In-Reply-To: 1140

I suggest that we first implement as open system as possible. Players soon notice weaknesses and start to play in a way to avoid them. If we construct too many regulations from the start, we end up having an European like world that is full of structural faults that skew the world even more, instead of correcting it, like planned.

As a closing remark I think this party mentality is more like mud thing... getting together with unknown people is easy, IRL we just don't trust anyone so we restrain our contacts to familiar subjects.

Message 2615

From: Tumababa
Date: 2002-12-24 07:46:09
In-Reply-To: 2614

Oh and my opinion on NPCs is that the game world could survive with none. Having PCs become NPCs when the player is offline will make all the NPCs you need for boring tasks(Such as sweeping up those messy streets and whatnot).