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drugs and majik

Message 504

From: hook
Date: 2002-02-02 08:51:26

I noticed in the world book a desc on ergot fungus which i thought would be cool until i read it. Ok this sucks....i didn's say anything about the oxygen desc or some of the other crap that has been going in there but enough is enough...A desc on LSD use i think really is not needed or wanted...If we are going to have drugs in majik please keep out the west coast sub-urban teen angst interpretaions of their use. If you are going to put a drug in majik make it usefull interesting and at least a little novel. Ergot has an interesting history in europe and in colonial america. The effects it caused when eaten by peasents made people think they were possesed by demons and witches....there are a million ways to play apon this to make an interesting desc that could make this stuff about a fungis that does cause demonic possesion and does get into the food supply the same way ergot would be more in the spirit of a fantacy RPG don't you think. Fanatacy worlds have a tradition of drugs starting with LOTR...gandolf smoked a weed, the elves had that bread and the orcs had that burning liquid...lets play on that not 60's drug culture which is as interesting as a wet sack full of dead kittens.

Message 507

From: raeky
Date: 2002-02-02 18:05:40
In-Reply-To: 504

sounds good to me.. i'll rewrite the descriptions and make them... not like the 60's drug culture. heh