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Number of Creatures for Nemen

Message 503

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-02-02 04:47:14

Well, I was fool enough to take the "Nemen flora and fauna" task, I was wondering, so that I could know about when to stop... How many (different) creatures will be needed for Nemen?

Message 506

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-02-02 12:02:14
In-Reply-To: 503

There is rainforest on the island, right? IRL rainforests have the most dense variety of spieces. So IMHO there is no need to stop. :)

Actually.. I would say um.. 10 plants and trees 8 eating those and 5 predators eating the animals? This would still be in reasonable limits. It sounds pretty much.. (I don't know how many you thought there to be) but these spieces can be used in other parts of the world as well. So, maybe Nemen flora and fauna is a mix of spieces from different continents. After all it still lies between two of them.

Altough I'm not sure if we need all those spieces right away. Some may be added later.

Message 517

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-02-04 02:57:36
In-Reply-To: 506

that would probably be a good limit... I assume the game is supposed to be released some day. :)

Message 518

From: hook
Date: 2002-02-04 04:14:27
In-Reply-To: 517

baasicly we should just make a ton of them....i think what the plan is, is to swap stuff in an out as we go along....nemen is a test area so if we want to try out a preditor pray system then we will just throw them in there and see what happens....those particulare preditors and pray will not nessarily be n nemen when all is said and done but they wil live someware else being first tested in nemen. Anyway thats how i thought of nemen as a test area that will change alot before all is said and done....if you want to make a defined ecosystem this is fine but expect other stuff to be thrown in and things changed as we see how things relate.

Message 574

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-02-05 04:32:37
In-Reply-To: 518

Ah, i understand now.

Message 578

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-02-05 06:45:35
In-Reply-To: 574

yet, i wonder, how would i ever complete the Nemen flora&fauna task, if the limit is undefined?

Message 579

From: hook
Date: 2002-02-05 12:04:43
In-Reply-To: 578

you won't....nemen flora and fauna task was to broad of a task and should never have been should have been broken up into smaller parts. Like describe most commen tree of nemen forest....describe commen preditor of nemen forest....describe commen nemen plains grazer.

If you want I could add these tasks to the task list. or i could add specific ones that you have done already...but i need an outline for each task you wish to accomplish. Also note that for nemen these animals should not (with the main plants and animals) be specific to nemen alone...they will be used elsewere...anyway it looks like you have finished tasks that just were not added to the task list...just post some tasks here and i will add them.

Message 597

From: beregar
Date: 2002-02-06 14:47:17
In-Reply-To: 579

Actually, Nemen flora and fauna was a stupid name to begin with (excuse my rude language). Flora and Fauna are not tied to some specific place and since things can be easily added in the game in form of updates, we can create as many plants and animals as we want and later worry if they will make it in the game.

Actually I'm just repeating here what Hook just said :)

- Beregar