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The worldbook issue

Message 466

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-02-01 00:15:34

When the worldbook is now closed for public, (but what's the quest system around here btw?) we should start concidering the expanding of the page. Perhaps the FAQ would need updating and maybe some addings.

One solution would be to create a public worldbook that would include eg.
* the races with short descriptions
* the fundamentals of game mechanics - skill system etc.
* the goal of game (no hack'n'slash in this game)
* the common features of the game (actually already got that in
* the gods maybe
* NO maps
* NO information about sages (We don't want to spoil all the surprises, do we?:)
* NO precise information at all.

The public version would be quite constant. I think it does not have to be updated every time the original one is..

Message 2571

From: kolpy
Date: 2002-11-15 16:41:00
In-Reply-To: 466

a small public worldbook would be awesome, it would probably help stop a lot of stupid questions on the forums and get people more interested in the game.

Message 1023

From: raeky
Date: 2002-03-05 23:24:22
In-Reply-To: 466

Maybe someone should write a sorta "history" of the world enough to peek the intrests of would be players. Remember this is likely going to be a BIG download and if it dosn't sound intresting I personaly wouldn't download a gigabyte to find out if I would like to play it or not.

Some pregame info will need to be dished out to get them thinking, hey this would be cool. Kinda like the "manuals" that come with other RPG games like Diablo II. They have very non specific info about the history and races. Alot of cool conceptual art and stuff. But nothing that would give away details that they would learn if they played the game.

We need to find us some good 2d artists to create alot of custom art for the game, and website.

Message 475

From: beregar
Date: 2002-02-01 10:35:31
In-Reply-To: 466

Well, then we would need two worldbooks, one for designers and one for players which is really bad. I'd rather see the web site filled with quotations from stories and such.

Racial information should not be available to players outside the game. Just some notes and a very short description descriping the race is and its purpose. Monster descriptions and such should be found only from ingame books.

Imho players need not to know how game mechanics work. I realize that you mean generic information, but I think we should use caution when considering what to reveal and what to not reveal. Players need only know about parts visible to them in game.

The goal of game is very important part, we should clearly define rules for players: what is allowed, what is not and how do we punish for breaking the rules, this applies to players and gods alike. We should also remind that the death in majik is permanent and while it is ok for a god or wizard to kill player(s) for some rpg purpose, it should not be allowed to kill players just because your gf/bf dumped you because you played too much Majik and spent too little time with her/him... but perhaps it is a good reason to evoke a destructive storm and let it do the killing. ;)

jumped over common features

I think we shouldn't reveal names and domains of inactive gods for this allows a returning god to roleplay a bit: for example to be "found" by some players who will introduce the god's religion back to world and restore faith to him/her.

The rest if obvious and actually restates everything that I said above.

- Beregar

Message 472

From: hook
Date: 2002-02-01 10:13:46
In-Reply-To: 466

perhaps this is where the Azlok chronicals, yorka's novel, and the stuff belemar wrote could come into play....the storys told in these three examples give some information away but still keep most of the important things crytpic.

Also these three works occure before the cataclysm and as such the information in them would be some what obsolete while still giving a flavor of the game.

Message 477

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-02-01 10:43:13
In-Reply-To: 475

1. Well those quotitations would work as kind of a worldbook though.

2. Yup, Just some information. The list of playable ones and how they should be played. Maybe a picture too?

3. True. I think only the information players have to know when starting the game first time should be included.

456... Agree on that.

Message 1027

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-06 00:57:55
In-Reply-To: 1023

Not to mention the great in-game screenshots. They always get players interested. (when we get some=)

And true, we need art, and some kind of.. thing, that has an answer to "What is majik, and what does it do?" - Why to play majik instead of something other.

And one point. We should give players information about what we are doing, or are we doing anything. People get interested if they can observe the developement.

And more earlier we give this to players, more players we may have.

Hmm, and what if we give potential players reason to visit regularly? Just a wild idea.. A story, tale that takes place in majik world. Contains legends and such, but only few true and practical facts. A part being published every day, per few days or every week, whatever. That way everyone could, if he is interested enough, gather some information about world itself. This, regular update, would also make things to look more active. ;) The main page for example contains: updated 99 days ago etc. Anyway, got my point there..

Message 1040

From: origon
Date: 2002-03-09 00:54:05
In-Reply-To: 1023

A decent 2d artist will be moving in as my neighbour (apartment) at the end of this month. I will probably be able to make him hop around majik some ;)

Message 1065

From: guest
Date: 2002-03-11 21:54:44
In-Reply-To: 1027

If I may make a suggestion on the daily story, make it a journal entry of an adventurer. Provide enough info in the story to make it interesting, but vague enough to not give away any secrets. Would revolve more around the interactions the adventurer has with other characters, with brief allusions to combat.
Only leave the last 7 days of the journal out for people to read. That way they can't easily jump an old entry for help or to put 2 and 2 together.

Lurking and waiting for the release...
Quoth the Raven, "Green eggs and ham - Nevermore!"

Message 1045

From: raeky
Date: 2002-03-09 09:02:35
In-Reply-To: 1040

make? :P

Message 1049

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-03-10 03:13:30
In-Reply-To: 1040

Has anyone tried to make writers involved with majik? Would be nice if some deskdrawer writer would place novel into the world of majik. They could use our bones (history time line) and write something bit more creative than we have done now. It would be good way to "market" the game and a good way to give impression about the world. Freely accessible from the site and writer gets the credit... that sort of a thing.

Message 1046

From: origon
Date: 2002-03-09 16:07:46
In-Reply-To: 1045

...get him interested in it :)

Message 1047

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-09 17:23:32
In-Reply-To: 1046

That's nice. ;) Is there any of his art somewhere around net?

Message 1048

From: origon
Date: 2002-03-09 17:43:31
In-Reply-To: 1047

I don't think so

Message 1068

From: Badboyz3584
Date: 2002-03-11 23:10:40
In-Reply-To: 1049

I agree with Takomtor. It would be a good idea to involve people that have good writing skills, and as a bonus, less typos.

Message 1127

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-14 14:53:26
In-Reply-To: 1065

This sounds interesting to me. Only thing is, will there be someone to write the story.

Message 1144

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-03-16 05:32:41
In-Reply-To: 1127

How about gathering ideas on this forum (any one care to make a new thread?), and then, well, if no one wants to do it everytime (understandable, IMHO), we could take turns writing a chapter of the story?

And anyway, it might only be a few paragraphs a week, because we want to leave room if the release date is farther off than expected. :)

Message 1173

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-16 18:56:16
In-Reply-To: 1144

To you all, who can only read the general majik and about forums. We have started making a story to majik web page, and it will propably have weekly update, at least in the beginning. There will be discussion about the details, but it seems we are going to have it - in some time at least.

So, any suggestions, what do you want to hear?