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Majik Fundamentals

Message 386

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-01-28 13:57:20

We already have a lot of material that concerns rather specific features such as magic, combat, economy and religion, but in addition we need to gather a comprehensive list of features from the newbies' viewpoint that shortly describes our basic design philosophies, bridging the gaps between those specific issues. Good examples of "need to be documented" features would be

- The fact that design should always start by considering the most realistic and believable solution for any individual problem, ignoring role-playing clichés, and from there on the level of realism should be tuned according to resources we have assigned in implementing the stuff
- We don't have classes, instead we have skills
- We don't have experience or levels, instead we have skills
- We don't have alignments, players are not "labeled"
- The gaming isn't based on monster bashing, instead ...
- How players interact with Gods
- How players interact with Sages

I'm pretty sure you brilliant people can expand this list dramatically.

Message 634

From: Rahl
Date: 2002-02-08 02:05:30
In-Reply-To: 386

-How the players interact with each other

This I think is important

Message 638

From: darshan
Date: 2002-02-08 09:19:20
In-Reply-To: 634

What do you mean "how they interact"? They'll interact in
any way they can.

Message 639

From: hook
Date: 2002-02-08 10:05:08
In-Reply-To: 638

What do you mean "how they interact"? They'll interact in
any way they can.

I think he was saying that in respose to yorka's comment here

- The gaming isn't based on monster bashing, instead ...
- How players interact with Gods
- How players interact with Sages

He was just pointing that out to yorka that he left that out....which i agree is a "BIG" thing to leave out. In fact I feel it is more important then the other two.