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magical relics

Message 377

From: raeky
Date: 2002-01-28 06:39:46

Maybe we should start talking about these magical relics and what they are what they look like how they are givin to a race or person, if they can be found. etc...

Message 453

From: beregar
Date: 2002-01-30 16:54:08
In-Reply-To: 377

Erhm, I'd actually like to hear more about current situation of the races first before giving them any relics. I'd rather see designers taking only a few (historical) races for themselves and actually putting some thought in all aspects of them.

This includes the place where they lived, their relation to magic, gods and how common it was among them. Some historical background which can be used for in game purpose, like ruined cities, books of ancient lore, history and knowdlege about mythical creatures, and of course mythical items.

- Beregar