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The calendar and the year's length

Message 349

From: darshan
Date: 2002-01-27 13:42:45

Established fact: Time runs at 1:3 to real-life time, causing one day to be 8 hours long.

The current calendar has 384 days in it. This would mean that our game year is 128 days long. That's clearly way too much.

I suggest we drop the amount of days in a year to 160. The year cycle would then be 53 days. The 160 could be split in six months.

Azlok, can I rewrite the worldbook calendar entry?

Message 352

From: beregar
Date: 2002-01-27 14:57:40
In-Reply-To: 349

Hmm, so that means about 13 days for one season (if there are for of them), only two weeks. Isn't that a bit short?

- Beregar

Message 353

From: darshan
Date: 2002-01-27 15:05:24
In-Reply-To: 352

I'm thinking in terms of "summertime" and "wintertime". 26 days for each is, well, actually it is a bit short, but you can adjust it. In any case, my basic message is that the calendar model must be shortened dramatically.

Message 355

From: beregar
Date: 2002-01-27 15:17:37
In-Reply-To: 353

Hmm. I agree only somewhat. You have to remember that players may play only a few days a week and thus they may "sleep" over one season. For example if there are plants which bloom only summer or spring, the player may not be able to get them.

I agree though that the proposed year is way too long. It should be something like 280 days. That would make game year 93 days long, three months real time, which is not that bad.

- Beregar

Message 373

From: hook
Date: 2002-01-28 02:23:17
In-Reply-To: 355

so whats the concensus? 280 days sounds fine for me...drshn if you can agree to this ill change the calander right away.

By the way do ppl age at the same rate as in RL or is the 280 day year equal to RL year so that a 40 year old in RL is just like a 40 year old in majik even though they have lived less days then a RL person?


Message 380

From: darshan
Date: 2002-01-28 08:41:57
In-Reply-To: 373

280 is fine by me. Yes, it would equal a RL year.

Message 381

From: hook
Date: 2002-01-28 08:49:26
In-Reply-To: 380

I edited the now has 288 days a year, 12 months with 3 weeks of 8 days for each week. Giveing each month 24 days. hmm maybe the calander might need names for the days or even nmaes for the week of the month.