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task management system version 1 done

Message 341

From: namhas
Date: 2002-01-26 21:23:08

First version of Majik Task Management System is done.
You can follow quick-link to "tasks" in order to get
there. Milestones, multi-part tasks etc. will come later.

Please do not assign more than one task to yourself at
time and try to finish your tasks as quick as possible
or resign it so someone else could take it.

When adding tasks try to keep the tasks as small as
possible - in no case no bigger than one people could
accomplish. Try not make too generic tasks. When writing
description for tasks please list requirements whatever
needs to be done until the task can be set to 100% done
and approved.

Write journal entries often - every time you get something
done or have problems. Always if you resign task please
write journal entry explaining why did you do that.

For everything you do please add a task to the system
and finish it straight away if you had the thing done
already. The task management system can also act as
a service where you can check "what's done". Thus,
when you're writing finishing journal entry for your
task please tell exactly whatever you have done and
please add a link to the stuff you've done if that is

Message 350

From: Yendor
Date: 2002-01-27 14:01:20
In-Reply-To: 341

Namhas. The task system is quite good looking, but still needs a few more features. This may have been already under discussion, but there should be some kind of sorting of tasks. Like sort by creator, current maintainer, date, progress etc... And of course, when the tasks increase, we need to do some kind of nesting for the tasks.

Message 351

From: namhas
Date: 2002-01-27 14:26:25
In-Reply-To: 350

Milestones, branches and multipart tasks will do the
"nesting". Sorting will come.

Message 465

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-02-01 00:03:18
In-Reply-To: 350

And the tasks would need a 'last updated' date too. It's quite hard to track the progress when one needs to click every task every time.