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A few questions

Message 322

From: beregar
Date: 2002-01-25 10:30:05

Has anyone made a detailed map of Nemen where ruins and such things can be seen? Though I'm not sure if it is wise to do anyway if we can later edit the terrain in game and add new areas, the map would be obsolete then.

Has anyone created ruins, ancient worship sites or other locations for Nemen?

Do players start in a fixed location (like some ruins) or are they scattered around randomly?

If I create a faerie-like player race with small wings and which can fly and lives in forest, would anyone be against it? I'd also like to create a small ruined forest area as a starting place for them (which would also be a node point or has a scrying pool or something, little starting advance (and a threat) for them. :)

Could we choose someone (Belemar?) as a official mapmaker to edit Nemen terrain for us? I'm against allowing anyone to edit map by whim because, especially later, there will be many people making changes. A word of warning though, it will require active person to oversee and make those changes, and to check that two people are not changing same thing and if they do, notify them. Remember that Nemen is a much more smaller area than whole worldmap.

- Beregar

Message 327

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-01-25 10:53:46
In-Reply-To: 322

1. No, there is no detailed map yet, at least I have not seen one. Some things have been decided however, namely that the mountains are old.

2. No, there are no models for ruins yet.

3. Yes, Nemen is geographically so varied that players should probably start at a ruin located in the "plains" area, so they would experience the rush of exploring intimidating areas such as the nearby mountains and forests.

4. Well, I would be against it for now, because we've decided to limit the amount of player races in Nemen to 1. However, such a race could be created for later use. Also, could you document the brates and dryads?

5. It would be much too large a task for an individual person to edit. The details will be done with some kind of editing "client" in which changes to the world can be seen in real time, that should be the next major coding advancement.

Message 337

From: hook
Date: 2002-01-26 00:53:38
In-Reply-To: 322

If we have stuff about nemen could we post it on the nemen thread of the forums. I don't want to have to search through obscurly titled threads to find info on the forums.

Message 330

From: beregar
Date: 2002-01-25 11:14:26
In-Reply-To: 327

1. Hmm, well. I suppose it might be better to actually draw that map than use, for example, enlarged version of worldmap (even for design purpose).

2. I didn't quite mean that. I just meant if people already have chosen a location for them in the Nemen worldmap. I'm going to add a few locations there and that's why I asked if we have any small general worldmap available for all designers to view, so we won't add areas too near each other or even worse, somewhere that already has some other place.

3. I have the Nemen map open right now so I'd suggest we could add the starting location/ruins little south from the mountain range where rivers meet. It seems logical for me that the place migh have had some sort of settlement BC (= Before Cataclysm) because of the water route offered by the rivers. It is also plains area and mountains are to north and jungles to south and southwest.

4. Hmm. Well, I planned to locate them in the island NE from Nemen. I'll probably still do and set them as a NPC race for now and perhaps later allow players to choose them as a playable race.

If we have only one race in Nemen, how will we later allow player's to choose new races and will it mean mass loss of current Nemen players (as they may choose another race)?

Also, how many character's players are allowed to have?

As to Brates and dryad's, I'll redesign them a bit first to remove some inconsitency. I'm not quite sure whether I'll allow them as a player race or purely as a NPC race. If they are a player race, I probably have to alter theem quite much (for example to remove dying when away from their forests) and I'm certainly going to rename them both.

5. Well, we still need temporar map where to add cities, ruins or locations... unless they too show in the map?

Message 336

From: hook
Date: 2002-01-26 00:48:24
In-Reply-To: 327

No, there are no models for ruins yet.

If some one is going to make ruins they should be somewhat generic so they can be placed all over the world. This is the purpose of the nemen test area.

Well, I would be against it for now, because we've decided to limit the amount of player races in Nemen to 1. However, such a race could be created for later use. Also, could you document the brates and dryads?

I agree with this there should be only one PC race on nemen. As to what that race will be; fairy, troglodyte, human or what ever i don't care but i should only be one.

Message 340

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-01-26 14:44:05
In-Reply-To: 336

About the starting races on Nemen.. What if we have one race, say, human for example, but two different peoples settled to island. This would make it easier for medellers - you do not need to model two different races, but it would allow the language system to be tested some day - if it is necessary this soon..

Message 338

From: namhas
Date: 2002-01-26 01:19:05
In-Reply-To: 337

Right you are! People should learn to invent informative
subjects and end threads whenever they feel that the
discussion has begun to "flow out" of the thread and then
start a new thread that is dedicated for the direction
wherever the discussion is going. Long threads are bad.

If a thread starts out with subject "battle system" and
after 5 messages the discussion is turning from general
battle system mumble jumble to discussing skills in battle
system then a "battle system skills" thread should be
made. I'm thinking about coding some sort of button you
could press in order to show the others that certain
message is "frozen" (could be many such points to one
thread) and that discussion is continued somewhere else.

But anyways, with or without such system - try to keep
subjects informative and threads small!

Message 339

From: namhas
Date: 2002-01-26 01:26:49
In-Reply-To: 338

Somehow some kind of "summaries" would be nice to have
too and ability to relocate messages, like these messages
under some new thread. Post all your ideas you have to
decrease chaos!