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Nemen Region Desc

Message 2594

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-12-08 04:22:57

Here is v. 0.5 of the Comprehensive Nemen Region Desc:

= Nemen =

##Variation by Region
##Western Jungle
##Eastern Prairie and Lowlands
##Northern Mountains and Highlands

== 1. Overview ==
The island of Nemen has a central-western location on the world and lies between the Sea of Tears and the Quiet Sea. It is the largest island of a chain that stretches between the continents of Voran and Minartan from the Zumal peninsula in the southwest to the shores of Terennir in the northeast. The island is about 22.5 x 20 km in dimension - about 450 square kilometers. It lies at the northern edge of the tropical latitudes, and thus has high precipitation but is not entirely jungle. On the island, there are three main geographical regions: the jungles to the west, the prairie/plains region in the southeast, and the highlands/mountains to the northeast.

== 2. Climate ==
The island of Nemen has only two seasons, the wet and dry seasons, known in the tongue as Harinatra (wet), from Siratodon to Hejii, and Macreador (dry), from Gwedd to Mireadien. These seasons are caused by the series of tropical storms that arise at the eastern end of the world every Mireadien and travel west for about two weeks months, reaching Nemen in the beginning of Siratodon.

=== 2.1 Harinatra ===
Harinatra begins as these monsoons reach Nemen. It can be roughly divided into two halves. In the first half, the flora of the island begins its recovery from the relatively dormant previous months. During this time, the deluge from the heavens comes in an almost constant stream (10-cm over one day) and becomes increasingly stronger. Thick fog covers much of the landscape until the afternoon. Deciduous trees begin forming the first buds and countless annual wildflowers and other plants send their first shoots up after half a year of dormancy. Temperatures begin to rise, reaching 30-40 degrees Celsius. As life begins anew, rivers overflow their banks, not only bringing rich silt from the highlands to the fertile valleys of eastern Nemen but also wreaking havoc upon any settlements within this rather broad floodplain (on average 10 km in either direction from the two rivers). The tropical storms also bring rather strong winds, ranging from 50 to 100 km/h (but usually staying under 70 km/h).

As the temperature and rains reach their pinnacle (up to 25 cm per day), the second half begins. During this part of the season, most plants begin to flower across prairie and rainforest alike. Rainfall gradually begins to decrease and floodwaters recede slightly, although they will remain in much of the flood plains until mid-Macreador. Farmers plant most crops during this time, adhering to the old adage, "Once heaven's tears yield, head to the field!" However, not only plants reproduce at this time; mating season for most animals begins with the first sign of the rain slackening. Winds also abate slightly, ranging usually between 25 and 75 km/h. As the season of Harinatra draws to a close, most deciduous trees are in full foliage and rain slows to a mere 5 cm per day, or levels at the beginning of the season. When the last monsoon has left its mark on the island, the fog lifts and the dry season, or Macreador begins.

=== 2.2 Macreador ===
In the month of Gwedd, Nemen's climate begins to become considerably drier and cooler. However, because it is a tropical island, the longest truly rainless periods are usually less than a week and air humidity remains near 90%. Likewise, "cooler" is a relative term, and temperatures, while considerably dropping from their peak of 40 degrees, never fall below the low 20s. During this time, known as Macreador, the proverbial, annual cycle of life draws to a close. Like Harinatra, the most extreme weather occurs near the middle of this season, during the month of and the entire season has two parts, divided by that extreme. During the first half of Macreador, the seeds or fruits of most plants develop and many animals bear their young. Rain falls at a rate of approximately 15 cm/week. Winds are far milder than the stormy previous months, generally staying under 20-km/h. Temperatures drop along with rainfall, from 30 to 20-25 mid-season. As the first half ends, fruits ripen across the island.

In the second half of Macreador, from Adrush to Mireadien, seeds are finally dispersed and crops are ready for harvest. At first, rainfall falls to its annual low, an average of 5 cm/week. When the first hints of the monsoons begin to arrive, precipitation and temperatures rise. Wind speed also increases, with breezes of over 25 km/h becoming more frequent. Finally, the monsoons do arrive, and where Macreador ends, Harinatra begins anew.

=== 2.3 Variation by Region ===
While these descriptions of the two seasons of Nemen are generally applicable to the entire island, there are naturally slight deviations between different physical regions. Most of the prairie and rainforest regions have similar climate, because of their proximity and because much of the plains was at one time jungle but has been deforested, which is described in more detail in the geography section. The peaks of Gordhalen and Durmien do not experience much flooding, and because of their dense, rocky soil, most of the water washes down onto the plains below. They also experience more wind, about 120% of the lower regions during Harinatra and up to 150% of the lower altitude land during Macreador.

== 3. Geography ==
Nemen can be divided into three geographical regions: the western jungle, the eastern prairies and lowlands, and the northern mountains and highlands. While the climate of these areas is similar, the plant and animal life varies greatly.


=== 3.1 Western Jungle ===
Almost the entire western half of Nemen is covered in rainforest. Here, giant trees provide year-round shade and animals are abundant in number and variety. In the deepest part of the jungle, a shrine of unknown origin sits among the tall trees and dense vines. (Possibly shrine to Shinael or other nature-oriented god?) A few km south is Mt. Durmien, a tree covered highland that is little more than a hill. At the fork of the Kadmoin River, where the Ayos River breaks off and flows south, an enormous boulder, 100 (h) x 200 (l) x 100 (w) meters in size. This rock, a remainder from ancient, tumultuous times, causes this fork in the Kadmoin. It is spoken of as a magical place, completely devoid of vegetation a common roost for the majestic Cymar raptor. This region is the wildest and least populous area of Nemen and is ideal for many an adventure for the brave of spirit. In the deepest part of the jungle, an ancient shrine to Namhas was built by Moon Elves who populated the Nemen island chain 6 millennia ago. This Shrine of Balance is still a location of powerful magic today.

=== 3.2 Eastern Prairie ===
The eastern prairie is a region of tall grasses and fertile soil, ideal for farming and other agricultural pursuits. At one time covered in dense forest like its neighboring jungle, over the centuries, deforestation and only recently the cataclysm has turned it into an almost treeless landscape that is prone to erosion. Nemen's two rivers, the Kadmoin and Ayos, roughly outline this region and two major ruins lie in its boundaries.

==== 3.2.1 Mareet ====
To the far east, the ancient city of Mareet, once the capital of the Elvish Neuínel colony. It now lies derelict with the crumbling outer walls and rubble giving barely a glimpse of its former grandeur. Tales of great treasure buried beneath the rubble abound, and this would be an excellent location for lower level quests.

==== 3.2.2 Port of Qurat ====
At the mouth of the Ayos River, in southern Nemen, lies the Port of Qurat, a once bustling trade center under the Elves, who named it Chirath. It was completely ruined after 6 millennia of neglect but the Pajonn settlers have in the years since the cataclysm managed to make it habitable again, building wooden huts in cleared areas of rubble.

=== 3.3 Northern Highlands ===
The third major geographical region of Nemen covers most of northern Nemen. These mountains are in stark contrast to the forests and plains below. Although the precipitation rate is similar, the weather is considerably colder and vegetation is much more sparse (low grasses and shrubs). It has two main peaks: Mt. Gordhalen (400 m) and Mt. Tutollen (325 m).

==== 3.3.1 Gordhalen Cave ====
Gordhalen Cave is an ancient limestone cave that stretches for 7 km into the bowels of Mt. Gordhalen and is said to contain rare ores and minerals.

==== 3.3.2 Northern Lighthouse ====
At the northern tip of this region and the entire island, an ancient Elvish lighthouse towers above the landscape. It was used to guide ships around the hazardous rocks off the shore but since the Elves left Nemen.

== 4. Wildlife ==
These are the animals and plants of Nemen to date.

=== 4.1 Fauna ===
((Cymar)) - Nemen's largest bird
((Dodalo)) - Small, powerful reptilian predator
((Elitsch)) - herbivorous freshwater fish
((Fonaeta)) - deerlike grazer
((Timial Cat)) - woodland predator
((Wicirard)) - stealthy predator of the night

=== 4.2 Flora ===
((Arinia Vine)) - common jungle vine
((Estlin Tree)) - star shaped jungle tree
((Fitho Reed)) - freshwater reed
((Hazra Grass)) - weed-like, hardy grass
((Himisu Tree)) - Nemen's most common jungle tree
((Miran Vine)) - poisonous jungle vine
((Oled Fungi)) - rare poisonous mushroom
((Salma weed)) - marsh/pond grass
((Tegaca Tree)) - tall rainforest tree

== 5. History ==

=== Timeline: ===

*2294: First Moon Elf ships arrive on Neuínel (Nemen) shores; colonization by Elves begins
*2307: Moon Elves place a giant boulder on the Chanuin (Kadmoin) River, the Boulder of Harath (called Garaht in the vulgar (Hilosyph) tongue), diverting water towards their coastal settlement, Chirath (Qurat).
*2311: Moon Elves begin to build a new city, which eventually becomes the capital of the Neuínel colony, Marith (Mareet).
*2311-2393: The colony of Neuínel expands rapidly, soon encompassing the entire Nemen chain (Loribak, Nemen, Gugon, and Anutmi). In Tinaehl, the Moon Elvish tongue, these are Leuribach, Neuínel, Huohon, and Anuthena.
*2313-2317: Construction of a lighthouse in northern Nemen to guide trade ships from eastern Thalamon past the treacherous rocks off the northern coast. It stands over 90 meters tall and can be seen over 20 km away.
*2315: A shrine to the only Moon Elvish god, Namhas, is constructed in the densest part of the western Neuíel jungle. It is modeled after the Temple of Nightlight in the High Realm and is a place of the highest and strongest magic.
*2400-2900: Golden Age of Neuínel; Neuínel becomes one of the richest colonies in the Moon Elvish empire through trade and the rich mineral deposits in the Hod’halén (Gordhalen) mines.
*2913: Unrest in High Realm, soldiers of Neuínel colony are called back to Sol’Daran as a precaution in case of war. Neuínel colony begins its decline.
*2942: War between Moon and Dark Elves breaks out. Inhabitants of Neuínel colony flee to the City of Nightlight for safety, leaving behind magnificent cities and landmarks across the Nemen island chain.
*2942 – 5063: Nemen is devoid of sentient habitation. The elements take their toll on the cities and landmarks of the Moon Elves, turning the once magnificent cities into rubble and ruins.
*5363: First colony of Hilosyphs is established on the island of Huohon, which the Hilosyphs pronounce “Gugon*”.
*5379: Hilosyphs establish a settlement on Nemen Island, building upon the ruins of the Elves at Chirath.
*5456: Marith, now Mareet, the ancient Elvish capital of Nemen becomes an agricultural center of the Nemen colony.
*5494: Hod’halén Cave is rediscovered, Gordhalen in Hilosyph. The mines, although partially depleted by Elvish mining efforts, still bring high yields for the empire.
*5500-7000: Nemen, especially the Port of Qurat, as Chirath was termed in the Hilosyph tongue, becomes a center of trade in the rapidly expanding empire.
*8021: The wrath of Harum completely destroys the Nemen colony and most of the rest of the Hilosyph Empire. Only smoldering ruins remain of Qurat and Mareet.
*8021-9025: Islands deserted once again.
*9000: The cataclysm; ruins are damaged even further.
*9000: A group of Bronn, the slaves of the Hilosyphs, is able to escape and travel to Nemen.
*9025: When the game starts, 25 years after the cataclysm, the Pajonn, as they call themselves, have developed a simple society and occupy approximately 4 square kilometers surrounding Qurat.

Note (*): The Hilosyph Empire had vast knowledge of world history; they had thousands of volumes covering, in depth, the history of all of Voran and most of western Minartan. When Hilosyph settlers arrived in the Nemen chain, they had accurate knowledge of the former Elvish names and adopted them, often with slight changes to better suit the harsher, harder language the Hilosyphs were accustomed with. The Bronns later adopted these Hilosyph names.

== 5. Race ==

The inhabitants of Nemen, the first player race, are named ((Pajonn)). They are descendants of the Bronn slaves under the Hilosyph Empire in the region of southern Voran known as Nalor Thaan. In the 25 years since their migrations, they have established a small settlement covering a region of about 4 square kilometers surrounding the Port of Qurat.

Please comment.

Message 2619

From: hook
Date: 2003-01-06 13:30:41
In-Reply-To: 2594

Farmers plant most crops during this time, adhering to the old adage, "Once heaven's tears yield, head to the field!"

I think the old adage should be "Once heaven's tears yield, mend thy plow, and head to the field!"

also I think it is sort of wierd that it gets hotter durring the raining season...but that probably doesn't matter much.

Other wise a great job sweatshop...lots of cool little details make this thing sing.

Message 2604

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-12-12 02:48:15
In-Reply-To: 2594

Put it in the worldbook ( Now I only need to write a detailed description of modern-day Qurat.

Message 2599

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-12-11 02:53:37
In-Reply-To: 2594

And the last, missing part, the Glossary:

== 6. Glossary of New Terms Introduced in this Document ==

*'''Aioth:''' Elvish name for the Ayos River.
*'''Anuthena:''' Elvish name for Anutmi
*'''Anutmi:''' Westernmost island of the Nemen Chain.
*'''Ayos River:''' The smaller river of Nemen flowing southeast from the northern highlands.
*'''Boulder of Harath:''' Elvish name for the Boulder of Garaht.
*'''Boulder of Garaht:''' A large boulder placed on the Kadmoin River to divert part of it’s flow *towards the (then Elvish) city of Qurat.
*'''Bronn:''' The slave race oppressed by the Hilosyphs for thousands of years.
*'''Chanuin:''' Elvish name for the Kadmoin River.
*'''Chirath:''' The Elvish name for Qurat.
*'''Dark Elves:''' The Elves who split from the Moon Elves and built an empire on the island of *Lanuin.
*'''Gordhalen Cave:''' An ancient, natural mine in the northern face of Mt. Gorhalen.
*'''Gugon:''' The island of the Nemen Chain between Nemen and Anutmi.
*'''Harinatra:''' The “wet season” of Nemen.
*'''Hilosyph:''' A once powerful empire based in Nalor Thaan in southern Voran.
*'''Hod’halén Cave:''' The Elvish name for Gordhalen Cave.
*'''Huohon:''' Elvish name for Gugon.
*'''Kadmoin River:''' The larger of Nemen’s two rivers, flowing from the Northern Highlands to *Nemen’s eastern coast.
*'''Leuribach:''' Elvish name for Loribak.
*'''Loribak:''' The smallest, easternmost island of the Nemen Chain.
*'''Macreador:''' The dry season of Nemen.
*'''Mareet:''' An ancient Elvish and later Hilosyph agricultural city in the midst of the Eastern *Prairie.
*'''Marith:''' Elvish name for Mareet.
*'''Moon Elves:''' The “purer” branch of the Elves which continues to live in the High Realm.
*'''Mt. Durmien:''' A hill in the midst of the Western Jungle. 250 m.
*'''Mt. Gordhalen:''' The Nemen’s largest mountain, situated in the northeastern part of the island, *at 400 m.
*'''Mt. Tutollen:''' A mountain just northeast of Mt. Gordhalen. 325 m.
*'''Namhas:''' The first of the Elder Gods; God of Balance and Justice.
*'''Nemen:''' The largest island in the Nemen Chain, between Gugon and Loribak.
*'''Nemen Chain:''' A string of islands between the Zumal Peninsula and Terennir. Consists of, *from west to east: Anutmi, Gugon, Nemen, Loribak.
*'''Neuínel:''' The Elvish name for Nemen.
*'''Pajonn:''' The descendants of the Bronn escapees who settled on Qurat.
*'''Port of Qurat:''' A port city in southern Nemen near the border between the Eastern Prairie and *Western Jungle.
*'''Quiet Sea:''' The sea south of the Nemen Chain.
*'''Sea of Tears:''' The sea north of the Nemen Chain.

Message 2597

From: darshan
Date: 2002-12-10 08:31:04
In-Reply-To: 2594

Just one thing: the "mountains" you speak of are barely quarter-mile-high little lumps a few miles across. I can't imagine their climate or vegetation differing much from jungle.

Message 2595

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-12-08 20:36:01
In-Reply-To: 2594

It's all correct, the Hilosyph settlement brings a good addition to the history, in addition to elvish influence. Now there's signs of three historical periods on the island, making it an interesting environment for game to begin.

The translations are quite nice, by the way, sweatshop :)

Now, what's next?

Message 2596

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-12-09 00:13:20
In-Reply-To: 2595

Next will be the Pajonn race desc, more accurate descriptions of the cities, and a glossary.

Message 2598

From: darshan
Date: 2002-12-10 08:32:47
In-Reply-To: 2597

I may be wrong, though. Anyhow, the rest of the desc is very nice.

Message 2603

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-12-12 02:46:48
In-Reply-To: 2598

It won't be too different from the rest of the island, the main difference being the wildlife found there (especially lack of large plants). The temperature variation between sea level and the mountain peaks is slight, but noticable.

Message 2621

From: sweatshop
Date: 2003-01-07 03:05:45
In-Reply-To: 2619

Thanks, yes, the rhythm with "mend they plow" is better; I will change that.

But tropical many regions of the world, like India and much of southeastern asia, have summer, hence warmer weather when the monsoons come in the summer. ("The summer monsoon, which blows southwesterly across the Indian Ocean, is extremely wet. The winter monsoon, in contrast, blows northeasterly and is generally dry.") from

Of course, if you really want me to, I could naturally change it...