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Nemen Start Location

Message 2548

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-11-05 22:48:56

Where should players start in Nemen? How will starting work in practice?

Those questions were asked on IRC recently, however, most likely due to the fact that it was past midnight Helsinki time, comments were few and no concensus was reached. I had suggested the Port of Qurat, at the mouth of the Ayos R. in southern Nemen, outlined in red on this map. As for the second question, origon commented:

"i think we should have a founded city
otherwise players have no clue to how it should work
everyone in the world cannot run around confused
and with what happens in this town, sets the mood of the rest of the community
majik team will have key roles
mayor etc
and when everything is stable enough, these characters can die
(get killed in a horrible assault etc.)"

Any input on current suggestions or further comment?

Message 2549

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-11-05 23:07:00
In-Reply-To: 2548

Now, you mention it, there would not be anything to greet new players and introduce them to game world unless there would be some people near. And what would be a better place for a group of persons to stay in than a city. A port city creates an environment with mixed cultures and people not knowing each other. Fits to picture.

This majik team will have key roles, might even work. The thing is that it won't be easy to enter the world with no guidance nor information at all. To say nothing of the manners of the community and the idea of what should be done first and what shouldn't.

Message 2552

From: darshan
Date: 2002-11-06 09:06:35
In-Reply-To: 2548

Looks fine.