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Project progress

Message 2539

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-10-29 22:32:01

What is the current situation regarding the team? Are there still some active designers? How many?

Are we going to add a milestone system some day? How is the test platform coming? As the question was, are we idling or designing?

Yes, I know there's no reason not to design (except lack of time(tm), which e.g. I'm experiencing atm)

The list of people with designer rights is still quite long..

Should we agree one task that has to be completed (e.g. in the area of world designing) and then add a public milestone indicator showing its progress? That would boost designers if nothing else.

And when people are working as a group and aiming to one goal, maybe even some game mechanic systems could be designed for simple testing. For example economy and production system. It's quite large task for a single person, but when agreed, we could arrange an online meeting night and just kick something finished.

Problem is when it comes to actual world design. It takes time to write a race desc, but should we start with the most obvious desc, which is of course the Nemen race. (That is in case we are making Nemen to test platform) We could agree general lines. Divide et impera; One designer does language, one clothing, one habits, one architecture, one food, one social order and so on.. Then we need someone with a good view, and let him do the gluing.

Much has been said - only a little has been made

Maybe something at least?

Message 2543

From: ReSpawner
Date: 2002-11-02 13:52:04
In-Reply-To: 2539

I am trying to be some kind of active... jsut give me a easy task to start with...

i hope we releas the test version soon becouse this project feels more and more dead...

Message 2581

From: raeky
Date: 2002-11-27 03:19:44
In-Reply-To: 2539

i think i'll become active once again... :P

once i figure out what's been done/not been done...

do more work on the alchemy system... etc... kinda was waiting for more plants/minerals to be defined. which i may have to just do my self.