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Message 2535

From: Raj
Date: 2002-10-25 07:07:58

I try to get all threads marked as read even if I don't care what it is about and don't read it. But there are some threads in General Majik and About Forums that I click on to read and it brings me to a page that says You don't have access to this forum or something like that. I'm guessing it has info you don't want everyone to know so could you maybe have it moved to the right forum? It's nothing big, just annoying having threads on the list that I can't read.


Message 2537

From: Yendor
Date: 2002-10-27 04:33:42
In-Reply-To: 2535

Ah. That must mean that threads that have, for example, world design and about forums show up for non-designers too.