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Message 2454

From: kolpy
Date: 2002-10-13 11:01:48

have you decided on the magic system yet? I remember at one point it was collected and taught by sages, and at another pointt, it was just randomly figured out by players? Can you announce what it will be like?

Message 2455

From: gxest
Date: 2002-10-14 08:54:39
In-Reply-To: 2454

It is decided. It's going to be a hybrid between the two. Anyone (whose character is mentally even capable of it) can figure out magic by himself, after studying and experimenting long and hard. However sages are monitoring the amount of magic users in the world, and if it seems people are learning it too easily, and there are too much magic users, some game tuning will be applied. If there is no or very few magic users, sages may choose to accept apprentices to which to teach.

Message 2494

From: kolpy
Date: 2002-10-15 02:17:44
In-Reply-To: 2455

thanks, that seems a good method.