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Books of ancient wisdom

Message 230

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-01-16 00:35:11

		Greetings. Hello world(s).
		I have observed this magnificent project for couple of 
		years and seen its evolution. It is pity that I have not 
		been able to take part to conversation very well for my 
		poor communication possibilities. Lack of chances for long 
		connections.. Luckily enough I found this place.
		Anyway, as to topic..
		Imagine and see what it would be like, if we had an 
		oppoturnity to write the great occurrences and interesting 
		events as historiographers to books, that only exist in 
		majik world. One could not only write Books of Ancient 
		wisdom but also duplicate and translate them.
		 - Ahem, may I see that book of Nemen tales? Err-- Does 
		enyone know a person who could translate this for me? It's 
		elvish.. -
		Folk could form libraries, gather tales, songs, sacred 
		texts from gods, information of weaponry, alliances, 
		economy, magic, alchemy, peoples, races etc. and so the 
		whole history would become written from the very beginning, 
		though it may turn out a quite large-scale project. And 
		obviously it will. I can presage - there will be a very 
		limited group of copiers (Not truly copiers, it could be a 
		skill and be done automatic) and translators - not to 
		mention writers themselves. Even if it's a well paid(?) job.
		A book could consist of ie 10-20 pages or so. It is not 'a 
		book' actually, but quite a lot of text to read in these 
		circumstances (from screen). And if one is interested in 
		history, tales of victorious battles, great expeditions or 
		the god almighty's flimsy humour.. well I would read it. 
		The only problem is, that we do have much information 
		already, in readable form for everyone - the Worldbook. Of 
		course there is much to write from the evolving world 
		itself, the events, the documentation, but it would be good 
		if we had (a lot of) information only in 'real' books in 
		world. For example maps, not only the whole world but 
		parts; knowledge of cultures and ie Fighting styles - how 
		to answer them (These books may really turn out to be 
		bestsellers (3 of 'em were sold!)) etc.
		But the grand book, the one, first made. Think of a book, 
		created as soon as possible, first players ever walked on 
		Majik, on Nemen, one by one they write a page, historical 
		tales of true ancient times. And when it's complete (20 
		pages or so), think of it's collecting value! Every self-
		respecting and ambitious player wanting his/her own copy - 
		or.. the original.
		In any case this might be an interesting addition to role-
		playing aspect.

Message 251

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-01-16 22:53:50
In-Reply-To: 230

That is true. These players can ruin the whole idea: there is no other world outside Majik, while you are in it. Of course there is, someone says, but I reply: I cant see it.

Message 250

From: dazzt
Date: 2002-01-16 22:03:57
In-Reply-To: 230

If the books are read in-game, they cannot be cut&wasted to your favourite HTML editor (unless we explicitly code it). This will atleast make it much harder, since typing a couple of dozen pages to another computer isn't that fun task.

Note that I'm not saying it would be impossible or someone wouldn't do it (someone _will_ do it). One "solution" would be to establish a rule alongside the in-game/ooc policy that such sites are forbidden and lead to character removal. This should prevent spreading the information widely in the web, although smaller private sites may still exist.

If someone really wants to do that, there isn't much we can do, though :(

Message 249

From: origon
Date: 2002-01-16 21:20:50
In-Reply-To: 230

What would keep players from posting theese books on the internet?

Message 247

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-01-16 17:02:01
In-Reply-To: 230

		And magical books rarely contain common information, tales 
		or songs.. There is something else..
		Indeed there may be some, and why should not? Thus they 
		shall be named as Ancient. The post-cataclysm books may be 
		ordinary ones.
		Beregar has point. A journal or a diary of some kind could be ok. Compared to other RPGs the difference is: If one 
		writes to book, it is not everlasting in Majik, it is a 
		real item, which may be written full adn after that one can 
		throw it away, give it to someone, sell or burn(?) it.
		As to supervision. Yes, it is another huge problem. But if 
		the prize of paper is high and there is not much book 
		stitchers(?) around, and if the value of 'good books' is 
		high, why waste good paper, that cannot be erased, for 
		trash? Oh well, not a waterproof plan, but..

Message 246

From: beregar
Date: 2002-01-16 13:51:12
In-Reply-To: 230

Player's should be able to write their own books by gathering information. I think there should be only a few books which survived the cataclysm and even they might be in a bad shape. So, no miraculously saved libraries filled with books and scroll of ancient wisdom, only charred rooms and shelves with a few badly burned scriptures. Though, maybe some civilizations and their libraries survived the cataclysm without any harm, hmm, I smell magic...


Message 240

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-01-16 12:22:20
In-Reply-To: 230

Maybye we should have books that have to be 'blessed' before publishing.. For supervision by the gods.

Message 239

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-01-16 12:19:41
In-Reply-To: 230

		As to maps, there could be a list of icons or similar, one
		could place to pieces of papers. So one can really make 
		maps that are fake etc. 
		Different races obviously has their own map symbols. Orcs 
		have a different style for drawing maps than elves for instance.
		This is a enourmous job for 2d artists, but if it is wotrh it...

Message 238

From: gxest
Date: 2002-01-16 12:14:04
In-Reply-To: 230

		Heh, indeed supervision is necessary, so we won't have
		books on Metallica lyrics (batmud, anyone? ;) )
		and such.

Message 236

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-01-16 11:26:12
In-Reply-To: 230

Hail Archantes!

A brilliant proposition expressed in a profoundly comprehensive and intelligent manner. I would very much enjoy our players and world designers to write actual in-game texts for various purposes. I know I will; I have already begun writing a fantasy novel that takes place in the world of Majik. Of course, having the possibility to write extensively poses a number of very visible problems. My biggest concern is the relationship between quality and quantity. It could very well be that most books, especially those authored by players, would come out as confusing ramblings due to lack of commitment and effort, and if such a situation came to pass, it would surely frustrate the potential literature fans. So, some sort of propositions for ensuring the quality of written work without constant supervision from the administrators of the game should be made.

Message 233

From: darshan
Date: 2002-01-16 09:23:39
In-Reply-To: 230

IMO there should be no mapping skills; if someone wants to try mapping something, do it by hand on real paper.

Why? Because an in-game mapping system produces exact, flawless maps. That's something I'll never, ever want to see here.

Message 232

From: Zugreb
Date: 2002-01-16 09:10:58
In-Reply-To: 230

Maping could be possible but then it be bit more extra work for coders (incluing command start maping and stop maping) and game would map the places you travel on paper roll that you are carring. That's actually lot of extra work. Or you could draw the map in real world scan and beg your god to turn it in to a majik paper map :) heh...

Message 231

From: Horza
Date: 2002-01-16 01:46:35
In-Reply-To: 230

I agree on the maps. People could actually buy maps with detailed information of a certain area (roads, most known settlements, dangerous places etc.) How a player would make a map is an other matter.

As for the tales and such, a lot of it can be found in the worldbook

Message 252

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-01-16 22:57:43
In-Reply-To: 230

		Do we have legendary prophecies? Do we have mysterious premonitory signs? Do we have a new star 
		in the sky?
		Yeees.. we might, if one reads the right book...
		It is written
		- Rare is the gift, scarse.
		Doors under boulder, beyond wood,
		astern of seas, hidden under the sun.
		There stands, where first was.
		At the time shall them be opened
		when no blood has been shred
		by the gifted one. -
		Got my point?
		Maybye I explain a little.
		Imagine a bit of code, returning a false in 999 cases of 1000 and true in one case. It is called 
		every time when a player character is created. If you are lucky enough you may have the true 
		value for variable PlayerIsChosen and trigger the event ShowPreSingnsAt()
		This player plays a month, stays out of trouble and does not kill anyone. One day he hears a 
		story saying there is a collector of propechies in near town. She writes them to her book, and 
		hopes she could some day publish it. He meets the collector. Text are not easy to understand,
		but these words caught his eye. The collector tells him that a month ago there was a strange 
		light around stone - the stone on where these words were first found about a two years before 
		this. They get interested.
		They start decipher the words. The key might be the "There stands, where first was". She tells 
		him about the song of Nemen which has words "where first was true wisdom". Now they are getting 
		closer. Astern of seas - an island; under boulder, beyond wood - in cave in forest, maybye. 
		Hidden under sun may mean something or not.
		Anyway, they get ready for sail for island Nemen. When found their way to Boulder rock in Great 
		forest, the search begins. After an hour of wondering they end up to a strange stone circle, 
		covered by moss. One stone has runes on it: "When no blood has been shred". He touches it. The 
		stone starts to move and reveals a cave entrance. They enter.
		A pair of huge doors is found - having a moon and the stars painted on them. He touches the doors 
		but nothing happens. After a thinking she takes her book and reads the words once more. "Hidden 
		under sun" - Maybye we should wait for night, she says. After sunset glow he retries - the doors 
		open. A hall full of beatiful paintings on the walls and a strange light from lanterns amazes 
		them. In the middle of the room they discover a book labelled "The road" It contains wisdoms for 
		magical alchemy - how to make herbs that give you more strenght and endurance and great ability 
		to concentrate - and also immune to various poisons.
		After a month, there is another rumor around - there is a healer and great wizard keeping a shop 
		in near town.
		Later a lord buys these herbs for his army and conquers distand lands. One song tells that all 
		this was made possible by having no blood shred.
		See, I told you what one could have done with books. Actually this needs lot more work too.. If 
		the gods create, um say 10 unique premonitoryable events when the world is to be open, and give 
		us a hint in sacred texts or ie in stones.. Well, ten great mysteries of the world needs someone 
		to solve them. And this does not happen without written words.