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Does size matter on using other race tools

Message 229

From: Zugreb
Date: 2002-01-15 22:55:46

		The problem is simple it would be funny to see Troll
		with a crossbow or a sword or even something smaller.
		Still it's kinda logical that troll could pick something
		like that up and try to use it.
		anything on that?

Message 241

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-01-16 12:23:46
In-Reply-To: 229

Armor at least should have a size, but when you're thinking of weapons and other manipulative items, it gets a lot more complicated. There are two problems: how to express the preferred scale of usable size of an item, and how to express the size of the individual in relation to it. We can't really come up with a good value for the latter by simply looking at the height and weight of an individual, yet at the moment it's the only conceivable way. Therefore, we might have to bring in yet another variable for this.

So, the actual formula would consist of the size (height and weight) of the individual and the Dexterity stat. How about: (height in cm + weight in kg) / Dex? This would yield a number that's on a nice scale for most humanoid individuals and would be mathematically understandable. Examples:

The value expressed would be the minimum size of the object the character can handle without experiencing negative effects on using it. The item would be unusable if it's size would be smaller than "manipulative size - 10". Suggestions?

Message 242

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-01-16 12:30:10
In-Reply-To: 229

What about too large items? Should the weight be limit with them?

Message 243

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-01-16 12:57:26
In-Reply-To: 229

The problem with this formula is that the manipulative size of the objects has to be arbitrarily decided upon creation by it's type, dimensions and weight, unless someone can come up with a way to calculate a value that's roughly on the same scale I meantioned earlier.

Weight vs Strength would be a thing to consider when using especially large items, but also the manipulative size could be applied against a new variable, maximum manipulative size. Example of this would be: (minimum manipulative size + (height in cm + weight in kg) * Strength). Examples:

Examples of item manipulative sizes:

Plenty of room for tuning there.

Message 244

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-01-16 12:58:27
In-Reply-To: 229

Correction: (minimum manipulative size + (height in cm + weight in kg) / 100 * Strength)

Message 245

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-01-16 13:06:05
In-Reply-To: 229

Average human: 49.5 (50)