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Message 2167

From: Badboyz3584
Date: 2002-10-07 06:00:00

I know it's a little early to be asking, but what types of merchants does anyone want to be in the game when it's playable. I would like to be a swap shop or trading post owner.

Message 2198

From: kolpy
Date: 2002-10-10 04:07:04
In-Reply-To: 2167

I'd like to start a group of raiders.

Message 2175

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-10-07 08:44:56
In-Reply-To: 2167

This is actually very interesting topic. As you tell what you would like to do as a merchant, could you also tell why? Why to limit into merchants? How would you like to earn your living in the game?

Message 2168

From: Raj
Date: 2002-10-07 06:13:21
In-Reply-To: 2167

I won't be a merchant but I'll buy dead bodies.


Message 2174

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-10-07 08:34:01
In-Reply-To: 2168

Is this your hobby or do you plan to do something with your collection - Sir Raj's stuffed dead things cabinet, maybe?

Message 2170

From: Zenire
Date: 2002-10-07 08:14:36
In-Reply-To: 2168

MMmm bodies...

Message 2180

From: Badboyz3584
Date: 2002-10-07 19:40:58
In-Reply-To: 2175

Are you asking just me, or everyone?

Message 2194

From: Raj
Date: 2002-10-09 08:53:17
In-Reply-To: 2175

If the game is 'realistic' enough with sex and reproducing more natural like instead of just stuff spawning in it's set spot then I think being a man-whore would be an interesting life. That's what the bodies I'd be buying are for, have to practice on something.


Message 2181

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-10-07 20:36:39
In-Reply-To: 2180

Does it matter? If it's you, I'd like to hear the answer; if it's everyone, I'd like to hear it from you as well.

Constructive discussion is always welcome.

Message 2182

From: Badboyz3584
Date: 2002-10-07 23:03:38
In-Reply-To: 2181

Well, I would like to set up a store in some town and trade armor, weapons, etc. This way, when I go adventure for the day, I can use what I have in stock. Newbies could also buy from me, this is where I would make most of my living. For example, someone enters with a battle axe they're willing to part with. They ask about the Elven Sword I have. I agree to give them the sword for the axe and some info or currency. Or, a newbie enters and asks for the price of my chain mail because they need armor. Why would I want to become a merchant? Because it interests me. But, I will always make time to do quests and possibly add to my inventory.

Message 2200

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-10-10 07:35:45
In-Reply-To: 2194

Sorry to dissapoint you, but seems like the general opinion is towards direction of no pee, shit, sex, kids and other similar abominations.

Such a practise could work in anime, but I would suggest you to go and try animals or kidnapped humans and other races, this in case your cliente would have wide variety.

Being able to satisfy the needs of the dead, could however, see you gain some favor in the eyes of the God Yorkaturr.

Good luck with your business, remember to locate near area of flesh eating zombies from B-movies.

Message 2199

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-10-10 07:29:36
In-Reply-To: 2198

What if everybody wants to be raiders? No items, no nothing. How do you plan to stay alive? What kind of organization structure you would like to use? How will you recruit? How do you manage to hide the law? Move to mountains? How to arrange enough supplies? What about cold and snow + wind, don't forget animals and monsters... You would atleast need housing, unless you want to live in a cave.

Message 2201

From: Rikonman
Date: 2002-10-10 23:11:37
In-Reply-To: 2199

I don't think everyone would want to be raiders, plus i think he means he's going to start small and keep improving until it is actually a band of raiders. all that stuff you asked can be figured out real easily.

Message 2207

From: Raj
Date: 2002-10-11 20:25:25
In-Reply-To: 2200

All that stuff I put about dead bodies was just a joke. I'll probably end up being some kinda of researcher in the game. Most my time will be spent studying plants, animals, other races, natural resources, languages, warfare, and of course magic. Then I'll try to become some rich person's advisor, like a king or lord of a town. I may actually end up buying dead bodies though, if I happen to learn to art of necromancy.


Message 2202

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-10-11 04:04:30
In-Reply-To: 2201

But you won't tell me? To me it seems to be extremely challenging, I just can't figure out, how to do it real easily.

Starting out small "Hey, wanting to start a band of raiders. Let's attack some people and take their stuff."

I guess, many people would like to play Majik in a classic hack and slash style, but since we don't have any spawning and magical inflow of goods and resources... one has to work to get them.

The way I see it, real challenge is to stay alive.

Message 2203

From: guest
Date: 2002-10-11 12:20:45
In-Reply-To: 2202

The only way to basically stay alive if your gonna hack and slash is not to chop down so many trees, or catch so many fish, because if they do, they dont respawn do they?

Message 2208

From: Rikonman
Date: 2002-10-11 23:28:25
In-Reply-To: 2202

By starting out small i'm not necessarily saying we're going to start out as a band of raiders, i don't think anyone could just start and do that right away. Most likely we'd just start out and possibly have a job, but just do small jobs on the side like pick pocketing or maybe mugging. we'd probably buy some kind of weapon once we got enough and practice with it until we got good enough to actually fight well. Plus i don't think anyone could just play it in the hack and slash way because the majik developers aren't making it possible to do it that way. There aren't enough monsters and since you can't save or respawn, i don't think anyone would just go into a bar and start trying to kill people. And don't just criticize us about wanting to be a band of raiders, everyone else wants to be a merchant or a researcher, while no one seems to remember that you most likely you won't start with anything but clothes. At least that's what it's sounds like whenever the developers tell us something related to it.

Message 2204

From: Mernof
Date: 2002-10-11 12:22:09
In-Reply-To: 2203

that was me btw lol forgot to put on pass (better get back to school work lol :)