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Rainfall of Nemen's Prairies and Highlands

Message 2111

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-10-02 04:12:20

The highlands and prairie region of Nemen, excluding Mt. Gordhalen, are going to be mostly grassland. Since they are rather close to a rainforest, it might make sense to make these grasslands have high precipitation too. However, this would considerably decrease the variety of plant and animal life and general geographic diversity, which seems to be have been the intent when the map was created. If there is some documentation of this, it would help if someone could point it out to me. If, on the other hand, it is still undecided, I would like to open this topic up to discussion as it is a rather important matter to the Nemen Flora and Fauna descriptions I am (along with others) in the process of writing.

My thoughts on the matter are that a more temperate and drier climate would create a more interesting landscape and allow for a larger variety of plants and animals, but I am open to being convinced otherwise.

What do YOU think?

Message 2131

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-10-05 03:49:22
In-Reply-To: 2111

There have not been any replies in the last two days... does that mean I can decide myself?

Message 2132

From: Yendor
Date: 2002-10-05 09:15:18
In-Reply-To: 2111

I don't think that you shouldn't modify the geographics of nemen. Temporary changes for purely testing, yes. But making the Nemen ecosystem depend that there's rainforest, tundra and deserts on the same island is not a good idea.
Like "Nemen tundra lion hunts in the desert and mates in the jungle." -stuff wouldn't be too convincing.

Message 2135

From: darshan
Date: 2002-10-05 11:15:11
In-Reply-To: 2111

We don't need a large variety of plants and animals on Nemen. In fact, I don't think we want it there either. The less kinds of wildlife Nemen has, the easier it will be to decorate it for the test release.

Message 2133

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-10-05 09:39:56
In-Reply-To: 2132

You misunderstand, my question was merely about what type of prairie Nemen would have... a dry or wet (brown or green) prairie. I don't want to change anything, just define more precisely.

Message 2134

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-10-05 09:44:53
In-Reply-To: 2132

Also, if you look at the map, ( Nemen has two distinct regions, the rainforest (mostly west) and the prarie/plains region (east).

Hope that clears something up...

Message 2137

From: hook
Date: 2002-10-05 12:04:11
In-Reply-To: 2135

I agree with darshan here...this is a small island comparativly (real world or otherwise) but more specific to sweatshops questions i think that the grasslands could be very wet...the reason for lack of forest could be from human development (the nemens cut it down) or a product of the cataclysm....also we should consider what happens in other semi-tropical or tropical regions of the real world. ie wet season and dry season...during the dry season, i would imagine, the grasslands get very dry and in the wet it could be close to a swamp..with lots of flooding...flooding could also be used as an explination for lack of forest...its hard for a tree to grow if the land it grows on is 2 feet underwater for 3 mounths out of the year. Of course there are tres that do grow in enviornments like that...they just might not be endigionouse to nemen or they are but are valued by the inhabitance and cut down...or they chock up farm land (rice paddies) and are therefor slash and burned. Anyway just some ideas.

Message 2145

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-10-05 16:35:37
In-Reply-To: 2135

Ok, that makes sense. I suppose I will be able to cut some wildlife from my wildlife needtodesign list, and perhaps slightly readjust some others.

However, if the prairie and plains regions are in fact result of deforestation or the cataclysm, it would probably make sense to define precisely which areas, especially for the highland/mountain regions, have had their trees cut down. (The red color of the mountains does not describe this.)