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World designer application by Atratus

Message 2085

From: Application_Sub
Date: 2002-09-29 23:51:46

Name: David
Handle: Atratus
Age: 21
Location: Brazil
IP address:

1. What aspect of Majik especially caught your interest? Why?
The system as a whole is MARVELOUSLY conceived. It looks just flawless. The 3d part also interested me.

2. What area of design do you intend to focus on if accepted?
Illustration, textures, perhaps 3d modelling, and story design. I don't know wether you would be interested, but I can also compose music.

3. What characteristic in you do you think would be valuable to the project?
Imagination and good drawing. I sent some of my images to someone in majik3d, I don't remember who...

4. Is your time mostly spent with work/school/family or do you have a lot of
spare time you are willing to donate to the project?
I spend a lot of time in my college. My course is a tough one, and I have to study a lot. In my spare time I stay at home and mess with music, computer and books. Some of my computer time, specially in vacations, I can dedicate to Majik.

5. An experienced player is frequently attacking and often killing newbies for
an unknown reason. Should action be taken to change this? What action? By whom? To what end?
If he has sort of an "evil" alignment, it could be expected. But then, the other players will unite and kill him, like killing a beast, no? These things happen, be happy that it's not real life. Real life is usually worse, actually. Anyway, since the project leaders are gods in the game, they can send a lightning bolt down on his ideas, also. I think players should have freedom to attack and defend, given the rules of the system. HACKING, though, is cheating, and should be severely punished.

6. You walk into a sorcerer's workroom, located in a gloomy tower in the middle
of the forest, describe what you see when you enter the room.
HA-HA-HA, the old man gives a bellowing laugh. He runs around, his filthy creations strewn about. He is blind, but the Glass Eye That Sees Through The Eyes Of The Dead was pushed inside one of his empty sockets, giving him sight beyond sight. The other socket laughed too.

No books, no scrolls, the bastard cannot read. He shouts his will, and generates pain upon my ears.

Oh, of all damned towers of all, why did I walk into this dark one? Was I begging for death, o gods? Will you take me away from this hideous sight?!

The giant black beast, tied down, his masterpiece, ready to smash his foes. The naked walls were dirtier than the Kitchen Of The Slob Palace. Moldy roof dripping with black liquid. The little dwarf, extremely aware, he called to me and pointed to the only piece of written labor of that office, a sign by the doorway, that said:

"Food & Lodging DOWNSTAIRS"

I apologised and left.

7. Design a quest. Describe in detail how it will work in practice. (How it gets
started, how it is completed, the mechanics)
Searching the outskirts of a town, you discover a very decrepit temple near the graveyard. Inside, a lonely monk-like graveyard tender asks you to help clean his graveyard, full of undead ones.

What was promising to be a short zombie hack'n slash errand turned out to be more complicated. The graveyard is suprisingly full of living corpses from KINGS, stolen from their royal tombs. The ghostly kings, instead of eating your brains, ask you to return their own carcasses to their original places, for in that graveyard, they are under necromantical spells binding them to life in death for some purpose unknown. In return, the kings will grant you something to be decided by the adventure master. Motivational issues should be discussed thoroughly before the quest starts. "Oh, I have true neutral alignment, but I just happen to be carrying stinking bodies around just for the fun." So, basically, your party's job is carrying dead bodies through the country and burying them when nobody's watching. Unusual, yes. The quest starts.

What is really going on: As soon as you leave the graveyard with an undead king, the necromantical spell lacks range and the royal zombie becomes a dead body again. Provided that the king told you where should he be buried, you begin your pilgrimage to graveyards all over the land. The graveyard gardener, actually a very twisted and evil one, was actually hoping you got killed when fighting high-class undead. Next morning, he realises you are gone and goes back to his evil business, for the graveyard is property of a very odd group of evil necrocultists, and where the townfolk still buries its deadfolk unaware. The point is that the cultists are absent for some months, and will soon be the party's nemesis, as soon as the graveyard tender finds out what you've been doing with the bodies they had the sweat to steal. Somewhat in the middle of the adventure, you have to face the greatest clichés: a conclave of hooded priests and sinister revelations of intention.

Intentions that are: attaining magical or religious advantage to their graveyard, where they slowly build up an undead army. The reason of their absence: they, a group of 10 mostly brutal illiterate fighters and one necromancer led by a high-class fighter, were recruited in some war with the purpose of gaining money, experience and bodies from slain warriors. When these chaotic evil smite-masters discover the missing bodies, they'll hunt you down with ridiculously insane semi-mongolid wrath.

It is intersting to notice that the ones who are most likely to make a hack'n slash are the cultists, not the party. With that in mind, it should be a good idea to gather a small army to defeat them.

8. Which of these do you think is the most important feature to focus on?
Social interaction

9. Why was Erteda destroyed?
To make way for a new road bypass?

Long, long ago, (year 2000?) the worldbook used to be online for everyone to see, now it requires some login that is not my login here in Alas, do I need the designer pass I am applying right now to see the new worldbook?

At that time, I read the description of ALL gods, SOME immortals, and SOME world history, including that interesting story about the flying room. Really, I don't recall anything about Erteda. It would be cool if it was destroyed when Namhas accidentaly sneezed in the wrong direction.

Message 2112

From: raeky
Date: 2002-10-02 15:27:47
In-Reply-To: 2085

*cough* i vote yep :P

Message 2092

From: gxest
Date: 2002-09-30 11:17:41
In-Reply-To: 2085

I vote yes.

Regarding questions 6 and 7 it doesn't get much better than that. I love the original ideas in them, and more than that, I love the clichés in them ;).

Illustrations would rock. Textures would rock. Enough said.

Message 2090

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-09-30 08:23:33
In-Reply-To: 2085

Illustration, textures, perhaps 3d modelling..

I'd say yes.

Message 2087

From: darshan
Date: 2002-09-30 00:19:44
In-Reply-To: 2085

1. Neutral.
2. An inkling of positive due to mention of 3d modelling.
3. Negative. I'm getting bored with people's first skill being "imagination".
4. Neutral.
5. He has a clue!
6. Surreal. Excellent.
7. Not bad at all.
8. Neutral.
9. Flunked.

I'm for it.

Message 2086

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-09-29 23:58:22
In-Reply-To: 2085

My vote is a strong YES. This guy's quest idea was brilliant, and I loved the tower description.

Message 2096

From: Atratus
Date: 2002-10-01 00:36:36
In-Reply-To: 2086


Message 2097

From: Atratus
Date: 2002-10-01 00:40:00
In-Reply-To: 2087

Thanks. Sorry for flunking on Erteda.

Message 2098

From: Atratus
Date: 2002-10-01 00:46:31
In-Reply-To: 2090

I use pencil & paper, Corel Photopaint, 3dStudio.

But note, my knowledge in 3dStudio is median, and 3d modelling takes a lot of time that I usually don't have, so I will very little be involved in 3d modelling. My knowledge in graphic programming is merely theoretical (transform matrices, vectors, etc), so I definitely won't get involved in graphical programming.

Thanks for the vote.

Message 2099

From: Atratus
Date: 2002-10-01 00:47:39
In-Reply-To: 2092

Thanks. I'll do my best.